
Metal Universe

Nano metal organism embedded warriors ruling in the metal universe searching for power. And they unlocked a secret. In this novel, Everyone has fair chance, but that lead to unfair. MC could get Cheat Code, so as all other too. Everyone is fighting to get it. So, all cultivators are not innocent and all innocent cultivators don't exit.

Zmp · Eastern
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116 Chs


(Disclaimer: All characters, organizations, places, cases and incidents in this novel are fictitious.)


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Areum and Park So Gyu were on the way to a doctor.

"Areum, you already reached Metal Core mid level. Do you know everything about Metal Weapon Forming stage?"

Park So Gyu asked as he notice something about Areum.


"I don't know anything. Moreover I am confused. Before my knowledge was Metal Forming, Metal Core, and Metal essence stage but now it is change into Metal Weapon Forming and ability?"


"Just as I thought, you did not know. But you know there were two parts in cultivation?

One was sun power and another was Metal body?

Metal body forming, Metal Core and Metal essence stage are for sun power but it needed to combine with Metal body.

Weapon forming and ability stage are only for Metal body."


"Ohh, it is like that!!."

"Ok, now is complicated part, listen well,"


Weapon forming and ability stage are a branch stages of Metal body, you could skip and go into Metal essence trial to get Metal essence.

But you could not make metal body weapon anymore.

Ability stage is Metal body weapon's ability, so if you don't have Metal body weapon and you could never get an ability anymore.


Metal forming, core and essence stages, at that stages your sun power would go up if you level up but sun power go up do not apply in weapon forming and ability parts.


Whenever in Metal Core stage, you could go into weapon forming trial but it would be the best if you are at cap of your power in Metal core stage before you go in weapon forming trial.


I could not tell you more about Metal weapon stages but my suggestion is 'don't every think about skipping it.'


There were many things in that trial but no one could teach other outsider of the trial because there was a curse in there.

In the history of mankind, everyone died just before they tried to talk about the restricted things about metal forming trial. So whatever you experience in every trial please don't tell anyone. Remind that to Moesat too.


You know about professional workers? They were called as professional workers because they made the weapon as what they needed it in their jobs.


They were actually called as Metgiktran workers. Metgiktran is short cut for 'Metal body is magically transform' 'Met Gik Tran'.

And warrior were called as Metgiktran warrior.


When Metgiktran worker made a weapon ability with their weapons, they became a top in their field.


Now you know that I took you to a Metgiktran doctor and you will see what kind of weapon she made that in the weapon forming trial.

Areum really amazed that as before she never knew how to become a Metgiktran workers or why they were powerful in their authorities.


Moesat put item bag near the prison door and he went into the bag and came out at other side of the door.

Item bag is space item and it has space law and power. Normal prison or restriction did not work for space item.


Kan Youn already left the prison so Moesat and Lu Lu freely went around in the prison and checked.

Lu Lu was carrying the bag in the air and Moesat went in and out to check every other rooms.

Rooms were empty for a long time but some bone were found in some room but non were alive in the prison except them.


Now they were thinking for their escape and about The saw and Kan Youn.

"Should we cut the iron bar from the prison doors?" Moesat asked.

"I think we should not." Nana said.

"Yes we should not, if we did that and they will assume that you have inviable ring with you. Before Soo Jung Tae was looking for everything on your body and he said that he did not got the ring."


"If you cut it and he will say that the saw was in the ring and you have the ring."Lu Lu said what she saw.

"But if we did not cut, these people would think Kan Youn would took me to somewhere and they would hurt him." Moesat said for Kan Youn.

"He gave us medicine and the saw, he is a good guy I don't want him to get hurt." Moesat thinking and said it.


"No, we could not say that he is good guy just because of that. We did not know the complicated thought in their mind. He may be very cunning guy or good guy we don't know." Nana pointed out.


"Yes Dad, I may be selfish I don't want anyone of us to get hurt because of we trust some other." Lu Lu said in sad voice.

Before Moesat pretend to got hurt from Hae Wan Hwa, that did not mean no injuries. Moesat suffer pain and got injuries from that their attacks and hits.


