
Metal Universe

Nano metal organism embedded warriors ruling in the metal universe searching for power. And they unlocked a secret. In this novel, Everyone has fair chance, but that lead to unfair. MC could get Cheat Code, so as all other too. Everyone is fighting to get it. So, all cultivators are not innocent and all innocent cultivators don't exit.

Zmp · Eastern
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116 Chs

Metgiktran weapons.

(Disclaimer: All characters, organizations, places, cases and incidents in this novel are fictitious.)


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Sorry for a late release chapter. I created too many advance weapons, but it was not good for the story. So I needed to rethink and downgrade all of it.

And I wish you all for good health.





Areum and Park So Gyu arrived at their destination. It is at the south east side the country, it cover with beautiful scenery of mountains and forests.

And there were a sea at the east side of the sect.


As the name of Cloud Field sect, clouds were covered most parts of the mountain range.

At the base of mountains there were many small villages, they were formed and safety was depend on the Cloud Field sect.

There were many Cloud Field sect disciple were training around the villages while protecting them.

Many were people from Cloud Field sect at the sea side villages. They were training on and inside of the sea water.


When Park So Gyu arrived and some disciples came down from the mountain and guide them to where some elders were waiting.

They were leading to a quiet and beautiful place. There is a beautiful medium size building built with stone and metal.

Areum was amaze as she saw many wood plants and flowers were blooming around the mountains. But she also notice that they were all lower than thousand years age trees.


There were two graceful middle age women and some disciples in the building waiting for them.

When they met, they gave respect to each other and sat down.

Areum sat down too and when she sat down, some disciple faces change into sore. One of the middle age woman noticed that disciple faces changed.

After these cloud field disciples serve an expensive tea, they were asked to leave by the middle age woman who noticed about them.


That disciples who left were talking to each other,

"Who was that cripple beggar? She did not know her place to sit with our sect master?"

She was telling about Areum, who sat down with their sect master.


First disciple,

"I heard that they came here to cure that cripple hand, I think they will soon get refused to cure her cripple hand."


Second disciple,

"Please don't call her a cripple. And for me, I think different. The elder will cure her."


Third disciple,

"Why? The sect elder even refused to cure royal families and why should she help these poor people?"


Eldest disciple,

"Hmm, I would like to remind you all that, if the sect leader or an elder heard about you all said that and you all would get punishment."


First disciple,

"Why??? They were wearing poor clothes and they looked like beggar. Why would we get punishment for calling them as beggars and they also came here asking help from us?"


The eldest disciple,

"That is because you all did not know the history of them."


Second disciple,

"Elder sister, please tell us about them!"


The eldest disciple,

"I am not sure for all of them, I just heard some rumour about them."

"That poor looking old man is one of the top martial artist in our country now. But before he was one of the top in three countries."

"He is from Blood Cliff sect, because of that he and other elders of our sect were close to each other."

"Long time ago, Blood cliff and cloud field sects formed a group and they went into the weapon forming trial."

"At that time, our elder Eun Min Jae was strongest from our sect but she was only half strong compare to that poor looking old man."

"In the trial, they found a very precious metal and got attacked by many others, including the king of Seolleon country now."

"That old man fought them back and save many of people from their group but he got heavily injured."


"He gave the metal to second strongest in the group, elder Eun Min Jae. But elder Eun made these metal into doctors' tool and saves all other injured people from their group."

"That old man's Sun energy core got cracked in the fight. And elder Eun Min Jae tried to restore the cracked but she could only stop the energy leak out but she could not restore it fully."


"That old man drop his strength but still now he is one of top cultivator in our country."

"Elder Eun Min Jae got scolded by old head sect master and elders when she got back to sect because she made her weapon as doctor tools."


"But later she saved many people from our sect and elder Eun Min Jae became number two doctor in three countries made all other people changed their view on elder Eun Min Jae."

"That is the reason that elder Eun Min Jae refused to cure royal families, but I think she would not refuse that old man requests."


The eldest disciple retold the stories of older generation made all other disciples understand more about their sect and history of their country and sects.

As a female, some got feeling pain in their heart and tears were welling out in their eyes.


And even first disciple stopped complain about old man and Areum. But she still ask a question,

"The king attacked us before and why does not he take an action on our sect now?"


The eldest disciple answer in straight away.

"All of the sect in this country were not strong enough to easily wipe out other sect. If the king attacks us and they will definitely weaken their own strength and other will take this chance and overthrown them."

"And one more is, do you know! Soong city was the defence line of beast attack but there were not big army? But the big army is at the west side of the country, guarding the invasion of other countries."


The first disciple,

"????, these three countries royal families were not relative? Are they not descendant of the first hero?"


The eldest disciple,

"That first hero slept with every beautiful woman he saw, he even married with his best friend wife who was a top beauty of that time. And his best friend disappeared.

Don't you know?? the Seolleon royal families were descendent of that hero and his best friend wife!!"

Eldest disciple said in disdain as she is a proud woman who does not like that kind of man.


"The first hero had more than thousand of children and they killed each other all the time to get a thorn.

So the Seolleon king did not dare to fight all out war with any other sect, and again they always asked for help time to time to fight against other countries."


"But they always attacked us in the dark, many of our sisters got raped and killed in Metal core trial by them?."

She is in grievance while saying that as her close sister died in the trial.

And she is decided to take revenge on them.


About the energy core.

