
Metal Universe

Nano metal organism embedded warriors ruling in the metal universe searching for power. And they unlocked a secret. In this novel, Everyone has fair chance, but that lead to unfair. MC could get Cheat Code, so as all other too. Everyone is fighting to get it. So, all cultivators are not innocent and all innocent cultivators don't exit.

Zmp · Eastern
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116 Chs

Rain Fox

(Disclaimer: All characters, organizations, places, cases and incidents in this novel are fictitious.)


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The weapon ability stage female fox is called as Rain Fox.

Looking from a cultivation level, female Rain fox is ruthlessly attacking on the lower level cultivation stage human.

The rain fox are very kind and gentle species, their diet is both meat and vegetable but they only eat at very low amounts.

The meaning of female rain fox ruthlessly attacking is…


From the sky….

When Moesat saw the fight and he got some kind of understanding on the situation, so he looks at the surrounding area of female fox and he found three new born rain fox children and a few weeks old two more rain foxes.

Three newborns still could not open their eyes yet, but two older children were looking at the fighting with frightened.

Moesat confuse a bit, a child birth could divide like...two children at the first time and three children at the second time?

Anyway he understands the situation now.

While Moesat group were in Goon city, they saw a quest or a job.

The job is a very high-paying job from the Yonan country... high rank royal related family. One of their heir child got a deadly disease that both of the top two doctors could not cure him.

Only cure for that heir child... at that time is the heart and blood of one newborn rain fox child.

One rain fox newborn is enough but the price for one newborn fox is one thousand gold, for two is three thousand, for three foxes is six thousand and ten thousand for four newborn rain foxes.

It is just to make sure the cure for their heir child, if one newborn fox child is not enough, they will make more medicine with extra newborn fox children.


Moesat dived down from the sky toward the man and pushed away the human to stop the fighting. The female fox is already weakened from childbirth and many injured.

After stopping the fight,

"You…If you don't want to die...run..."

Moesat pointed at the man and told that human to run away from him.

He doesn't want to kill that human. Because that man is doing his job. And that man is not directly against the Moesat group but indirectly helping Moesat enemies, the royal family group.

Moesat understands the ruthless of nature, killing other for their gain is everywhere. And trying to save their own child or their heir is just a law of nature.

Everyone would try to save their child in every way if they can.

Only people who said no… is they were never been in that situation. Or powerless to do it.

Moesat is not a hypocrite hero,…. for him….If the same thing happens to Lu Lu… and he will kill too.

It is the reality.

It is not a hero fight in the middle of the city but there were no children, who died by an accident????


That man looks at Moesat, who is in the unknown bird form and the female fox, and that man is thinking to himself...

'''That black bird is strong, and if the black bird and fox gang up on me and I will got problem.'''

He felt Moesat power from... just to push him away, but unfortunately that man got an eye to see cultivation level of Moesat.

Moesat is strong but his cultivation stage is just Metal Forming 1/3 stage. Before Moesat told other as his cultivating stage at mid of Metal forming but his actually level is less than 1/3.

So, that man got an idea…

If he goes away and let these black bird leave this fox alone or let that black bird fight with the rain fox.

Because he did not know what the black bird wanted. He thought the black bird also wanted to eat the rain fox too???

And he will kill the fox when it is alone or the winner of the fight while it is tired from the fight.

He is thinking of oriole stalk mantis….

After he made his decision, he quickly ran away without wasting his strength. And he continues run very far away but he stops at a point and comes back to the fox while hiding in the shadow.


Moesat looks at the injured mother fox and he takes out two medicines, a healing pill and an energy refill pill, he tosses it to the female fox and..

"That two medicines could help you to heal, but that man is still waiting. What do you want to do next?"

The mother fox looks at Moesat and pills, she sniffes it and takes it. Rain foxes also have knowledge of medicine and their whole body is medicine too.

Many other beasts would like to eat these rain fox.

That event remind Moesat as Nana, who got chased by other to eat her.

