
Men-beast bastard

So my idea is simple. Get Sett from LOL and slap him in to one piece. Enjoy

Gaspart · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
24 Chs


Sett slowly opened his eyes as he heard the sound of slow clapping hands. He tried to move but found himself tied to a small part of the railroad, with The Stone standing before him, slowly clapping his hands. "Good job, Sett. Now, you are ready," he said, and then in view of Sett, came Fox holding the key to his handcuffs.

Sett felt a wave of relief wash over him as he realized he was no longer in immediate danger. However, he was still confused and terrified about what had just happened to him. Sett's eyes darted between Stone and Fox, confusion and anger mixing in his mind.

"What the hell is going on?" he growled, struggling against the handcuffs.

Stone chuckled darkly. "Just a little test, my boy. A test to see if you're truly ready for the missions I have in mind for you." He stepped closer to Sett, his expression intense. "And you passed with flying colors. You held your ground and refused to give in, even when faced with certain death."

Sett's heart raced as he listened to Stone's words, a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach.

Sett's anger boiled within him, threatening to spill over and lash out. He took a deep breath, attempting to reign in his emotions, and put on a small smile to show that he accepted their actions. However, deep down, Sett knew he would never forget what they had done to him. From the moment he joined them, he knew they were using him just as much as he was using them to become stronger. The repairman, the butcher, and now Stone and Fox were stepping stones for him to achieve his goals.

Sett had no reason to remain loyal to them anymore. He buried his emotions deep, knowing that one day he would extract them and make them pay for what they had done. The thought of their comeuppance fueled his determination, pushing him to become even stronger so that he could take his revenge. Sett knew he was playing a dangerous game, but he was willing to take that risk to get what he wanted.

Stone had earlier mentioned that Sett had a week off and that he was expected to report to the office on the following Monday to be introduced to their operations and given a mission. Stone nodded at Fox before leaving them. Fox approached Sett and unlocked his handcuffs. As he stood up, Sett looked into Fox's eyes.

She said, "You did well. As you are officially working under Stone, I have a present for you." Fox reached behind her back and handed a bag to Sett.

Curious, Sett asked, "What is it?" Fox replied with a smile, "I hope you will like it. I know how you prefer to fight barehanded, so I hope my gift will be to your liking." Sett looked inside the bag and saw two beautifully crafted brass knuckles.

Sett's new brass knuckles were a sight to behold. The two pieces were expertly crafted, with intricate details and smooth curves that fit perfectly into the palm of his hand. The brass material glinted in the light, catching the eye and drawing attention to the two wolverine faces prominently displayed on each of them.

The faces were beautifully designed, with sharp lines that captured the essence of the animal's ferocity and strength. The teeth were sharp and pointed, and the eyes seemed to glow fiercely. Sett couldn't help but feel a sense of power and confidence as he slipped the knuckles on, feeling the weight of the brass knuckles settle comfortably on his hand.

But it wasn't just the design that made these brass knuckles so special. The sea stone coating that covered the brass gave them an added layer of protection and strength. The stone was a deep blue-green color with a glossy finish that caught the light and reflected it in a shimmering display.

As Sett turned his hand in the light, he saw how the sea stone coating enhanced the already impressive design of the brass knuckles. Combining the two materials created a sense of balance and harmony, like two opposing forces that had come together to create something new and powerful.

Sett knew these brass knuckles would serve him well in battle, and he couldn't wait to test them out. He flexed his fingers, feeling the cool metal and smooth stone against his skin, and couldn't help but smile at the thought of the impact these knuckles would have on his opponents.

"I will use them well," said Sett. Fox nodded and left, saying, "See you later." Sett looked around himself and gathered himself before stepping forward. "For now, it's time to go home," he thought to himself.


Sett shuffled into the house, the weight of the day heavy on his shoulders. "Mom, I'm home," he called out, the words barely escaping his lips.

"Come on; dinner is ready." He slumped into a chair at the table and began shoveling food into his mouth, hoping to fill the emptiness inside him.

