
Metal Universe

Nano metal organism embedded warriors ruling in the metal universe searching for power. And they unlocked a secret. In this novel, Everyone has fair chance, but that lead to unfair. MC could get Cheat Code, so as all other too. Everyone is fighting to get it. So, all cultivators are not innocent and all innocent cultivators don't exit.

Zmp · Eastern
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116 Chs


(Disclaimer: All characters, organizations, places, cases and incidents in this novel are fictitious.)


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Moesat looks at the chasing down at the bottom of the mountain, he could see clearly what was happening.

There is a big lion, Metal core peak stage, is chasing after a small horned rabbit, which at Metal forming stage level 8 around.

The lion is really big, 10 feet high with more than 20 feet long without it tail length.

The lion movement is fast, especially in straight line, but the small rabbit is more faster in zigzag movement.

The small rabbit is cleaver as it make the big lion ran into trees and rocks to make the big lion speed slow down.

But the strength of the small rabbit and big lion is too much different as the cultivation realm is different. So the small rabbit power would be run out sooner or later before the big lion.

Even now both could not form Metgiktran, as they were depleting their energy.

The small horned rabbit is bigger than Chi Chi, it whole body muscle is stronger than Chi Chi and the horn look very strong with electric spark come out sometime.

In many human, affinity attribute appear at the stage of Metal Core but that not entirely the truth. Especially, it is different case in beast.

Even if this rabbit and Chi Chi body figure is not the same, Moesat knew that this little one running in front is Chi Chi for sure.

Moesat is in the Metgiktran form and ready to fight but he does not go down and help.

"Hay, Chi Chi...What is your plan to take down this lion for this time?"

Moesat shouted to let these two know about their group existence.

The lion slow down and look at back toward Moesat group, while Chi Chi is running out of the lion range.

After that Chi Chi stops and looks at Moesat group and….

"Runaway humanoid beast, that elephant lion is in hungry."

Chi Chi tried to warn Moesat group as he did not remember any of them, especially Moesat is in dragon form.

The big lion looks at Chi Chi and Moesat group, after that he decided to eat Moesat group as Moesat group is bigger meat than small Chi Chi.

Even if the big lion anger is on the small rabbit, but he is more in hunger.

Chi Chi is always Chi Chi, he must have made something on the big lion to chase after him.

The big lion rush toward the mountain top with happiness inside.Li

"Ohh..crap. RUN..RUN human beast, The lion will eat you.."

Chi Chi shouted again toward Areum and Nana.

"You are the powerful Chi Chi, why don't you take that lion down?"

Moesat shouted back to Chi Chi without caring about the big lion. It is not about underestimating on the big lion but they are more believe in their group power.

"I am powerful but that lion is more powerful, I don't have a plan to take him down. Runnnn….By the way how do you know my name???? May be you must have heard of the great Chi Chi name!!!"

Chi Chi shouted back.

Chi Chi behaviour changes a bit but still most of his habits are very hard to change.

The lion is getting near, so Moesat stop talking, and he really wanted to test this lion power.

So he flew up and dive down toward the incoming lion.

The lion looks at small black bird that dive down toward him, and he did not want to open his mouth to bite it.

So, he channel his power in his right hand and smash down the incoming bird.

Moesat use his speed and normal punch to direct hit on the big lion right hand.


With the boom sound, the lion roll back down from the mountain as he is always underestimate on other beast, now he has to pay for underestimating on other. And he is already tired.

Moesat too smash down on the mountain wall and roll up a bit before he could stop his body.

From that attack Moesat could estimate the lion strength, the lion is three or four time stronger than normal human at same cultivation realm.

That lion is stronger than Moesat in term of strength only.

Now Moesat got some understanding about elephant-lion, so he needed to decide what to do next.

"Chi Chi, have you seen Lenon? Is that big one... same group with Lenon?"

Moesat asks to make sure not to wrong attack on his friend group.

Chi Chi is now stop running as he knew that the black bird could fight back with the big lion and there are more numbers in that black bird group. So he is hoping for winning in the fight now.

"I am not sure, but when I told that kitty '''I am a friend of Lenon.''' and that kitty got angry."

Chi Chi answers back with many unknown facts.

After Moesat heard what Chi Chi answer, so…

"Hay, Big lion...I am a friend of Lenon too. Do you know Lenon???"

The big lion, who got suffer from dropping down from the mountain, got some rest while Moesat and Chi Chi were talking.

And now the big lion got back stand up with the anger after hearing about Moesat ask.

"Good, Lenon friends, Become my food."

The lion answered in straight forward manner, may be the big lion is stupid. The big lion should lie in that situation. And he should sneak attack on Moesat back when Moesat group let their guard down.

The big lion is in hungry status, lost energy from chasing after Chi Chi, got suffer from drop down from the mountain, and Moesat is not alone.

