

After their respective deaths, Gojo Satoru and Retsu Unohana find themselves in a world unfamiliar to either of them. As they come to terms with their situation and navigate through the new world, they find themselves thrown into the battlefield once again in order to keep their new homeworld intact. The cover belongs to electricblue572 I own nothing but the changes in the story

3_dyansmurf · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs


Gojo POV:

The moment I laid my eyes on the man sitting at the table I had the urge to mock him.

"Your director is a pirate?" I asked the three agents in the room with us, whose faces looked like they had bitten into a lemon after they heard my question.

"I will let you know that I'm no pirate. My name is Nick Fury, Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., would you be so kind to introduce yourselves?" spoke the man at the table.

Hearing this Retsu spoke up and introduced both of us, effectively cutting off any possible route for further insults from me.

"My name is Retsu Unohana and I'm accompanied by Gojo Satoru, it is nice to meet you."

I nodded at her words and waited for further questions from the director.

"Nice to meet you two too. Please take a seat and let us begin our conversation," said Fury and with that we each took a seat around the table.

"Perfect, so from what I have gathered from the field report you two are in no way can be considered normal, can you?"

"Well, you could say that yes. I specialize in healing rather than fighting, despite this, I can in no way be considered defenceless," replied Retsu then looked at me. I took this as my cue to explain some things about myself as well.

"I'm more of a Duke of Destruction type of guy. My physical capabilities far surpass even those with peak human physiques. I'm also a master hand-to-hand combatant and possess multiple very destructive abilities that I do not wish to discuss." I said then looked at Fury and waited for his response.

"I understand. Everyone likes to maintain a level of secrecy and I respect that, but we have noticed that there is absolutely no information about you two except for your names and wealth. No parents, no birthplace, no education. We don't even know how old you two are." he said with a neutral tone.

'Whoever is responsible for bringing us here did an awful job at setting our identities up.' I thought then opened my mouth to answer, but Retsu beat me to it again.

"I can assure you that we are humans if that's what you are referring to and have no ill intentions, if we did we would've already acted."

"I have a feeling I won't get much more than that," said Fury.

"You are correct," replied Retsu with her usual smile that seemed to be ever-present on her face.

"Now, let's move on to the topic that I would most like to talk about. You both are exceptional and I would like to extend an invitation to a program called 'Avengers Initiative'. This is an idea created by S.H.I.E.L.D. to bring together a group of remarkable people to fight the battles we never could." explained Furry.

"So you basically want us to join your very own team of personal attack dogs? You say jump, they say how high. Give them nothing but a sense of responsibility and they wouldn't even think about asking for more. And on the off-chance, they do their untimely demise orchestrated by you will come. Scaring the public and the government with a mighty hero's death so they pour more money into your hands. Effectively elevating you to the same level as the president, but he is just nobody compared to you, you have information, well-trained dogs and the love of public opinion. The only thing to do from there is to officially take over the president position, which shouldn't be too hard for you by then. I wonder what would be your next move because we all know that greed knows no bounds, perhaps world domination? Then when someone who is unbound and unpredictable comes around they will be treated as the enemy even if their intentions are good. Everyone around them will share the same fate as them and to avoid this everyone will try to steer clear of them, making them outcasts. Hunted like wild animals. What I swore to destroy is no longer a threat. I don't share some kind of twisted duty and responsibility. I refuse to be your pawn." after I finished my rant I sat back down because I had stood up sometime during my speech and narrowed my eyes at Fury.

"On the other hand, I am willing to help, but I also do not wish to bind myself so if my services are required you may contact me," replied Retsu while looking at me with raised eyebrows.

"Excuse me, but what has the director done against you to deserve such assumptions." asked the red-haired woman.

"You are Romanoff, right?" I asked and she nodded.

"I just simply find the thought of being chained down disgusting. Let me ask you this, you have been given the order to kill someone important to you. Would you do it, or would you go against the order and become a criminal for the one who holds a place in your heart." I questioned her.

She kept quiet and contemplated her answer. After a few seconds, she looked me in the eyes and answered my question.

"I would follow my orders,"

I chuckled and told her my answer.

"And I would defy even the heavens and hell to protect my loved ones. That is the difference between us. You are a good subordinate that much is undeniable. You play by someone else's rules and happily dance in the palms of their hands. I prefer playing by my own rules and doing what I deem to be correct." after I finished talking she didn't say anything else and began thinking about what I just said.

"That will be enough. Thank you for your answer Mr. Satoru and Ms. Unohana. As stated, we will be in contact in times of need, Ms. Unohana. Have a nice day." said Fury and with that we nodded and left the building the way we came from and got in the car.

"Well, that was definitely eventful, but let's focus on the other things at hand and figure out what to do, I suggest moving to a more secluded location for this conversation," said Retsu and I nodded and started the engine of the car and drove off looking for a good place to talk.