
Metal Universe

Nano metal organism embedded warriors ruling in the metal universe searching for power. And they unlocked a secret. In this novel, Everyone has fair chance, but that lead to unfair. MC could get Cheat Code, so as all other too. Everyone is fighting to get it. So, all cultivators are not innocent and all innocent cultivators don't exit.

Zmp · Eastern
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116 Chs

A single moment of....

(Disclaimer: All characters, organizations, places, cases and incidents in this novel are fictitious.)


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A female disciple was rush coming in. She was tired and exhausted after rushing to get here.

She tried to tell something but gasping the air and nervousness making her to stop her word coming out from her mouth.


"Slow down and tell us slowly." Elder Mioh told her, but elder Mioh did not scold her for disturbing them. As a wise woman, who could see further away instead of short sight, she knew there was a problem.


After hearing from an elder word, that relieved the nervousness of young disciple and she took a few moment to gasp her breath.


She slowly tell them afterwards,

The unknown enemies were attacking them at east, west and north side branch, enemy were high level and attacking them in guerrilla war system, so they did not know how many or who.

Moreover, the unknown intention of the enemies made them confused.

That was the reason, the sect leader sent someone to warn them.


Their sect was established on many mountain range. They have main head quarter at centre and four other branches in four direction at near mountain base villages.

These branches were established for making easy to communicate with Cloud field sect and normal villages.


Two elders of Cloud field looked at each other without saying a thing but in their eyes there was a question.


The question was ' What should we do.'


But they knew that their main mission was guarding Elder Eun, if something bad happen to elder Eun and their sect were lost one of their important pillar.


So they looked back at the disciple who came and,

"Tell the sect leader, We understand and we will be more careful." They gave their message back.

As the time pass, the people, who passed through many situation and experiences many things, were changed their thinking too.


For an inexperience person, this kind of news would make them shake and rush into the fight with enemies but,

These two elder did not shake from this news and did not rush toward the branch to fight with enemies.

They knew what is more important and what was their mission.


The young disciple confused as an inexperience person, she thought these two elders would go and fight with enemies for saving other.

But she could not complain anything as the sect leader only said to give them message. So she turn and leave back to where she came from.


"Wait a minute."

A voice coming out to stop her,

It was Park So Gyu and he wait for the messenger turn back to them.


"Please tell the sect master, the enemies attacking this time was not a coincident.

It would be better, if all the people from the branches take all the valuable and go back to the main head quarter.

The enemies would be destroy the leftover building but lives are more important than non-living thing. And this is happen because of us, so Blood Cliff would rebuild these building if these building got destroyed.

And finally, this is important that what I told you were just an advice, nothing more."

Park So Gyu slowly told these words to messenger disciple.


And Park So Gyu did not explain too much and let messenger go.

The messenger disciple now more confused and went back.


But when the sect leader heard the message and she understand the meaning of the message. And she ordered all people withdraw from the branches to the main.


These enemies were coming for Elder Eun, and they were attacking on the branches to lure the tiger out from cave.

Enemies were not too many, so when the Could Field sect combined at the main head quarter and enemies had no choice but they had to stop their attack.


Some where in a mountain range, there were three people standing.

"Leader what should we do next? This scary cat women left their own building and run like a dog."

Number nine angried as he wanted to play with these women a bit more.


"Shut up number nine, I knew what you wanted to do. Remember our mission, if you disturbed our mission, I will personally kill you."

"And these damn bitches were not stupid that was why they run away. Their running away made our mission in half failure, don't you fvcking understand????"

The leader shout at number nine who dripping down saliva like a dog when he saw woman.


Many stupid people would thought that running away is a losing and that is only for a loser doing.

But the clever people thought in different way.


"So what should we do next? Leader!" Number six thought about situation and asked as their situation is not good to attack now.

"They left the building behind, I will go and destroyed all of it." Number nine tried to change his anger on empty building.

He was angry at Cloud Field sect women and his leader.

But women were not here and he could not dare to touch his leader, so he is like a dog which was trying to bite everything which is near them when they were angry.


"Number nine stop doing non sense, do you think you could easily destroyed the building which was build with metal and stone? We needed to save our energy for our next fight."

Number six stopped the number nine.


As their energy was not unlimited, if they spent their energies for destroying the building and they would be needing to refill it.

Number nine wanted to talk back but when he saw the leader looking at him with anger and he lower his head.


After thinking for a while, leader made a decision.

"Call all the other, we will going to direct attack on that bitch Eun Min Jae."

When all ten people gather,

"Tell me about all the situations of the enemies." The leader asked.

"Two elders, two young disciples and an old beggar at the clinic and all other were at main head quarter."

Number two gave the answer.


"Do you know who were two elders guarding at the door?"

Leader asked,

"Elder Mioh and elder Hea Kyun Soo."

Number two gave an answer right away.


