

Tato is an orphan who loses his parent during an attack that reside in Arcadia land. His goal now is to be a hunter and finding the truth behind the incident that happen within his family. During his journey he uncover that....

monmon_on_top · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chill Beginning

"Good morning, greenhorn hunters!" a stern-looking man yelled out in front of the hunters that are all queued up at the field. "Sir yes sir!!" the hunters yelled out in unison while still maintaining their formation. "Hey, who's that? Why is he acting like a big shot?" TaTo asked Sam, who is still maintaining an ice-cold look on his face. ".... That's Mr. Alexander. He is a big shot." Sam replied while still looking in front at Mr. Alexander.

"Sooo... who's Mr. Alexander? Is he an S-Rank hunter? How come I've never heard about him?" TaTo pressed Sam for answers about the so-called big shot after they finish their assembly earlier. "Mr. Alexander is one of the top directors of this association, and he is the chairman of Walkure Corporation," Sam explained to TaTo, visibly annoyed at TaTo's way of quickly firing questions at him.

"Whaaaaattt?! The chairman of Walkure Corporation?! That's one of the major powers in the world! That's why he has been acting that way..." TaTo nodded to himself. "Hey! Can I sit here? " a bubbly girl with short blonde hair come and sit in front of them.

"My name is Ellen Signora. What are you guys' names?" Ellen asked TaTo and Sam while sitting in front of them. "Mine's Takeshi Thompson, TaTo for short," TaTo stated while looking at Sam, waiting for him to introduce himself to Ellen. "I am Sam. Sam Reiss." Sam introduced himself while looking very disinterested in the presence of the girl. "Nice to meet you guys!" Ellen said with a beaming smile on her face. "We too! Nice to meet you, Ellen!" TaTo replied with a beaming smile of his own.

"Soooo, why did you choose to be a hunter? I mean there's a lot of careers that you guys can be and this is a very dangerous job to call your own." Ellen asked the boys in front of him. "I want to protect our home and contribute to the victory of mankind! How about you, Sam?" TaTo asked the boy drinking a bottle of water beside him. "That's quite a personal question, but mine's nothing special. I am told to be a hunter because our families are all hunters." Sam replied to the question. "Damn, that's amazing! How about you, Ellen?" TaTo asked the girl. "I am inspired to be a hunter because I was saved by Miss Kris Wanner, the strongest female hunter in existence," Ellen said with an adoring look on her face.

"Hey, thanks for spending time with me! See you around, TaTo and Sam!" Ellen waved her hands to the duo in front of them to signify goodbyes. "See you around too, Ellen!" TaTo replied while waving his arms enthusiastically with a motionless Sam beside him.

"Sam, should we go back to our room?" TaTo asked Sam who just nodded his head in a response to the question. As they walked towards their room, they stopped by a convenience store established inside the hunters' living area and grabbed some snacks and instant noodles to eat in their room.

"Hey Nyanpu, did you behave today? Here's some dinner for you!" TaTo called out to his MetaMon, Nyanpu, which is still sleeping soundly on the bed. TaTo, who is seeing that, felt that he too was too tired and sleepy and thus proceeds to sleep without having dinner.