

Tato is an orphan who loses his parent during an attack that reside in Arcadia land. His goal now is to be a hunter and finding the truth behind the incident that happen within his family. During his journey he uncover that....

monmon_on_top · Fantasy
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9 Chs

A Break

"Tato, are you okay? You have been acting strange since our completion of the first mission." Ellen asked Tato, who seemingly has been distracted by something else. "Tato, you are out of it for quite some time. If there is anything on your mind that you want to share, we would not mind hearing you out." Sam, who usually wears his 'don't care' expression, surprisingly shows a little bit of concern towards Tato's wellbeing. "I'm fine, guys. Just, thinking about something." Tato replied. "Well, if you say so. Let's go then!" Ellen pulled both of Sam and Tato's hands towards an arcade entrance.

"You sure are enjoying yourselves right now eh, Ellen?" Tato said, looking normal again. "Ugh, unfair. I am a newbie at this arcade thingy." Sam said with a frustrated look on his face. "Hahaha, I've never seen Sam frustrated like this! Might as well enjoy myself!" Ellen said with a beaming smile on her face. "Mean...." Sam muttered while looking like he is going to cry. "Sheeeshhh, take it easy on him, Ellen," Tato said while patting Sam's head in an attempt to calm him down. "Ugh, you should pat the winner! How come the loser gets the rewards?!" Ellen complained. "Huh, this is roomies' privilege. Give it up, Miss Signora." Sam said arrogantly.

"Fuh, I'm spent! It takes too long until you finally got a win, Sam!" Ellen said while sitting besides Sam who is checking his phone. "Hey cutie, what are you doing here with a wimp like him? You should spend your precious time with real dudes like us. Right, guys?" A thug wearing a sunglasses greeted Ellen with his followers behind him. "Hey, that's rude! Apologize to my friend!" Ellen stand up, face to face with the thug. "Ellen, it's okay. Ignore them." Sam said while continuing to fiddle with his phone. "Oy! What did your pipsqueak self just say?!" A thug pulled his collar up, forcing him to get up and drop the phone. Suddenly-

'BAM!' One of the thugs fell on their behind, causing everybody to be surprised. "Oi, what are you dumbasses doing, trynna mess with my friends?" Tato arrived at the scene, while clenching his fists after downing the first thug to the floor. "Tato!" both Ellen and Sam said in unison, looking relieved by his presence. "Yo, sorry I am late. Mind explaining what is happening to me?" Tato asked while instantly knocked the other two thugs down, rendering all of the thugs unconscious.

"Ohhhh, I see.... But next time, it is better to shout for help. Luckily I've arrived in time." Tato said while they are calming themselves down at the café. "Jeez, for such an incident to happen while we are on a designated three days break from our completion of the mission given...." Sam said while drinking a green tea drink. "Thanks, Tato. You look really cool just now, right Sam?" Ellen said while looking at Tato and Sam in front of her. "J-Just a little bit." Sam responded shyly while taking a peek at Tato's beside him. "In fact-" Ellen pulled Tato close just enough to whisper to his ear. "I really wanna ask you to be my boyfriend just now." She whispered in a seductive way to Tato's ear, causing him to blush madly. "Hey! Behave yourself, Ellen!" Sam scolded while smacking a dumbfounded Tato besides him on the face. "Ouch! That hurts, Sam!" Tato rubbed his red cheeks, caused by Sam's sudden violent action. "Don't be too rough on our hero, Sam. Right, Tato?" Ellen winked at Tato before humming to herself.

The trio then walked back to their designated quarters inside the Metamon Organization.