There were two Core or energies reservoir in a human body. Both were in other dimension but these have inter connection with human body which was in this dimension.

Sun core is near human heart and all Sun energy veins coming out and went back into the Sun core.


In the building,

"Areum, this is doctor Eun Min Jae and the sect leader Chon Hee."

Park So Gyu gave introduction to each other.

Areum stood up and gave respect to both elder women.


"So Gyu, it has been more than ten years last time we met?"

Elder Eun Min Jae told in familiar way to Elder Park So Gyu.

"That right, I was in seclude cultivation before and I just got out. And as soon as I got out I need your help hahaha."

Park So Gyu answered and he felt himself younger as he saw his old friend.


"Is that her hand? You wanted me to cure?" Elder Min Jae asked.

"Yes, she got ambushed and could not cured well at that time. So it became very hard to correct it now. That why I asked your help. Could you corrects her arm alignment?"

Elder Park So Gyu asked in worried.

"Don't worry too much I will checked it later and I will do my best to cure her hand." elder Min Jae gave her promise.


"Senior So Gyu, I felt like you were so active and happy now. After all these years I had never seen you like that."

Sect leader Chon Hee asked as she noticed a change in Park So Gyu.


"Hehehe, that because I found someone that could change our sect. I will later tell you about that."

Elder Park So Gyu answered in happiness.


After that they talk for a while and checked Areum hand.

"Her hand could be readjusted but I really needed to focus on it. So I needed you and other people guard me, while I am readjusting her hand."

"And it would take me two full day to cure her hand."

Elder Eun Min Jae told Park So Gyu and the sect leader.


"Don't worry I will guard with my life."

Elder So Gyu gave his word.


That made Areum really gratitude on both Elder Park So Gyu and Eun Min Jae in her heart. But she did not say a flashy word.

But she gave out all the sun fruits that Moesat gave her before she left. Moesat gave these fruit for emergency used in many situations.


These fruits were just normal fruits but these fruits were like a small water source in a big desert.

When other saw the fruits their eyes wide open and,

"Where did you got that much of fruits?"

Sect leader Chon Hee amazed and asked.


Areum shook her head and she did not answer that question.

After seeing that, elder Park So Gyu intercepted,

"Sect leader please don't ask."

He was thinking something and trying to stop the sect leader.

And the sect leader thought of something and noob her head and stop asking.

They all were thinking about the curse in the trial, that could kill people before they talk.


"With this fruits we could make many healing pills, energies replenish pills, energies pills and many other pills. Let cure her hand in coming three days. Within these days I would ask alchemist to make some pills from fruits."

"And every one try relax your body to full of energies within these days."

Elder Eun Min Jae told them to rest to full condition before she started operation on Areum hand.


They rest three days in that building. That building is a small clinic so there were many rooms available.


After three day,

They were ready to operation on Areum hand.


The room is large and full with many medicine and tools. In the room, it is too quiet as sound from outside could not come in the room.


In the middle of room floor, there were many circles, some were big and some were small, some overlap to each other and some kind of word were written and some rays were around the circles.

These were called as energy ray inscription.


Areum was lying in the big middle cycle and her left hand was spread out away from her body.

Near her left hand, elder Eun Min Jae sat on the floor in cross leg position.

And there were many normal operation tools, medicines and other necessarites were neatly arranged.


In this room, there were only two people, Areum and elder Eun Min Jae, in it .

All other stay outside of the room. There is a bigger room outside of operation room.


Elder Park So Gyu sat near to operation door and he is quietly cultivating. And other two older women and two young disciples were quietly stay in that room.


In the operation room, Elder Eun Min Jae was in cross leg position and change her body form.



To use Metgiktran weapon, all needed to change their body into Metgiktran form.


And she used her weapon ability.

Operation domain.


Around two feet diameter sphere appear and encompass around the Areum left arm.

The sphere is form with energies, so it is shinning and other could not see what was inside.

Only elder Eun could see every detail and magnified in her domain.


Elder Eun used sun power in the ray which were on the floor, which could maintain both of their health condition.

Soon her Metgiktran weapons came out from her Metal Core. It was in another dimension so it came out like an item appear from space item bag.


Her tools were sort of same like earth doctors' surgical instrument which used in the operation and other were too many different sizes of needles.

Needles sizes were vary but other surgical tools were too small, they were only around one to three inches long but they were created very beautiful and crafted in very detail accuracy.

And these don't have hand handle.


All tools were full of energies and shinning. Elder made this tool with the help of high powerful weapon creator.

Because of the weapon maker was too powerful, the energies in the weapons is higher than Elder Eun.

To make that weapons she needed to give half of precious metal to the weapon maker.

All weapons went into the domain and they behave like they were arrived back in their home.


Elder looked at the injured on Areum hand in her domain.

She saw every detail in magnified and she could see through inside the arm.


After that she used needles, stabbed on Areum hand to make her less pain. But it is not painless.

And elder started cut out scar and every unnecessary thing from the previous healed wound

Her tools were moving without needed to handle by hand.

In her domain every tools moves as she wish.


Areum was in pain as her flash were cut piece by piece. But she did not try to break free her hand from the Elder Eun domain.


Elder Euns' all her power and focus is on the operation, if there were an outside distrubance and she would suffer from the black leash. She could be heavily injured or even she could die from it.


A day and a half pass quietly and approaching to last six hours.

There were a dim light out side even if it was a middle of night from the clock.

A light did not disappear.


A female disciple was rush coming in.