This big lion must be low in both EQ and IQ. He did not understand his situation.

After Moesat got an answer from the big lion,

"Chi Chi is that big lion alone or with a group?"

Moesat asked,

"I saw him alone...ohh that bad, I got to go..."

Chi Chi now remember that most of the lion come in group, so he run back.

Looking at Chi Chi, Moesat decided to fight quickly.

"Lu Lu, help me to finish it quick."

After saying that Moesat fly at the lion with full speed and he charge his energy into his fist, to ready to use double power punch.

The lion is too charging his energy fully to fight back, this time he did not underestimate on his enemy.

While the lion is looking at Moesat, he saw a small pellet come out from the thin air with very fast speed. He tried to lift his hand to defence but he is too late and he got hit on his body.

Blood spill out and he fall back, at the same time he got another hit on his lifted hand. The small pellet precise through his hand. And then he got attacked by third time, that is Moesat punch.

His big body blown away smashing on many tree before he drop down on the ground.

The big lion got a serious injury at the first set of attack. But Moesat does not stop his attack…

"Lu Lu let capture him alive first."

Moesat tell Lu Lu, while he is flying toward the lion.

Lu Lu shot again two more times, this time pellets hit on lion both legs. And Moesat punch on the lion body again.

The lion blown away again, and bloods were coming out from his many parts of his body. He lost his conscious too.

Moesat quickly capture the lion and he fly back toward his group.

After he took his family into the bag and he follow toward where Chi Chi was heading. When he catch up with Chi Chi, he capture Chi Chi like an eagle capture a rabbit and he fly back into the sky.

"Tell me where are you going, you are too slow."

Moesat told Chi Chi which is in his dragon hand. And he fly as Chi Chi pointed out.

Around 5 min later, Moesat saw a group and Moesat face darken.

Moesat knew their group is powerful but after the fight with the lion before, he understand there are more powerful beasts are in this continent.

The lion he fought before was just a Metal Core stage, what if there is Weapon ability stage lions are gang up on them. They would get a problem for sure.

But that does not mean they would going to die, because Moesat has Lu Lu with him. But he does not want to hide behind his daughter, he should be the one who stand before and shield other.

And now Moesat saw six elephant-lions, including two weapon forming stages lions. And he could not avoid them. Even if Moesat doest not like the situation he has to stop and check the situation.

Moreover, Chi Chi family is around in this area. So Moesat land on the ground in front of lions.

But he kept distance between.

All of the lions are as big as the one before, some are even bigger than the one before.

The lions group stop too as an unknown black bird is in front of them.

"Hay, black bird, why are you blocking our way?"

One of the lion roar and shout at Moesat with annoyed voice.

"Why are you all coming in this area? I want you all leave this area."

Moesat does not like them, so he did not answer but he made a question and told them to leave.

"Insolent bird, our king own this land and sky. You dare told us to leave!!! do you wish to die."

One of them angry and roar.

"Hahahaa...your king own this land and sky??? no one own this land and sky, especially the sky..I wonder how could a lion fly???"

Moesat hate these kind of words, so decided to fight these lions who got a king syndrome.

That make many of them angry on Moesat.

They changed Metgiktran form but….


One of the lion told them to stop and he come out.

The lion look at the rabbit in Moesat hand and…

"Please release that rabbit."

The lion ask Moesat to release Chi Chi.

That make a bit confuse in both Moesat and Chi Chi.

"Chi Chi, do you know him?"

Moesat ask Chi Chi and Chi Chi shook his head.


The lion looks at them and an idea pop up in his head.

"Do you two know to each other?"

"Nope." Rabbit answered.

"Yes. And who are you?" Moesat.

That two different answers make the lion confuse again. Other lions were looking at them with thinking their own idea.

"Hay, You are Chi Chi... am I right? I am Lenon.. don't you remember?"

The big lion told them.

The lion speech make both Moesat and Chi Chi amaze, that lion is really different from Lenon.



Two words came out from both Chi Chi and Moesat.

Moesat let go of Chi Chi and he walk toward closer to the lion for checking.

Chi Chi too, he follow Moesat.

They went closer to check and…

"Definitely not Lenon??? Am I right Chi Chi..."

Moesat could not remember the big lion.

"Yaa, definitely not Lenon….but….by the way who are you???"

Chi Chi answered and now he remember to ask who is that black bird is…

"Hahaha...guess who am I???"

While saying Moesat changed back into human form. Even if the lion does not look like Lenon but Moesat did not felt any danger from that lion. So he changed back but Lu Lu is ready to shot her slingshot.

"Fragrant devil!" Rabbit.

"Moesat." Lenon.

"That right, Me. But you have changed a lot!!!"

Moesat answers while making a question to make sure.

"In this age, we changed a lot, especially for male lion."

Lenon answers with happiness.