
Messiah Destiny

Enter the world of Messiah Destiny, an epic adventure that will immerse you into a mysterious and perilous realm full of secrets and destiny. Follow Luke, a young hero whose fate is intertwined with danger, and who must confront his own emotions and decisions that shape his destiny. In Messiah Destiny, you'll encounter powerful gods, dark forces, and various races that unite or clash in a battle for the world's fate. Throughout his journey, Luke discovers his own strengths, finds allies and foes, and uncovers deep secrets of his family and the world around him. Prepare for an adventure full of suspense, where every decision can change the fate of the world.Messiah Destiny is a tale of power, hope, and destiny that will engulf you and won't let go until the very end.

LLuciuss · Fantasy
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7 Chs


In the Temple of Light, when they arrive, they lay Luke on a bed.

"I'll start the healing with my aura right away. Please, step back from Luke," says the priestess.

From the once dark room, a light appears that doesn't resemble an angel, but rather a calm presence, making everyone around feel sleepy.

Healing Luke takes about ten minutes. Even so, he remains lying in bed, unconscious.

"Now it's up to him to wake up. Let's leave him to rest," says the priestess. "Char, come with me, please. You two stay here."

Caeli and Elara are left alone in the hall. A tense silence fills the air.

"Ehm, Caeli?" Elara starts.

"YES," Caeli replies, startled.

"When we arrived, you called out, 'Luke, THIS ISN'T YOU!' But you said you met him only this morning. What's going on?"

"You see, since I was a child, I've been sensitive to the aura and powers of others, but I never felt anything like what I felt from Luke. When we met, I felt nothing, but when he got angry after Belza mentioned he was just a burden to you, suddenly I felt a dark aura."

"Eeh, so because of me, this happened to him?" Elara starts crying. "I never wanted Luke to be in danger. That's why I wanted to stay away from him once I became an aura user. I didn't have time for him, and everyone said he was a nobody. But I knew Luke was different from the others, and still, I couldn't protect him."

"This isn't your fault, Elara. You need to be here for him now," Caeli says.

"Stay with him, I'll be right back," Caeli adds.

Elara holds Luke's hand and says, "Please, wake up."

Caeli walks down the hallway and overhears Char: "Mother, what are we going to do? The seal can't be restored. We can't keep this a secret anymore!"

"I know, Char. I have to inform the Archbishop. He's the only one who will know what to do now."

"Damn, what's going on in there?" Caeli thinks to herself. "What are they hiding?"

Meanwhile, Elara comes up to Caeli: "Are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost."

"Yeah, I'm fine, just wandering around. Let's go together."

They return to the room.


Meanwhile, this happened:

Luke wakes up. "Where am I? Did that really happen? I don't understand. Why don't I feel anything? The feelings I used to have—joy and happiness—why do I now only feel hatred?"

Luke looks into a mirror. "Is that me? Why are my eyes red?"

"No, I have to get out of here. As the voice said, I can't trust anyone. That power, it wasn't an aura, I'm sure! I recognize this place, it will be a long way to the temple, but I need to find out what happened to me!"

Luke escapes through the window and runs. He notices that he is running much faster than before.

"Hmm, interesting. This will definitely help me get there faster."

Mother and Char return to the room with a horrified expression.

"Where is Luke?"

"We don't know. We just got back after stepping out."

"Damn, girls, listen to me. Luke is in danger. We have to find him! But where could he have gone?"

"We don't know, but we have to search for him!" YES shout Char, Elara, and Caeli.