
Messiah Destiny

Enter the world of Messiah Destiny, an epic adventure that will immerse you into a mysterious and perilous realm full of secrets and destiny. Follow Luke, a young hero whose fate is intertwined with danger, and who must confront his own emotions and decisions that shape his destiny. In Messiah Destiny, you'll encounter powerful gods, dark forces, and various races that unite or clash in a battle for the world's fate. Throughout his journey, Luke discovers his own strengths, finds allies and foes, and uncovers deep secrets of his family and the world around him. Prepare for an adventure full of suspense, where every decision can change the fate of the world.Messiah Destiny is a tale of power, hope, and destiny that will engulf you and won't let go until the very end.

LLuciuss · Fantasy
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7 Chs

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The area around Luke is now a larger crater from the explosion, but is it really Luke? He looks like a demon, nothing human about him. Red eyes, dark skin, lifeless white hair, and black armor with a sword formed from that black substance. What happened to him? This is definitely not an aura, and all demons were killed in the War of the Worlds.

Meanwhile, Charlotte's friend Auriel runs towards her. "Char, your brother, it's SERIOUS, you have to come with me, he has changed!"

"Please, what are you talking about? He was just being his usual cheeky self this morning, not wanting to see this beautiful face first thing, haha."

"No jokes, Belza tried to provoke him, and some black substance started swirling around Luke!"

Charlotte flinched. "No, it has begun. I must warn our mother! Quick, we need to get to my brother."

Elara, overhearing this, decides to follow them, looking visibly troubled by what she heard.

Back at the explosion site:

Luke stands unresponsive to his surroundings, motionless. Suddenly, the black substance starts to fade away.

"Luke, snap out of it, this isn't you!" Caeli yells.

Principal Jackson, meanwhile, uses telepathic magic to summon teachers and the student council. They all appear within seconds. "Raise a barrier around Luke! If he goes into the second phase, nothing will stop it!"

"Yes, Principal!"

Charlotte arrives. "Bro, what happened, Luke?" She starts crying.

Elara arrives too, looking guilty and pained at the sight of Luke.

In the dark world where only Luke can see:

"What happened? Why do I see only darkness? Char? Caeli? Mom? I'm scared!"

"Don't be afraid, I am here with you."

"Who is this? This isn't the same voice as before!"

"Ooh, so you can finally hear us. I take that as progress."

"Can you finally explain what's happening to me?"

"Simply put, you have finally awakened your power, but it's too strong for you."


"SILENCE!" a mysterious voice shouted, and Luke froze in his mind.

"You must listen carefully now. Trust no one, it's for your own good. For now, I will seal this power again, but once you awaken, you must leave the city."

"Where should I go? Why shouldn't I trust anyone?"

"You have the right to know the answers, but not here, not now. Run to the Temple of Constantine; there you'll find a clue about what to do next. Trust me!"


"Everyone, prepare to raise the barrier around Luke!"

Elara and Charlotte cry as they watch. Caeli struggles to catch her breath, having never seen so much power in one place, wondering if Luke's body can withstand it.

Suddenly, all the black substance disappears, and Luke returns to his normal form.

"Luke!!!" Charlotte runs towards him.

"Stop!" Principal Jackson yells. "We don't know if it's safe yet!"

"No, he's my brother!"

"Oh, you unfortunate child, but what on earth happened, Char?"

"I need to see our mother immediately."

"Oh, if I recall correctly, your mother is the high priestess at the temple, right?"

"Yes, please take Luke to her!"

Caeli spoke up, "I'm coming too." Elara, with red eyes, quietly approached Charlotte and whispered, "Char, please, I need to go with him."

Charlotte replied, "Fine, but if he wakes up, it will be up to him whether he wants to see you."

"And who are you?" Principal Jackson asked.

"Oh, I'm sorry for the late introduction. My name is Caelina Lunarelm."

"Oh, you're the crown princess of the Elven Realm!" Charlotte exclaimed.

"Shh, keep it down," Caeli whispered.

"But how does the elven princess know my brother?"

"I got lost on my way to school and met Luke. He helped me without hesitation."

"Alright, ladies, we need to get Luke to your mother for healing."

"You're right. I've already summoned her; she should be here any moment."

A portal suddenly opens, and out steps the mother of Char and Luke.

"Char, what happened to Luke?" Char subtly winked at her mother so the others wouldn't see. "We don't know, but there was black substance around him."

Their mother panicked, "We must hurry!"

They passed through the portal.

But what are Charlotte and the High Priestess hiding?