
Metal Universe

Nano metal organism embedded warriors ruling in the metal universe searching for power. And they unlocked a secret. In this novel, Everyone has fair chance, but that lead to unfair. MC could get Cheat Code, so as all other too. Everyone is fighting to get it. So, all cultivators are not innocent and all innocent cultivators don't exit.

Zmp · Eastern
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116 Chs

Lu Lu power showing off.

(Disclaimer: All characters, organizations, places, cases and incidents in this novel are fictitious.)


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Lenon face was like a child lion before but now he got big face with some mane, and his whole body became bigger, so Moesat could not recognize but Moesat still remember habit or behaviour of Lenon.

Moesat went closer to look on the Lenon for making sure.

"Don't come closer, you pervert."

While saying, Lenon walk back away.


Moesat alerted and give out shout and he turn right and left, he even look back at his views. But he found nothing, so…

"Who??? ME???"

Moesat confused. Who was the one that Lenon was talking about.

"Yes, you!"

Lenon answered.

"What!!! Why!!!"

Moesat does not understand why Lenon is calling him pervert.

Moreover, he does not even understand what is the pervert…

"You are in naked, eee..yuck… don't come near me..."

Now Lenon told Moesat why…

???? Come out on the Moesat head and..

"Naked mean pervert??? When did you ever wear a clothes? You are pervert too. And you too Chi Chi."

While Moesat is saying back at Lenon, he smile in crooked while looking at Lenon who was backing away.

Moesat quickly rush toward Lenon and he jump toward Lenon left hand grab and hold on it like a gecko.


Lenon shouted and lifted his left hand, and he tried to shake off Moesat from his hand. But he could not shake off Moesat.


While laughing Moesat climb up on to Lenon body.



The same lion who shouted at Moesat before shouted again.

That lion is at peak of Metal Core stage, same as the one before, but how many time stronger than normal human is unknown.

The shout from that lion made both Lenon and Moesat stopped playing and they turn and looks at that lion.

Moesat looks at that lion and Moesat group decided to do something to that lion.

Moesat jump off from Lenon and stare at that lion and…


Moesat challenged that lion.

The lion scoff off and..

"I accepted."

That lion proudly accepted the challenge.

"I am going to hit you only one time, if you don't lose...I will not going to climb up."

"In duel, you could die, so use all of your strength. If you die from my hit, don't complain me."

"And you all remember that, that lion is Metal Core peak, I am at Metal Forming mid stage."

Moesat told these lions what he needed to. Moesat always said clear terms and conditions.

Moesat challenged these lions because… in the strength respect world, these lions were thinking of they are stronger than all other species.

If Moesat did not show his strength, Lenon would going to stop these lions from saying like that and it would make unsatisfactory mind in these lions.

These lions would think Lenon as associated of the weak. Then it could be leading to big problem later, so Moesat like to cut it off that problem from the very beginning.

Other lions were just quietly watching at them, they are thinking many things in their head and in their own ways.

No one could understand what other were thinking.

"Prince, it is that, your friend is challenging me… if something happen to him… please don't blame on me.."

That lion told Lenon.

Lenon comes forward and tries to tell something to Moesat.

Before Lenon could say a thing..

"Lenon….Chi Chi… move away."

While Moesat saying, he changes Metgiktran form and he fly up into the sky.

He is calculating while flying up into the high sky….

If the captured lion(the one before) before was three or four time stronger than normal human, and Moesat needed to use three time hits on that lion to captured that lion with the help of Lu Lu.

But this time, he will attack only one time. So he is not sure to win or lose, even if he use all his strength.

Moesat is tying to showing off his power, so he would only attack once.

For that reason, he did not bet with something bad. Like '''with his life or kneel down.'''

Because Moesat is not too sure like many MC who knew the novel script before they act. That kind of MC would bet with their life because they knew what would come later but that is not same for Moesat.

And if Moesat group really fight with these lions group….Lu Lu could kill them all in a few minutes. So, why would Moesat needed to bet with his life?

Moesat dive down from the sky, while controlling his speed and balance. His speed is so fast and his speed is rising.

He could not use double power wings to speed up because he could not control his balance and if he use his double power wings and his wings would be possible to get damage.

Now his wings were in half fold position and only trying to make balance while using gravity as accelerator.

He extend his two hands in front of him, enforcing with his energy.


Sonic boom, as his speed become over March 1 and continue rising.

The lion looks at in the sky and sneer, and he changed his Metgiktran form and channelling his energy.

When Moesat come into the required range.


Lion roar, ability to scare of their enemy and corrupted their enemy mind.

Most of the living things thought that Lion were only ruling the ground, and many birds who thought that got hit by this lion roar and lost their flight.

After that these birds drop down on the ground to become a food for lions.

The lion roar sound wave hit on Moesat and enter into the Moesat ears.

Moesat ears were covered by energy, so both of Moesat ears do not get any injury. But that lion roar did not stop there. It continues enter toward Moesat brain to corrupt the Moesat mind.

But there were some energies, these energies were staying inside of Moesat brain cells, and these energies do not let that sound wave come into the brain cells and these energies destroy the incoming sound wave.

Moesat pass through the sound wave without a flinch and he continue heading at the lion with 1.5 March speed.

As the lion is experience warrior, he did not stop after the lion roar. He is already ready for physical ability attack.

''Lion Pounce''

A big lion shape ethereal form appeared in the air and directly attack toward Moesat.

Moesat did not evade it, and he too directly hit that incoming attack.


With the exploding sound the lion ethereal form destroyed. And Moesat continue hit on the Lion.


