
Metallic Rogue

How will you feel if your parents never believed in you? How will you feel if they never wanted you? How will you feel if the society trampled upon you? How will you feel when the world was against you? Jayden Nova, a student of the Science Sage School, who has struggled through all this setbacks, strives to achieve something in his life to prove to his parents that he isn't a worthless child, they, and everyone thinks. He fights back, but is pushed down, literally... ...and as fate will have it, he stumbles upon an orb, filled with a superior unknown energy and an AI, that came from the far future, where technology has become magic and helps him achieve what he always wanted.... ...to be the ruler of his own fate. [Loading...] [Loading completed] [Rogue System Activated]

JJ_Smart · Fantasy
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117 Chs

Black Panther Rogue Surbodinate

Jayden turned around and began to walk towards the forest of trees, he glanced backwards one more time and noticed the scraps of metal that had fallen off his Mech suit.

"Hey, is it possible to fix this Mech Suit? because suddenly getting a new Mech Suit that's far better than even the latest Mech Suit will surely raise questions."

[Of course, I can, I just need some Steel and I'll fix all the parts that have come off]

"Don't you need something like wires, motors, sensors, microcontrollers and stuffs like that to create the Mech Suit?"

[I can use the Creation Orb's energy to create something called energy veins to make the Mech Suit function like a human body]

"So you don't need all those things because the Mech Suit is practically a metal human?"

[Yes, and you're like the brain and heart needed for it to function]

"Got it." Jayden said. "Now I just need a place to rest for the night."

He walked for about ten minutes before he got to the perimeter of the forest, as he walked in, he heard a growl, he immediately became alert and battle ready.

"I just hope this Mech Suit doesn't fall apart during a fight."

[It won't, it is stronger than it looks]

[The Z Organization are adept at creating good Mech Suits, that is why they were able to challenge us in the first place]

Just then, Jayden heard a hiss, he looked around to locate the sound and when he found the direction it was coming from, he faced it.

Waiting for the monsters to jump out at any moment and attack him, Jayden never took his eyes away from that direction, soon he heard the sound of a fierce clash, then a roar and a loud hiss.

He relaxed a little, hearing those sounds meant that a battle was going on between two beasts.

He slowly crept towards where the sounds were coming from and peeped. Jayden saw a one foot long Black Panther with fierce red eyes eyeing another creature warily. The panther was wounded on its side and had shiny green blood oozing out of it. It circled the other creature despite it's injury, it was either desperately hungry or stupid because Jayden could sense that the Black Panther was several levels below it's opponent.

The other creature it was facing was a five meter long snake that was covered in metal like yellow scales, the scales glistened in the rays of the setting sun giving it a certain deadly shine, coupled with it's purple reptilian eyes, it looked pretty fierce.

[Name: Unholy Reptilian Predator]

[Tier: Pseudo Evolved]

[Partially Injured]

[Name: Black Panther]

[Tier: Basic]

[Heavily Injured]

Jayden gawked at the interface with a bit of confusion before gaining understanding of what was before him.

"I can see what type of beast they are and their level. I guess this is your doing, right?" Jayden said to the system.

[Yes, I have all the data of beasts ever encountered by the human race stored in my memory]

"This will make things a lot easier so I won't pick a fight I can't handle. What do you mean by Pseudo Evolved?"

[The beast is currently evolving]

"But isn't it supposed to be like.... hibernating?"

[It seems like it was hibernating before it was awakened by that newborn Black Panther therefore terminating it's evolution]

"Newborn?" Jayden said looking a little closer at the Panther.

[Yes, it was born not long ago]

Jayden smiled and slowly started to move towards the snake, planning to kill it.

[I assume you plan on taking it's life]

"Duhh....." Jayden replied sarcastically.

Jayden inched closer to the snake without alerting it, when he was about three meters from it, he activated the second combination and sprinted at full speed. The ground burst apart due to his explosive speed, the snake turned and hissed loudly trying to scare off the new attacker but it was met with Jayden's fist, his large metallic knuckles connected with the snakes head instantaneously, Jayden expected the snake to just be sent flying, but he hadn't really tested his newfound strength before the fight, so the snakes head bursting apart like a tomato came as a surprise to him.

The head exploded, spraying blood, broken scales and soft flesh everywhere. Jayden held out his fist like that for some second before slowly bringing down his hand. He looked at the headless snake then back at his hands.

A small smile appeared on his face before growing into a mad grin, then a loud crazy laughter resounded in the forest.

"This strength... I want more of it."

[You can increase your physical strength by cultivating the energy in the Creation Orb daily]

Jayden reveled in his newfound strength with a smile on his face. After minutes of smiling to himself, he moved to collect the Energy Orb in the snake and saw the baby Panther staring at a spot with what looked like a sad face, he glanced and saw a bigger panther lying there in a pool of green blood, it had only one visible injury.

A bite mark on its neck.

"So that's why." Jayden said as he pieced all the pieces together.

Apparently the baby Panther tried to ward off the Unholy Reptilian Predator from its parent and sustained an injury in the process, that though, did not stop it as it growled continuously at the snake, the snake perhaps had already bitten the Mother panther and injected it's venom in her which killed her slowly.

The baby Panther was also poisoned and was probably going to died very soon too.

"This beast seems to be intelligent."

[The Shadow Panther is a species of beast that have an irregular amount of strength and intelligence for beasts]

[They do things that are deemed exceptional, there have also been rumors in my time that they are able to converse with humans when there reach a certain level, though it has not been proven yet]

"It turned it's back on me, what if I try to kill? didn't it see the way I one shotted that beast?"

[Perhaps it believes since you saved it's life you are not after it, so it trusts you]

[Don't blame it, it's just a new born and doesn't know the rules of the jungle yet]

"I want to test something."


"I want to know if I can make it my surbodinate....my Rogue Surbodinate."

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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