This is the real reason, Moesat saved this fox.

Moesat is doing as he felt at a time and a place, nothing more.


The female fox looks back at her children and looks at Moesat…

She could not believe Moesat by just saving her from fight… there were many cunning beasts that would attack them when they let their guard down.

But she doesn't know what she should do, her husband fought with others to let her run away and there is no hope for her husband to be alive.

They were three rain fox families living and hidden in a deep forest but they were found by others and chased.

For their children, all other foxes die while defending from the other beasts chasing. So, she could not let these children die.

But she could not do it alone, it is very hard to defend for five children. So, she tries to clutch at straws while drowning.

She told her story to Moesat and asked help from Moesat.

There are many questions in Moesat mind like….where to live, how to survive after that he saved them.

But it is not the time to talk about it. So Moesat put them in the blood ring.

And he flew up and dived down on the Oriole man who was stalking on them, and killed him. Moesat does not want more problems.

He already told that man to run away but that man did not listen and leaving that man alive would make others know about these rain foxes.

So, Moesat cut off the loose end.

And he flies back to check the place where the fox husband last fought with others, chasing beasts. They only found the battle field but they could not find the body of any beasts.

Moesat fly around to check but he could not find any.

And the female fox does not say to find her husband as fox children are more important and she thought Moesat will die if he meet with that big group of beasts.

And 90% of the possibility for the death of the fox husband and got eaten by others. So, she only asks Moesat to go to a safe place.

Or else...if Moesat meet these beasts group and die. And their fox families sacrifice themselves to protect these children become nothing.

For Moesat, he needs to go back for his sects. So he could not waste too much time to find out.

Enna tried to help by asking on trees but these trees were too young to communicate. All the trees that are old enough to communicate stay in the deep forest.

So, they left… this is a real cruelty of nature.

May be... the husband fox is waiting for rescue… but in the real world….everyone has to rely on themselves to survive. It is better than waiting for others to save them.


On the way back, Moesat saw their two sect disciples group in fine condition and they are returning back to the base, so he continues to fly back to Goon city.

But he did not go into the city, he hid and checked the situation from far.

That looks like, there is no war in that city. And there were around five thousand people in that city now.

Moesat avoided people and went back to their riverside inn and gave out their news to the elders.

They made an urgent meeting, and Moesat explained to them about the enemies, who were coming after Moesat and what was happening to these enemies.

They all understand there would be the possibility of war breaking out.

They could start the war by attacking their enemies first but there would be other bystanders involved in it.

And the possibility of war broke out is high but that is not definitely, so they wanted to wait.

For Moesat….he has too many energy source but he did not have time to refine and absorb it. So waiting two weeks is good for him too.

But they told elders that...'try to keep safety for other disciples and Moesat group would lure these enemies away.'

If these enemies come after Moesat, the two sects would leave them alone and withdraw to a safe place.

All of the Moesat group worry is their sects mix with their enemies in the mess up fighting and that would make harder for Moesat.

Moesat could run away and take their enemies out slowly, but the two sects involved in the mess up fight and Moesat group have to fight in the death or alive battle without running away.

They had killed one thousand people before, so they understand that they could fight more than one thousand but they will suffer too.

When they killed one thousand people, they used up more than half of their energy, so they could fight with the maximum of two thousand people.

But there would be approximately six thousand people in Goon city after two weeks time.

So Moesat group does not want to fight that mess up kind of war.

For that reason….they agreed to run away in two different directions and their safety is their own.

That may sound like bad and cowardly but that is the best way to save many of their lives.


But the next three days, their sect disciples group and some other group came back. In the other group, these people saved some of Moesat enemies who were running away from Moesat killing.

After the enemy got news about their disciples and their people, the enemies got angry and started to make problems with BC and CF sects, elders and students.

Moesat arrived before the fight started because he is ready for it.


Moesat and Areum walk toward the inn, many people around them move away. Some of them even moved away very far to evade the war.