"OK, let it be. So what about the saw or where we should go next." Moesat asked.

"Leave the saw as Kan Youn left. And we would better hide in a place than running far away."

"That would make mystery to them, you will just vanish into thin air." Nana advised that.


"I found a place in a prison room if I put the bag in it and no one could found it. And this prison is better place for us to hide, while everyone thought we ran away." Lu Lu said as her part.

"OK, let hide and wait for the old man got back here." Moesat decided on what they all agree on it.


And they put the space bag in a ground crack in a prison room near to their room.

Only if people dig in the ground and they could find the bag. So it is really safe place for them.


Soon Soo Jang Tae arrived and later head master and other teachers arrived with Kan Youn.

And they search quickly into empty prison rooms.


After that,

Soo Jang Tae looked at Kan Youn and,

"Where is Moesat? Where did you take him?"


"I left him in that room and locked him in that room."

Kan Youn answered with confuse and scare.



Soo Jang Tae hit him and

"If you left him there and where is he now?"

"I really did not know, I locked him up in there and I left."


"Please stop, I am telling the truth."


Kan Youn get tortured by Soo Jang Tae.


Lu Lu was looking quietly and told everything to Moesat.

Moesat was feeling sad inside because of him, someone got tortured.


Moesat was standing in the bag, looking at the direction toward Kan Youn and he tighten his fist and clench his teeth but he could not do a thing.

He could not go out and save Kan Youn as that could harm his family.

A tear coming out but Moesat was not moving.

"Senior Kan Youn, I will give them back ten fold that you suffer."


Sometime was saving other, that could be ruined other people plan without realizing about it.

Moesat got their own escape plan but Kan Youn intercepted and everything went wrong.


If Moesat tried to save Kan Youn now and they all were going to capture by these people.

Moesat now remember what Chi Chi said to him before. Moesat ruined his plan to kill the tiger.

May be Moesat messed up Chi Chi plan.


Soo Jang Tae was trying to hit Kan Youn again but,

Head master stopped him,

"Kan Youn is not a lair. If we focus on him and the real culprit would get away. Let check."


"I think someone came and save him. That boy Moesat could not move his own after getting hit from Hae Wan Hwa."

"That possible! If I got attacked like that and even I would suffer injuries."

"So what about the saw? Or prison door?"

"Must be using lock pick?"


"Or may be old man???"

"Park So Gyu? Not possible, if he was here he would stop it."

"For me, someone saved that boy and forget to take back the saw."

"So they must be on run, let go find them!"


They put Kan Youn in the prison room and chased after Moesat.

After everyone left,

"Help me please!" Kan Youn was asking for help. His voice is weak as he was suffer in pain.


"Lu Lu, if all other left and let help him."

"No, we could not help him. I could not go far away to check these people actually left or not. This must be a trap."

Lu Lu could only move ten meters around the bag so she could not check everything.

"Lu Lu is right, these people would not just left. If we act now and we would fall into their trap."

Nana supported Lu Lu words.


Moesat is so sad but he could not do a thing to save his senior.

So he kneel down on the ground and kowtow toward Kan Youn from inside of the bag.


These teachers left but they did not say anything about the real reason to attack Moesat.

All claimed that Moesat ruthlessly attacked and robbed on senior.


Lu Lu went out and checked time to time.

First day,

Kan Youn was still asking for 'help' time to time in weak voice.


Second day,

Kan Youn was still asking for 'help' time to time in weak voice.


Third day,

Kan Youn was still asking for 'help' time to time in weak voice.


"Something wrong!!!" Lu Lu said

"What wrong?? it is already three days. I think it is safe to save him." Moesat said.

"No, what Lu Lu said is right. Something is wrong. Without eating or drinking for three days and Kan Youn is still the same?" Nana pointed out made Moesat confused.


"Ya ya and he did not move??? but he did not go toilet? Even if he could not eat now, he could not hold previous things for three days." Lu Lu said what she notice.

"That right. He may be move around when Lu Lu was in the bag." Nana thought of possibility as Lu Lu could not stay out and checked all the time.


