
Metal Universe

Nano metal organism embedded warriors ruling in the metal universe searching for power. And they unlocked a secret. In this novel, Everyone has fair chance, but that lead to unfair. MC could get Cheat Code, so as all other too. Everyone is fighting to get it. So, all cultivators are not innocent and all innocent cultivators don't exit.

Zmp · Eastern
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116 Chs

The real butterfly effect.

(Disclaimer: All characters, organizations, places, cases and incidents in this novel are fictitious.)


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'Double power punch"

That punch is Lu Lu creation and all of them could use it, but there is always different usage between them. Moesat could use it many times but that is not for everyone.

Lu Lu normal strength is double to Moesat strength and her double power punch is not a small amount of power in it.

Lu Lu double power punched toward the strongest lion but she stopped at 1 meter away from the lion.

Lu Lu fist is so small but it created a strong air pressure in front of Lu Lu fist, this air pressure become an air cannon ball and shot toward the big lion.

The lion did not prepare to fight so he got hit by the air cannon before he could move. The power of air cannon ball make the lion step back a few steps.

The lion face changed, he knew that even if he was not in Metgiktran form, that air cannon ball made him to step back, that is not just a small amount of power.

The lion knew that, if Lu Lu's fist hit on him and he would die.

Moreover, the air cannon is not an attack ability, it is just came out from the power of punch.

Lu Lu is standing in the air and looking at the lion with sneer.

She pointed her small pointed finger at captured lion and the strongest lion….

"If you dare touch my food, then you will become my food."

Like father like daughter, both arrogant.

The lion got angry but he asked himself 'Should I win? Should I fight?' And he looks at Lenon and he makes his decision.

And he step back while looking at small Lu Lu.

After looking at the strongest lion withdraw, Lu Lu flew down and grab the tail of the captured lion and drag him back before she put him into the space bag.

For normal, she could just took the captured lion into the bag directly but she wanted to show them, so she dragged the lion.

Moesat group is not showing off their strength for nothing. They thought before what they did.

These lions were named as strongest on this continent, these lions thought every other as their food and they always think themselves as the top of the food chain, like human on earth.

On earth, if a chicken wants human to stop killing them and eating them, so a chicken wanted to talk human in peace.

Would a human accept the peaceful talk with chicken?

If a chicken become powerful and a human tried to kill the chicken...

For the self-defence the chicken killed the human…

And then all human would think that chicken sold it's soul to Satan to become powerful and all human will try to kill the demon chicken for sure.

At that time, the chicken show it power, which is more powerful than nuclear and then…..

The hypocrite organization will come in…..

'We live in peace…...'

Now they can talk.

And all chicken will be free from killing.

It is same thing happen here, Lions killed and ate many human before. So Moesat group have to show a balance of their power to the lions.

Moreover, Moesat group killed many human and other powerful beasts, if Moesat did not scare these lions and there will be a balance break between these races.

To prevent that, Moesat group have to kill some lions and other powerful beings. And they have to scare these powerful beings.

Moesat group killed many human, that does not mean that he does not care about human. He care about human, because there are many good people in human races.

Same to other races too.

After a power show off, they could talk in peace.

Moesat sat down with Lenon, and Chi Chi got patted by Lu Lu and Enna.

Moesat is now wrapped with beast skin all over his body, they do not have enough clothes for Moesat who destroyed his clothes every time he changed his body.

"In the moon trial, what happened to the punishment? Do you all went down one level?"

Moesat asked about the announcement of the Moons.

These Moons said that, they would punish everyone related to Moesat, so Moesat wanted to know what was happen next.

Chi Chi explained what was happen to him…

"I went to somewhere and when I came out, I saw no one there. So I went up to next level and I continue went up."

"At the time, the Moons said about punishment, I don't have power to went back down or move. So I stayed at the same place, then I was moved to somewhere, I thought that, it was a higher place."

Chi Chi went to somewhere but no one asks where, he must got some fortunate encounter. And from his words, he may be climb back down 1 level if he had strength.

But no one complained about it.

Lenon explained about his experienced…

Moru and him both did not go down, after that they both were sent to one level higher place.

From their words, everyone got tricked by these Moons. And everyone who went down one level lost their fortune.

"So, that mean...These Moons are not that bad.." Lu Lu said it.

Lu Lu mind changed a bit for these Suns and Moons. Before she really hate them. Now a bit less but she still hate them.

And Chi Chi continued tell them what happened to him...

When he went out from Moon trial, he told his family that what was happen to him in the trial and most of the rabbit group moved away but some left behind.

Later, all move away rabbits heard that, some tigers and wolf-tigers were trying to revenge for their children death on rabbits.

But wise rabbits group were already run away but on the way to here, many of the rabbits die but for these weak rabbits... death is a friend.

So they did not blame on Chi Chi, and Chi Chi tried hard to protect them.

And a lion came near to their rabbit tribe with hunger and Chi Chi was trying to lure that lion away and met with Moesat group.

Chi Chi life is still struggling.

Lenon life..