Some of the sects are moving away as they do not want to be involved. But they still wanted to watch the fight.

People were full on the main street and many buildings around the Goon city half-base inn.

Because of Moesat coming, they stopped their argument with BC and CF sects.

When Moesat arrived at the inn…

"You devil, killing too many, we will take our revenge."

"You rebel the nation...surrender at once.."

Too many rubbish things these enemies were talking that Moesat did not understand.

These people always tried to kill people from BC and CF sects, but now they die and want to get revenge?

In these many words some of them that Moesat understand…

"You stole my pills recipes, I will kill you." Top doctor Yon Pon now noticed about Moesat stole his pills recipes.

"I saved your father and mother, you did not give back our gratitude but you killed my grandson...you are lower than dog."

Kim Dogu, grandfather of Kim Yu Han. Hye Jun got red eyes and trying to get revenge for her son but was held down by her husband.

To Yon Pon...Moesat just laugh.. but..

To Kim Dogu….Moesat confused…

Moesat never know why his parents got killed, but Kim Dogu claimed that they saved Moesat parents?

Moesat needs more information on that so he needed to capture them.

"That small devil got a powerful cultivation technique." Kim Dogu shouted toward the surrounding people.

But all the people already knew that. And many of them wanted to capture Moesat for that, so Kim Dogu shout was nothing for them.

Many of them said too much but still they are waiting for others to start the fight.

"He is a killer, we should arrest him." someone from the bystander shouted but it is old news.

"He is a thief."

"He is a robber."

One after another shouted…

Moesat confused and thought himself..

'''A thief? When did I steal? Maybe they knew about ...stealing a map of Gold Iron mine!. How did they know???'''

'''A robber? were these people talking about killing my enemies and taking their items?"


"He is a rapist."

Someone shouted.

'''What is a rapist???" Moesat got too many question marks.

"He is a man eating ghoul..."

Yang Che shouted.

Moesat found Yang Che now and…

"You are the one... man eating ghoul."

Moesat shouted back but no one was interested in Yang Che. And Moesat does not too so he gives up shouting it.

Anyway the righteousness is always covered by evil desire of greed. All of the people neglected what Moesat said.

"He is the fragrant devil."

Someone shouted.

''''That is right, I am fragrant devil...how did he knew???''' Moesat thought.

"No. he is not a fragrant devil. Fragrant devil is big and powerful that not him."

Someone shouted and…

"yes, he is not a fragrant devil."

"He is too small to be the fragrant devil."

Some people agree on what someone shouted.

"Ekkk...I am a fragrant devil." Moesat thought.

"We are going to capture the criminal, you Cloud Field sect and Blood Cliff sect do not involve in it. If not.. don't say that we are bad."

Some one from high level threaten on BC and CF sects elders.

After listening to that, Moesat thinks it is time to fight.

So, he raised his hand and shouted.


Everyone voice die down and watch at Moesat, while they are preparing to fight.

"What you all want is.. in this ring, A key to enter the Blood Cliff….After you enter it and you will become powerful like me..."

Moesat showed the blood ring on his hand and lied to them.

When people heard what Moesat shouted and their eyes became brighter...and they quiet down and listen to Moesat as they want to know more about that.

"But there are limits to the number of people who could get inheritance. So if you want it….come and get it."

While saying that Moesat turn back and run away. Areum followed with him.

They both run out and now many people are chasing after them.

There are three thousand of them.

It is like a marathon, many people are chasing after Moesat. But they all knew that whoever got the ring first would be killed by others too.

It is also like a chinese wuxia novel, a high level cultivator grave is found and at the time it opens...these people charge in.

They all know that there is a risk but they said no risk no gain….

In the three thousand people, there were army soldiers from both Seolleon and Yonan countries in it.

High level people from both countries follow them from the behind, they all knew that this is not easy to get the ring.

And Kim family follow from behind too, they wanted to see how Moesat die then the ring.