

Tato is an orphan who loses his parent during an attack that reside in Arcadia land. His goal now is to be a hunter and finding the truth behind the incident that happen within his family. During his journey he uncover that....

monmon_on_top · Fantasy
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9 Chs

First Mission

"For today, I will have our young budding talented hunters to make their debut today. I believe you all are excited right?" Ms. Fuuka asked TaTo, Sam and Ellen who are sitting at a couch in front of her. "Yeah, you bet we are! Right, guys?" Ellen replied and turn around, looking at her future teammates and is met with a thumbs up from TaTo and a nod from Sam. "Nice, you guys can enter the briefing room for now and any questions that you have in mind can be asked there. Remember, ask anything and everything as they may save your life. All the best, cadets." Ms. Fuuka then takes her leave and proceeds to another location.

"Soooo, I kinda feel afraid and excited at the same time. How about you guys?" TaTo asked Ellen and Sam. "Yeah, me too. I will be counting on you as the vanguard!" Ellen smiled and pat TaTo's shoulder. "You should play your role as supporter properly. Your buffs will be crucial to this team's success." Sam said while still writing down notes. "Yeah, your role is equally important too. I will be relying on you as the brains of this team." Ellen said.

"Okay guys, this is a quick summary of our mission. The MetaMonsta that we should take down is Abel, a dog-like creature that attacks with bites and slashes. This should be an easy target but don't forget to keep your guard up. A small mistake can be fatal. We come in 3, we must return in 3. Alright, let's do this." TaTo then equipped an iron sword and a small buckler as the cadets are still not able to metamorph yet. Ellen equipped a sniper with both healing and piercing bullets. Sam equipped a SMG with a belt of grenades consisted of flash and frag grenades. They then proceed to ride an armored jeep to the designated location.

"El, Sam, proceed to take your formation and keep watch on surroundings. Ellen watch high spots and flank, Sam keep eyes on ruins that may be a hiding spot for MetaMonstas to hide in." TaTo ordered both Ellen and Sam who nodded in response. They proceed to progress carefully.

"TaTo, there is a movement detected on the far side of that building's corner. Requesting a search as that may be our target." Sam said. "Request approved. Move with caution. It could be a trap." TaTo said. They then moved towards the designated spot with caution. "False alarm. Check clear. Nothing spotted." Sam said. "Wait guys, I found the target. But it's injured already." Ellen said, prompting both guys to come and see what she is seeing.

"True, it's already injured. What to do, TaTo?" Sam said before turning his sight to TaTo, who is in a thinking stance. "Kill it. The sooner we kill, the sooner it dies." TaTo said before quickly decapitated the MetaMonsta with a single slash. "Mission complete." TaTo said before wiping his face, splashed with blood that squirted from the neck of Abel. "W-Whoa, you sure are calm and collected, killing a life for the first time..." Ellen commented. "Yeah, you seem... used to it." Sam further commented. TaTo said nothing and they quickly returned after collecting the materials from the Abel's corpse and collecting evidences of mission completion. The trio did not speak at all on the way home with both Ellen and Sam only glancing at TaTo, who still maintained his cold blooded eyes.