At that time,

"Someone come near." Lu Lu sense were getting sharper and she noticed someone came near. So she went out and checked.


That was Soo Jang Tae,

"Kan Youn is there anything changed?"

"No, Master."

"Let go, we needed to search them. They must be arrived very far away from here."

Kan Youn was quickly stand up and followed the Soo Jang Tae.


Moesat was in kneel down position and crying in the bag.

"How could I take back my Kowtow????" Moesat shouted in pain.


In the space bag,

Lu Lu was on Moesat hand and Moesat gentle caress on her head. Nana is in the air cushion and Enna is sitting near them.

"Lu Lu and everyone listen, I don't want anyone to get hurt or die." Moesat slowly said while thinking.

"I am the strongest one now and if enemy is too strong, I wants everyone stay safe in the bag even if I die in fighting."

"But if enemy is not strong enough we would combine and fight."


"We know that all of us are too strong but we haven't grow up yet, if we all die now it is wasted for us."

"I did not said that all of us would cowardly hiding forever."

"If I die you all wait until you all grow up and revenge for me, I will do the same."


"It is not that because of I don't love you, but because of I love you all. I will stay alive in the pain until I got a revenge."

"Dying together is easy but staying alive in the pain is harder."

Moesat did not mention about his bond with Nana but they knew what Moesat wanted to say.


'Love you all' have different kind of love but without explain they all understand.


They all understand as they were more intelligent than Moesat.

"And you should not fight if we don't needed to, OK?" Nana told Moesat but Enna could not hear it.

"Dad you needed to train harder." Lu Lu did not satisfy that they lost.


Moesat have strength of 15000 Kg at out put but in real fight, his punch is only around one third 1/3 of his actual strength.

While Moesat is in low strength, it is not showing too much different but when he got stronger and the gap became bigger.

It is because of the sudden power gain.


The construction of Sun power energy circulation and transfer is same like a human body or a car. But a human body is harder to explain.


In a car,

Fuel, engine, connection and wheels were include in taking out the power of the car.

If sudden power gain is same like the car sudden got super fuel. But if the super fuel is used on the weak cars' engine and it will be busted, connection would be broken and same to apply to the wheels.


Moesat could withstand it before just because of his body is better than normal and his Sun and moon cultivation changed his body when his power is going up.


But that did not mean that it is already fix everything in his body. Within five months his physical body was getting stronger but his actual strength is not going up.


They all were so young and they needed sometime to grow up.

This is the another reason that they did not rush to use Lu Lu dragon blood yet.


Moesat is training Diamond angel dance body movement. If a MC is training it and they could finished their training within a week but that is not for Villain Moesat.


Moesat is not a genius but he did not give up on training.

In ten time, he could not get it and he will try a hundred time.


Now he is trying to move sixty four movement,

Some time he is slow, some time body position is not right. Some time he is fast, tripped or fall down because he is too fast.

His hand or leg were broken or his flash were torn apart but he did not stop.

He heal it back quickly and train again.


After a body movement is correct and he tried to use his attacks within Angel Dance movement and,

His attacks' strength is lacking while he is moving in sixty four move or he could not hit the target.

Time is passing through quickly but he could not adjust power, speed and movement.


Only after two months pass he found out the flaw and corrected it.

The flaw is only for him, because this Angel Dance is made by two girls and when he used it and he could not fit in with the movement.


He slowly adjust it while using his Sun Moon cultivation. Sun Moon cultivation control the flow of energies way inside his body that helping him with adjusting his power and speed.


Within these months he tried to cultivated Blood cliff sect cultivations techniques while using his Sun Moon cultivation.

All three gold grade cultivation could not use with his cultivation. But he found one silver grade cultivation technique.


It is lower rank in silver grade and not popular as slower than other silver grade. But when it combine with Sun Moon cultivation and became a new cultivation technique.


It became a legend rank cultivation technique and energy circulation faster than Moesats' Sun Moon cultivation technique.

But it is not good for Moesat who have solid foundation.


Areum and Park So Gyu arrived at their destination.