"There were two Metal ability stage people in this Cloud Field sect. One is The Sect leader and another is Mioh. So one of the Metal ability stage is guarding the door and sect leader is at head quarter. That great."

The leader calculated.


"There were another Metal Ability stage at the clinic."

Number two was trying to fill up a missing information.


The leader face darken and,

"Who is the third one? I never got that information!!! if there was another and it would be hard for our mission."


Number two answers the question in confused, as he thought he made a mistake?

"Elder Eun??? is she Metal ability stage?"


"Arrrr…. leave that bitch out of that list."

The leader anger and said in loud voice. He hate that elder Eun Min Jae for refusing to cure his younger brother and because of that his younger brother died.

That was the reason he took this job even if he is one of the rare Metal ability stage cultivator.


Number two lower his head but he did not like that, he got shouted for telling the missing information!!.

But he could not talk back to the leader as his strength is only at Metal weapon stage. And he would lose in fight if he fought with that leader.


"So we are going to direct attack on the clinic?" Number three asked and trying to changed their attention.

"That right." The leader answer.

"Is it too risky to attack directly?" Number two asked.


The leader changed his face like a wise man and deep sight of thought.

"Only who dare to go into tiger cave could get the tiger cub. A risk always involved in the rich."


"We will quickly attack and leave quickly. I will hold on Mioh and all of you quickly disturb that bitch and kill her, Got it?"

"Yes leader."

Discrimination is everywhere, if someone wore a poor clothes other people don't even count as one.


At the clinic,

While everyone was quietly sitting,

Suddenly, old man Park So Gyu stand up and,

"They are coming." while saying he walked out through the door. He did not want someone came in and fight in the room.

Two elders and two disciples followed without saying a thing.


When they got out they saw a group of people rushing toward them.

"One ability stage, five weapon forming stage and four at normal Metal core stage. I will attack that ability stage and two weapon forming stage, for other enemies, you two could prevent them to go in, Is that alright?"

Old man Park So Gyu asked other two elder.

"That ok. But careful there may be some more in the dark." Hea Kyun Soo warn them.


Enemies were already change their body into Metgiktran form. So without waiting Park So Gyu changed into Metgiktran form and attacked toward the enemies leader.


Park So Gyu jumped in the air and,

'Thousand pole strike first form'

His two meters long single pole changed into many horizontal pole strike images toward three people.


Park So Gyu Metgiktran weapon is a simple pole and his ability is thousand pole. His affinity is Metal and he made metal weapon.

So everything is support to his power.


When the old man Park So Gyu changed his body and took out his weapon, all of the enemies faces changed but before they talk, they have to move their hand first.


'Mountain smashing hummer'

Enemies leader is (earth or ground) affinity and his weapon is metal hummer. And his best ability is smashing down from above.

His hummer become big image like mountain and it is smashing down on Park So Gyu.

And other two, number four and five, used their Metgiktran weapons and guard against that ability, which was coming from Park So Gyu but all their faces were sore.


All enemies faces were dark but their movement was not even slow for a single moment. As a professional attacker, they never delay in the change of a situation.


Two weapon forming stage enemies each attacked at each Cloud Field elders.

Number three attacked on elder Hea Kyun Soo alone. and number two attacked on Elder Mioh.


And the last one, number six, slipped through the defence line, while other four metal core warriors were attacking at Elder Mioh together with number two.


Elder Mioh startled and tried to block the last one, weapon forming stage warrior but she could not reach as other were attacking on her.

In the fight one second could change everything.


One disciple who followed the elders was trying to delay the number six but a sudden attack hit on her…..




With the sound a big hummer shape ability broken into pieces like a mirror.

Park So Gyus' small pole ability pierced through the big hummer ability.


Number four and five used their weapons and trying to block the pole strike and they got pushed back ten feet away.

Because of three enemies defence the pole strike and the pole strike lost its' power.


Park So Gyu changed into martial art form and his pole circle in the air and strike on the enemies.

'Dog beaten eighteen pole strike.'


'Strom hummer'

'River cutting sabre'

'Sky piercing spear'

They all were fighting in close combat with martial art.


But the old man Park saw the number six went through the defence line and his heart was shaken.

So he flip backward a few time and,

'Thousand pole strike third form'

He used his last form of ability.

Metgiktran Weapon ability were so many kind and it could not give real grade on it.


In the enemies leader mind 'High level ability who is that old beggar??" But he could not talk in a Fight.


'Mountain smashing hummer'

He tried to use the same ability as he did not have other. Because it was not easy to make a weapon ability.



All three of them got hit severely and blown back down on the ground.


The old man tried to follow and finished them off.

"Please don't kill me, I am just a prawn." Enemies leader pleaded at old man Park.


Park So Gyu is always gentle and kind so he stopped his pole in the air and turn back to chase after the number six.


One mistake could change the battle.


At that the number six place,

One disciple tried to delay the number six but she got attacked from behind and fall down.

Another disciple hit her from her back.


Number six did not stop a single moment but she is running toward the door.