
Metallic Rogue

How will you feel if your parents never believed in you? How will you feel if they never wanted you? How will you feel if the society trampled upon you? How will you feel when the world was against you? Jayden Nova, a student of the Science Sage School, who has struggled through all this setbacks, strives to achieve something in his life to prove to his parents that he isn't a worthless child, they, and everyone thinks. He fights back, but is pushed down, literally... ...and as fate will have it, he stumbles upon an orb, filled with a superior unknown energy and an AI, that came from the far future, where technology has become magic and helps him achieve what he always wanted.... ...to be the ruler of his own fate. [Loading...] [Loading completed] [Rogue System Activated]

JJ_Smart · Fantasy
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117 Chs

Data Retrieval

In the depth of a forest on planet Euphoria, Jayden slowly walked towards the little Black Panther staring at its mother's corpse.

"Here Kitty Kitty Kitty."

[What are you doing?]

"What do you think I'm doing? trying to get its attention of course."

[You will fail miserably]

"And what's that supposed to mean?"


"Just be quiet and let me do my thing."

"Here Kitty Kitty kit.... oh shit." Jayden was cut short by the little panther lunging at him and clawing at the uncovered part of his face. Jayden jumped back but was too late, he fell over with the Panther on his face, it clawed ferociously, drawing blood out of his face with every swipe.

Jayden immediately regretted not listening to the Rogue System and struggled desperately.

"Hey aren't you going to help me?" Jayden said in between bathed breathes.

[Why should I]

[I thought you said to let you do your thing]

"Well my thing is not working as you can see."


"...." Jayden gritted his teeth at the mocking statement of the system.

[Push it by its left side and grab its mother's carcass]

Jayden tried to do as the system said but the panther took advantage of him lowering one of his arms and gave to sharp swipes at his face. Jayden almost cried as he felt one of his eyes almost come off.

Several swipes later Jayden managed to push of the panther from his body, it was pretty strong for a basic tier beast, but Jayden was stronger.

He immediately rolled to the side and jumped at the Panther in a pool of green blood, Jayden picked up the panther with one hand and raised it in his front, till now, his strength still surprised him.

"Now what?" Jayden asked prepared to kill the little mongrel if it attacked him again.

[Feed it the Energy Orb]

Jayden stood still for some time before slowly lowering his arm, he found the panther sitting in his front like a cute obedient puppy. It looked up at him with its head tilted slightly to the side as if expecting a treat.

"What's going on?"

[It perhaps wanted to eat the core and evolve and now that you have it, it wants you to give it to it]

"Will that make it loyal to me?"

[90% Chance]

"Of it being loyal?"

[No, of it not being loyal]

"Great, juuust great." Jayden exclaimed.

Jayden lowered his hands to place the corpse on the ground, the panther immediately stood up and growled.

[You have to extract the core while holding it in your hands]

Jayden sighed but did as he was told, he didn't fear the little thing, but it was annoying to deal with.

After several seconds of searching, Jayden found the core, it was located beside it's heart and was glowing with a dark purple almost black radiance.

"Why is it's Energy Orb different"

[It mutated]

Jayden threw the Orb up and down in his hands, then arched his arms backwards and threw the Orb far away from him.

"Fetch!!" The Black Panther sprang up on its little paws and ran in search of the Energy Orb.

[Why did you throw it]

"There's only a ten percent chance of it being loyal to me. I'd rather not take any chances and let it evolve then outright attack me, so the best I could do for the little guy was let him leave."

[It might only be ten percent, but it is still something]

"The deed has been done. Now I just need someplace to rest and digest everything that has happened in the past few hours."

Jayden resumed his search for shelter as the Creation Orb slowly healed him, unknown to him. Eventually, he found a large tree that was bigger than all the rest he had seen so far, he was about to climb it when he noticed a large four meter tall raven like bird nesting there.

"Nope, bad choice." Jayden said, but in that split second that he looked at the bird, it's information popped up.

[Name: White Reaper]

[Tier: Sovereign]


"Why White? it's clearly black."

[Perhaps it has mutated]

Jayden ignored it and kept on navigating through the dense forest.

He encountered several creatures in which most of them were mutated and deviated from their normal form.

"Why are almost all the beasts mutated?" Jayden said out loud.

[I suspect the Creation Orb triggered most of the creatures evolution and those that couldn't evolve due to their racial limits mutated instead]

"The more I learn about this Creation Orb, the more it amazes me." Jayden replied.

"Speaking of the Creation Orb, is it possible for you to make it produce some of those hallucinogen?"

[Yes, why do you ask]

"Nothing much, I just have a gift for someone." Jayden said thinking of all the pain he was going to inflict on Derrick and his teammates.

"How long will it take to build the new Mech Suit."

[Two weeks]

"Hmm.... I can work with that." Jayden pondered. "I can enter the Interstellar Tournament anonymously. I don't want anyone to know about my Rogue System."

[Retrieving Data]





[Data Retrieved]

"Umm... what's going on?" Jayden asked as he saw several messages flash before him.

[I have just retrieved some of my lost data]

"You didn't tell me you lost some of your data."

[I didn't know either]

[It seems our time traveling isn't perfect yet]

"What do you mean?" Jayden asked perplexed.

[I just remembered that time traveling makes the object time traveling loose some parts of itself and getting to its destination missing several pieces of itself]

[But for me, I do not have a body so I lost some information instead]

"Time really is a bitch." Jayden cursed.

[I will get back my data slowly as time passes]

"So what information did you retrieve?"

[I got a little list of people to watch out for]

[This people joined the Z Organization and are therefore enemies in the making]

"List them."

[Derrick McCain]

[Kayla Mada]

[Ashley Von]

[Kethen Nox]

[Kassandra Waller]

[Michael Hudson]

[Angy Shipman]

[Max Bauer]

[Natalia Finst]

[The list goes on, but this is what I could retrieve for now]

Jayden read through the names slowly.

"Consider the first on done." He said reading Derrick's name. But then his eyes landed on the last name and he almost passed out from shock, he grabbed his chest feeling a heart attack coming.


Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

JJ_Smartcreators' thoughts