
Metal Universe

Nano metal organism embedded warriors ruling in the metal universe searching for power. And they unlocked a secret. In this novel, Everyone has fair chance, but that lead to unfair. MC could get Cheat Code, so as all other too. Everyone is fighting to get it. So, all cultivators are not innocent and all innocent cultivators don't exit.

Zmp · Eastern
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116 Chs

Taxi driver and his passengers.

(Disclaimer: All characters, organizations, places, cases and incidents in this novel are fictitious.)


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While Moesat, Lu Lu and Nana was standing in the bag, Enna came to them and told something to Lu Lu.

"What did she tell to you?"

Moesat asked.

"Enna wanted to save many of her species just like these rabbits, but it is not in the blood ring, it is in this bag."

Lu Lu translated.

They all looks at Enna and they see that Enna is looking at them with pleading big eyes.

Moesat does not know what he should do, so he looks at Lu Lu and Nana.

"I am ok with that."

Lu Lu does not reject it, even if these plants would absorb her saving energies from the bag.

"We will not accept dangerous plants but they don't have any danger for us and we will accept it. If they made danger to us in later time, we would kill or chase away anyone who make danger to us."

Nana told them exact conditions.

After the confirmation, both Lu Lu and Enna went out to give out the signal to trees.


The time now is around one and half months left to end of the competition event.

Moesat group investigation and subjugating jobs is done here. All they needed is to go back and face with their enemies directly.

They are free now except refining energy orbs(sphere) and absorb it. So they went as Enna direction to them.

Moesat is flying in the sky with high speed but his energy increase as days went by and his flying duration and speed went up.

Moesat is now flying like taxi, there are many pick up points as Enna showed him.

All of the passengers Moesat picked up were legendary herbs or plant types natural treasures, some were even name as divine or mystical.

In many novels, MC were trying very hard to find them and found many difficulties to obtain it.

For Moesat, he just needed to fly as the direction that Enna showed him.

Some of them hide under the bush, some hide on the big trees, some hide cracked mountain wall or mountain crevice, and some were guarded by beast.

Normal, guard beasts easily let go of the natural treasures but some beasts were waiting to eat them. At that time Lu Lu shot them down quickly before these beast could react.

Only plant type natural treasures who could run away are more than thousand years old or who got intelligent, all of the other were moving in very slow speed.

So, they have no choice to let other eat their body if they were founded by other beasts or human.

Lucky part is they still do not have intelligent yet, if these natural treasures got intelligent but they could not run away mean... it is really frighten. It is same like a human drop into the tiger den and waiting to get eaten.

OR some of the plant type natural treasures were got saved by passer by.

So, Moesat priority now is to save them first. But Moesat could not save them all and some got eaten while Moesat was saving other.

These herbs and plants were like unborn children who got eaten while they were waiting to be born.

The reality of the nature is so much ruthless.

In these natural treasures plants and herbs, there were two parts, who were too much important and which are not.

They all were first put in the blood ring for later arrangement.

While travelling, all of the beasts that trying to attack Moesat got quickly shot down by Lu Lu, because their fighting training is end for a while.


They finally reach a big hidden points. It is very deep place in the forest.

That is in the middle of dense forest that is covered by mountain range. Many dangerous trees and plants were covering up very big surrounding area, there were many beast killing plants and beast eating trees were hidden in it.

So many beasts did not come close to this place. Or they would gang up by these trees and plants.

Moreover, many kind of poisonous mist is covering up too. The many kind of mist got abilities of blindness, hallucination, bleeding and dead.

Also, the moisture in this area is so high to prevent fire in this area.


There is an area like foot ball field, 500 meters depth from above, this area is surrounding by many mountain range, and covered by very big and high trees.

A very big tree, height of more than 500 meters is standing in the middle of that area. And cover up the whole place with his leaves and branches.

No one could see this hidden place if they were not showed by someone.

Enna show them to this place and when Moesat fly close to there, the poisonous mist move away and giving a way to Moesat to enter.

Moesat looks at the big tree and felt a very strong power from that big tree, that tree is the strongest warrior that they ever seen. With that tree ability, they lives could be danger if they fight with this big tree.

Moreover, all of the trees in this surrounding area is strong too.

There are four weapon ability stage trees in this area that include the biggest tree in the middle.

Moesat flew in circle to decelerate his speed before he land on a big branch of a tree, as there were many branches are blocking his way to fly down to the ground.

Moesat slowly land on a tree and slowly climb down like a gecko, but he is ready to fly up if these trees attack them.

On the one third way down, the big tree in the middle open up his eyes and…

"Child... you has come back."

A sound came out from that big tree, a sound is like someone talk in the tree hollow.

Enna was so quiet before, but after she heard that and she moves.

She extend her tentacles and shot toward the big tree and she jumps toward the big tree.

Moesat stops moving and looking at Enna but he did not follow her.

Enna and the big tree must be talking in their way, so Moesat looks for a big branch…

"Can I sit down here?"