Mira appeared in the doorway, her gaze piercing through Sett's hunched frame. "So, what happened?" she asked, her voice low and ominous. Sett looked up, surprised. "How do you know something happened?" he asked, his voice weak.

"Please, I am your mother," she replied, her eyes drilling into his. "Now tell me." She sat down on the other side of the table.

Sett hesitated, his mind racing with thoughts of disappointment and shame. He didn't want to disappoint his mother by telling her what he was up to. He remembered how proud she was of him when he told her he got a job, and he didn't want to see her disappointment.

He swallowed hard and finally spoke. "Today, I faced death head-on. I was shown how inevitable death is, and what's worse, I stopped fighting. I just gave up and accepted it. I just surrendered to it and acknowledged that I will die." he admitted, his eyes cast down in shame.

Mira sat silently, absorbing her son's words. "There is more to this story," she said finally, her voice cold and hard. Sett shifted uncomfortably in his seat, feeling as though he was being judged. "But it's fine," Mira continued, her voice softening slightly. "You are almost an adult, and I raised you. I believe in you."

Sett almost cried when he heard her words. "Thank you, Mom," he said as he hugged her. Sett felt a wave of relief wash over him, grateful for his mother's understanding. Mira just smiled at the foolishness of her son. They broke their hug and returned to their seats.

Mira's tone shifted, becoming heavy and foreboding. "About your firsthand experience with death," she started slowly. "It's natural to fear death. But," her eyes hardened, "giving up and surrendering? That is not what I taught you." Sett felt his mother's words like a punch to the gut.

"I never remember showing you how to give up and stop fighting. I always showed you, by my own example, how to fight and live no matter what life throws your way. Dying? It's fine. Losing? It's fine. But if you lose or die just because you don't have the will to fight and surrender? I will never allow it." Sett sat there silently, soaking in the truth of his mother's words and recognizing how wise she was.

"Do you remember when you were younger, and I talked to you about the power called Haki?" Mira asked. Sett nodded in acknowledgment. "Haki is the power that originates from each person's willpower. Willpower to keep going, willpower to never surrender, willpower to stand up again and again, willpower to never cower and bow in front of anybody." Mira's aura became heavy, and Sett had trouble breathing. He had trained with some of the most deadly humans he had ever met for the past few months, but he had never felt such a heavy aura from any of them.

Mira's eyes fleshed with dim light and hardened, her aura almost suffocating. "Haki," she said, her voice cutting through the heavy air. As Mira continued to speak, her aura grew stronger, crushing down on Sett like a vice. "It is the power of will, the power to keep going, to never surrender, to stand up and fight no matter what." Sett felt his mother's words seeping into his bones.

With his breaths becoming shallow, he cleared his thoughts and made a firm decision. He was ready to go to any lengths to become like her. Wise and intelligent, powerful enough to stand in front of anything. Yes, she was his target. His mother. The strongest woman he had ever known.

He refused to give up.

Suddenly, an invisible and powerful aura came from him, pushing away his mother's aura and allowing him to catch a short breath. Mira, seeing this, smiled proudly at her son and stopped releasing her Conqueror's Haki.

"Your will should always come with confidence, belief, and faith," she said, her words echoing in Sett's mind. "Faith that you can do anything. There was once a wise man who said, 'Have faith. Truly I say to you that whoever tells this mountain, "Be lifted up and thrown into the sea," and does not doubt in his heart but has faith that what he says is going to happen, he will have it happen.'

Sett listened carefully to his mother's words, feeling empowered and motivated by her teachings. "Thank you, Mom," he said with gratitude. "I needed to hear that." Mira smiled at her son, knowing her words resonated with him. "Remember, Sett," she said, "you have the power within you to overcome any obstacle. Never forget that." Sett nodded, feeling a newfound sense of purpose and determination.

Mira hummed to herself as she began washing the dishes. "I really sounded smart back there." She couldn't help but feel pleased with her words and gave a slight nod of self-acknowledgment. The melody of Shaggy's "Strength Of A Woman" escaped her lips softly as she worked.