Lenon father was not a king, but there was a lion king group, who rule over them.

The king lion group is powerful, because they ate good food. Or they killed many of other beasts.

The elephant-lion king looks like the bigger size of the lion king in a movie, big and strong. They never want other lions to become a powerful to challenge his's crown.

Many other lions were weak and thin, and they all were controlled by big and strong lion king group.

When Lenon got a very good moon blessing, the lion king group shook their crown. So, they plotted to kill Lenon but….

Lenon father who was thin like 'uncle scar' (From lion king movie) plotted and killed the lion king. And they all took down the king group.

And the Lenon became a new prince.

The previous prince of lion king ran away and Lenon group chased after him but the prince got captured by Moesat group.

These runaway previous lions king group pushed other beasts out from their own area. So, other beasts ran away from the previous lion king group to near human territory and attacked on human race.

Finally, the butterfly effect of Moesat helping on Lenon became a chain reaction and human territory got attacked by many beasts.

So, the human accusing on fragrant devil, that fragrant devil command on beasts to attacked on human race came true.

After hearing, all of the stories, Moesat asked Lenon…

"What do want to do with the captured prince lion."

Moesat asked,

"They wanted to kill him in front of many."

Lennon answered.

"If you want, I could give you dead lion body or trade with other energy source, the energy source from that captured prince lion is huge. I could not just give that lion to you."

"And is there any help do you needed?... like... to kill the previous lion king group?"

Moesat said in clear statement, even within a friendship circle.

The Lenon lions group accept the dead lion prince body.

And they told Moesat that, they already took down many of the previous lion king group, so they did not need Moesat help.

From these events, both Chi Chi life and Lenon life were going on their own ways, without waiting for Moesat.

The world is not waiting for Moesat or The world is not moving around Moesat.

After hearing Chi Chi story, Lenon offered to look after the rabbit group in their area, so they went toward rabbit tribe to get decision.

Enna and Lu Lu also let go of Chi Chi from their hand.

Lu Lu is just a bit annoyed toward Chi Chi but she did not hate Chi Chi.

Enna like rabbits, she rarely hate other.

After explaining and talking with the rabbit tribe,

The wise leader of rabbit group does not want to go with lion group, but he asked Moesat for help. And they offer Moesat with their professional, it is agriculture.

Moesat did not know why these rabbit chose him, even if both Moesat and Lenon group were carnivorous species.

Moesat could not promise 100% safe to rabbits as they did not even safe in their situation. But for weak beast like rabbits agree with Moesat.

Moesat took all rabbits and soil that the rabbits show them into the blood space ring.

There were still some women in the ring(leftover from goblin captured), they are waiting to reach a human city. So, Moesat warn these women not to eat these rabbits. And he put them all together.

Soil is for agriculture and Lu Lu mix it with energy to make energy soil. And Lu Lu gives the tree and plant seeds, they bought it long time ago from the Soong City, to the rabbit tribe.

There are some light in the blood space ring but plants could not grow up by only this light. So they used energy soil.

But these energy soil is not real energy soil, just some energy was trapped in the soil, and these are for rabbit food.

It is not easy to make real energy soil or energy metal or energy weapon. (A/N: it would be explained later.)

After that Moesat help both Chi Chi and Lenon to cultivate with Moesat group energies orbs. Moesat needed to help his friends to maintain balance of power in this continent and it is also safety for his friends lives, even if Moesat, himself, still needed to absorb more.

But Moesat did not show or let them in the Lu Lu's space bag. There were always line between the relationship.

Chi Chi, Lenon and Moesat is standing together to say farewell before they went on their own ways.

Lion eat human, human eat rabbit but they could still become friends sometime.

As a friend, Moesat warn Lenon that they would be going to hunt down lions at the outside area of Lenon kingdom.


Moesat, Nana and Lu Lu are standing in front of captured Kim Yu Han and looking at him.

Before Moesat was really angry and wanted to torture Kim Yu Han but…

Kim Yu Han kneel down and crying like no tomorrow and begging for not to kill him.

That make Moesat anger became a question mark.

These people are doing bad things without understanding other people suffering?

When their Kama came back to them and they were begging for their lives?

At the time when Kim Yu Han throw Moesat into the bottomless pit, how did Kim Yu Han feel it?

For Moesat group, they understand that killing other would one day it could be back to them. For that reason they tried their best to survive.

What if…..

Two years ago, when Moesat came out from the bottomless pit… if he went back to Kim family for revenge…...what would happen to him???

If Moesat chose the best sect, Royal dragon sect, for learning abilities and what would happen to him?

What if Moesat fought back every time when someone crossed at them and what would happen to their group???

In this continent,

Moesat group could control their fate in their hand but this would not be always same situation for them.

What if their fate is not in their hand, how would they do that in this situation?

Moesat gives thank to Lu Lu and Nana in his heart, if they were not here for him and he may be same situation as Kim Yu Han now.

A butterfly from earth flip its' wings would make a solar storm in another galaxy.

For that reason, everyone should carefully think before they chose.