Moesat asks the tree of that branch.

Now that tree move like a human head turn toward Moesat and…

"You can."

Said in very short word.


While saying, Moesat sat down like a tiger or lion. He did not want to change back to human form now.

From that branch he could see Enna, so he wait.

After a while, a big tree looks at Moesat and…

"Little boy… thank you for looking after Enna."

A big tree said in a gentle tone.

"You don't need to thank me.. big tree…..Enna is one of my family. Looking after my family is my job."

Moesat reply in straight forward manner.


A big tree laugh. He may be delighted with the Moesat answer or unknown reason.

"Anyway, I have to thank you… not only for Enna but all the other of my families that you have saved them and for those who soon... you will be taken with you."

The big tree continue thank him.

"Emmm… no problem.."

As Moesat don't talk too much so he does not say much if Nana or Lu Lu do not guide him to say a thing.

But Moesat continue…

"Can I ask something?"

Moesat make a question.

"Ask me everything."

The big tree reply.

"This place is so much safer than coming with me. Why would you let them go with me instead of staying here."

Nana asked the question to the big tree via Moesat.

"This place is dark and dump, and the area is small and restricted. That is hard for some of them to grow up strong, with you they could grow up stronger, so it is better for them to be with you."

The big tree answered without hidden.

From the big tree word, Enna must have told about them.

As a family Moesat does not angry about it(some information about space bag.) or they are now sort of strong to protect themselves, so they don't care even if they understand about the future danger.

But Moesat group have to tell what they needed to…

"Big tree..."

Moesat wanted to say…

"Call me grandpa old tree."

Old tree intercepted.

"OK...grandpa tree what I wanted to say is…. I always care about safety of my family, so something that make my family in danger then I have to eliminate it."

"If there were plants or herbs that could endanger our family, please don't let them go with us."

Nana said what she needed to.

"Don't worry, I understand. And believe in us...we are different from beasts or human even if we have intelligence."

The big tree explained, these are short words but Nana understand the many meaning behind these short words.

But understanding and believing is different, so Moesat group needs some time to believe in these trees.

While Moesat was talking with grandpa tree, Enna came back and said something to Lu Lu.

"Dad, Enna wants us to release all plants and herbs on the ground."

Lu Lu told Moesat and Moesat climb down on the ground and release all of them.

The surface of the ground is wet and dark, but Moesat could sense the energy gathering here is much denser than outside.

They saw some plants and herbs gathered on the ground.

Lu Lu and Enna start working, they gentle move all of these plants. Soon 150 of them left behind.

��They all are coming with us."

Lu Lu told Moesat and Nana.

But they saw Meat eating plants, poisonous vines and some harmful plants are in that group, so they needed to talk with grandpa tree and Enna.

Before they talk, Moesat saw small faces of all plants are looking at Moesat. It looks like they were waiting for the Moesat judgement.

All of them are very young children age and some are not even get their intelligence yet. (Face is only form after they were born.)

"Grandpa tree, some of them are harmful to us. Do you think it is good to stay with us?"

Nana changed her word to be more gentle words, as they all sympathy to these plants.

Most of the plants should not live in the dark and wet area. So, Nana understand these plants will get better place if these plants stay with them.

"Don't worry, meat eating plant and poisonous vine are just born to defence against enemy."

"Just give them a proper place... they could stay in one place for thousand of years."

"For meat eating plant, just give them some meat if you want, if not they could absorb energy to stay alive."

"For poisonous vine, if you avoid their place it will be OK, and some of them could give you antidote for it. Moreover they could control their poison when they got their intelligence."

"For mist giving out plants, they will not give out mist in your space ring."

The old tree explained too many things as he wanted Moesat to take all of them. except some of plants, which wanted to stay outside.

"Dad, mom, that would be all right if they could stay in one place. The rest I could restrict them."

Lu Lu told them. Lu Lu likes plants more than other living things. So, she is the first one to agree it.

"There are some other factors they could danger to us, but we will be stronger too. Let take them and help them. Anyway Moesat cultivation would be stronger as he help other."

Nana could think some more step, so she calculate pros and cons.

Lu Lu and Nana accepted so Moesat does not have any objection.

After the confirmation, Lu Lu took them in and settle them in the bag space, it is not in the blood ring.

There are some plants and herbs, that are still coming back to hidden place, but Moesat group have to go back to Goon city before their enemies attack on their side.

Moesat group killed many of their enemies, so it is easy to predict that their enemies will attack on them sooner or later.

Moesat does not know when would the enemies attack on them, so he needs to go back earlier than that.

So, they give promise to come back later to take them all with these natural treasures, and they say good bye.

That is how Moesat become a guardian beast of the plant type natural treasure. Moesat got them easily but these plants are not for him to eat.

Heagg and Moru are with the elves at the southern part of this place. But Moesat does not have time to visit there at that moment.


A week later, on the way back…

Moesat see a weapon forming stage human warrior is fighting with a weapon ability forming rank fox.