The lion got hit on his chest and blown away ten meters and drop down.

"CRAP… a weak lion."

Moesat cursed, as this lion is just a bit more stronger than the goblin boss before, even that goblin boss would win this lion if he use his weapon ability.

Moesat cursed as he does not want to kill that lion if possible.

All other too... blown up in their mind… they all were thinking some kind of different result but they never thought this much.

Moesat fly down near the injured lion and checks,

'''Still alive.'''

Moesat sigh out while saying. And he took out one healing pill for injury recovery.

Now many lions got their sense back and rush out.

"Stop, what are you doing..."

One of them shouted.

"Feeding him with medicine..WHAT DO YOU THINK? POISON???"

Moesat shouted back to these idiot lions, which idiot would feed a poison pill to the heavily injured lion?

But he stop. Because he does not care too much about that lion live or die. As he already warn them before the duel.

A lion checks on the injured lion and looks at Moesat pill, in the Moesat dragon hand.

Moesat looks at that lion, who look like..someone who knew about medical.

"Do you want it?"

Moesat asked,

The medical lion nodded his head.

Moesat toss the pill to that medical lion.

The lion sat down on the ground with it butt and catch the pill with his both hands, he used his two claws to hold up the pill and sniff it.

It is like a lion caught a mouse in the lion king movie.

After confirming about the medicine, the medical lion feed the pill to injured lion and he use healing ability on the injured lion.

"Waaa… Lion knew healing ability???"

Moesat amazed and said out loud.

The medicine lion face bitter and…

"Why wouldn't we know about the healing ability?"

The medicine lion fight back Moesat with mouth battle. But they all understand about the Moesat power now.


Moesat nodded his head and agreed about that medical lion said, while he walk toward Lenon and Chi Chi, whose were still looking at him with wide eyed.

"Is he ok?"

Lenon asked,

"I think so.."

Moesat answered but this time he did not change back into his human form, as he does not want to be called as pervert.

"Hay...Lenon, why are your group come here for?"

Moesat asked as he notice that this area is where Chi Chi is living.

"We are chasing a lion, did you see any?"

Lenon answered and asked.

Moesat suspect came true.

From the beginning, Moesat group notice that these events were related.

"Is that lion your alliance?"

Moesat is trying make clear. If that lion is alliance and he would need to heal that captured lion.

"No, that one is an enemy. We are trying to capture him."

Lenon answers him.

Other lions were checking on injured lion while listening on Lenon.

"Ohhh...you mean him???"

After Moesat sure, he took out the captured lion on the ground.

"Yes... that right, it is him."

Lenon answered.

"Fragrant Devil….You captured that lion within a minute?"

Chi Chi asked in amaze, as he knew that Moesat catch up with him in a few minute before so he made a question like that.

"Yes and No."

Moesat answered.

"What kind of answer is that?"

Chi Chi confused.

"Yes mean within a minute, But No is for who capture that lion...it was my daughter who capture that lion."

Moesat group did not want to hide in the bag all the time, even if it is not 100% safe for Lu Lu. He wants Lu Lu live in free.

"Your daughter, who..where?"

Chi Chi asked without thinking much...even if he saw some other human with Moesat before.

"That baby... you were holding in the moon trial?"

Lenon asked.

That was Nana.

"No, not that one...But this one."

Lu Lu come out visible, so Moesat pointed at her and answered.

Lu Lu came out while staring at Chi Chi and dive down on Chi Chi.

"Bad rabbit."

Lu Lu does not like Chi Chi as Chi Chi is always making problem for Moesat and hurt Moesat by indirect way.

When Small Lu Lu arrived on the back of Chi Chi, and Chi Chi is trying to evade and run away. So Lu Lu press down on Chi Chi with her small hand.

Chi Chi felt a mountain is pressing down on him and he could not escape from Lu Lu hand.

Moesat looks at Lu Lu and he smiles as Chi Chi found his nemesis.

"My daughter is so much more powerful than me, don't make her angry if she angry… you would become a roasted rabbit. And also don't use your thunder ability...I warn you, if she angry I could not stop her."

Moesat scare off the rabbit a bit. And he knew that thunder ability hurt Lu Lu, so he warn Chi Chi not to use it.

Chi Chi wanted to say something but he stopped with his big eyes were pleading, as he did not want to become a roasted rabbit.

Areum, Nana and Enna came out from the bag.

Lu Lu holds Chi Chi from his neck(like a small baby lion got carried by his mother.) and she fly up into the air.

"Enna, you want to play with rabbit, don't you?"

Lu Lu asked.

Enna tentacles rise up.

Lu Lu throw Chi Chi to Enna. And Enna tentacles wrap around Chi Chi and captured him.

Chi Chi became like a rabbit on earth in the hand of children. He wanted to run away but he could not.

While they were playing, two lions came near to the captured lion, which is lying on the ground.

"What are you two trying to do?"

Moesat ask these two lions.

"We will take him."

A lion, he looks like the strongest one in Lenon group, answered with harsh voice. They must be still angry from losing a human in duel.

But they don't dare to act, may be because of Lenon, may be other reason.

"That one is our food, if you want him, you have to give me back same amount of energy as that lion."

Moesat looks at that, the strongest lion body and said it.

Moesat is saying, if you want it then exchange with your body.

Trying to use harsh voice on Moesat? Trying to arrogant in front of Moesat?

And this is how they got the answer from Moesat.

If one punch is not enough, there would be more punches to make them understand who is the boss.

Without saying any, Lu Lu fly toward that lion leaving many after-images.

'Double power punch'