

Eddie was a star in a country. In an accident he loses his memory and as a part of occupational therapy he start working in a hospital. There he meets the Second lead of this story who is an introvert with many secrets. It was love at first sight for Eddie. Will he accept Mark knowing his secrets?

Ame_Jae · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
30 Chs


" Mark, my boy, I was bored, why did you come for second shift? Yesterday you told me you got first shift. Did you exchange your shift with someone? Holy Crap!! You little thing, don't be so generous, That's why your colleagues takes advantage of you." Said Mr. Williams looking at the thin boy standing at the door.

Mark just started his shift. As soon as he changed in to uniform, he came running to Uncle Williams. Uncle Williams is his patient under care for the past three weeks. He is 77yrs old now with 'a cult face and arrogant behavior'.Well, that's what his colleagues say about Uncle Williams. He never let any staff to look after him unless it is Mark. He even got permission from his consulting Doctor to let Mark take his handover everyday!! Uncle Williams is just one from many.

All patients specifically asks for Mark's service when they get hospitalised and his colleagues were super jealous about it. They often mess with his shifts to vent their emotion. Mark is a pure boy and he didn't understand what his colleagues are doing behind his back.

" Uncle Williams, Don't be so rude to them. They are good people. Actually Mrs. Leena want to take her child hospital today. I changed my shift with her. I don't have a child to take hospital anyway." Mark answered adjusting Uncle's pillow.

" You silly boy, I have never seen a boy this innocent at your age than you. Don't trust people so easily, at least act tougher and don't give your cute smile to everyone. That smile of yours let people think you are an easy catch." Said Williams holding Mark's hand lovingly.

Mark looked at Uncle Williams harshly for a second and burst into laugh the very next moment.

" Sorry, Uncle you know pretending is not my cup of tea. How could I look tougher when they all look cute as my Uncle Williams. I will come visit you afterwards uncle, lemme go and take the handover. Bye Uncle Williams." Mark stepped out from the room and walked towards the Nurses Station.

" Mark, what magic spell do you use on patients? You look after them for one day and the next day, they start demanding you. And this Uncle Williams, he never listen to anyone not even his daughter but if it is you Mark, he becomes a puppy carving attention and love and obeys you." Said Ms. Claire handing him the shift over files.

Mark took the files from her and said " Well, may be he have fallen for my charm and how could he ignore my cute smile."

"Ha ha ha..... Very funny" said Claire.

"MARK!!! I told you many times not to talk too loud in the nursing station, your voice can be heard from the corridor, next time I see you making noice, I make you write an explanation." said Mrs. Elsa their in charge furiously.

" Well, Mrs. Elsa why do you pick on Mark always? He didn't talk too loud. It was me who started it. So if you want to blame someone, blame me not him." Mrs. Claire almost lost her temper while saying so.

" I am Sorry Mrs Elsa. I didn't see you coming. We were talking about the patients." Said Mark trying calm Ms Claire. Mrs. Elsa isn't in good terms with Mark.

She is jealous and never miss any chance to harass and torture him. She is the worst reviewed staff in the hospital, and if Mark had a fan club , Ms.Claire will be the President and Mrs. Elsa will be the head of his Anti-Fan Club!!!!!

" You better teach your junior some manners." said Elsa angrily and walked away.

" You better teach your junior some manners. Hmmm." Ms. Claire mocked Elsa and turned towards Mark and shout...

" You never back answer her, that's why she's picking on you. Why you go so easy on them?"

Claire couldn't control her anger and beat Mark.

" Ouch!! that hurts Claire. At least we should respect her age. Don't your parents taught you to respect elders? Do not ever shout at Elsa, She is older than you." Mark said rubbing his shoulder.

" Haa.... I'm sorry, I forgot you were competing for the next Mother Theresa contest. My heartfelt apologies Mr Mark; The Saviour Of Elderly." Claire said and continued writing her patient file. Mark passed a smile and gone to his patients room to give them their medicine.

" Good Evening Ms. Claire! All Good?"

Claire looked up and see Dr. Eric standing there with a smile on his face. He wore a Denim blue jeans and a Black formal shirt showing his muscularity. Claire scanned Eric's attire and said....

" Everything is well and good Doctor Eric. Infact uncle Williams was hesitant to undergo MRI and shouted at the staff in the morning but Mark managed to get his MRI done. The report is due by the way."

"OK" Eric answered and looked around as expecting someone and asked Claire " I don't see Mark, where is he?"

"He doesn't like to take a break Doctor. He went to room no.1706 to greet the new patient, And Dr. Eric you look more handsome today! Going on a blind date?" asked Claire teasingly.

" Well, no but if Mark agrees, I would like to take him to Dinner." He answered winking his eyes.

" Leave him alone Doctor, he is still a kid in case of Romance." Claire said and get ready to go rounds with Eric.

" Good Evening Dr. Eric! How was your Day?" Seeing Eric, Mark couldn't hide his happiness and asked him.

" I'm good as always. What about you? Are you free after your shift?" Eric asked.

Mark became dull and replied that he has a prior set meeting with his friends and excused himself. Eric gave him a smile and went with Claire for the rounds. He has asked a couple of times Mark out on a date but always got rejected. So he was kind of expecting this answer and never felt bad. ' I still have time' thought Eric.

Back from the rounds, Claire took out the book " THE FIRE IN MY HEART" gave to Mark and said

" Mark, this book is specially written for people like you. Read this book and learn what is Romance and how to have a romantic life."

Mark look at the book and asked Claire " Why? Do you think I lack Romance? Do you believe this author is romantic and a happy person? Grow up Gyal!!"

" Of course I bet TOM is very romantic and definitely been in Love. Otherwise he couldn't write a book this beautiful." Claire said defending her author.

Mark smiled at himself and took the book from her. " Well, I will try it. Now you be ready to give the handover to the night shift staff. Mrs. Elsa is gonna eat your head if you make a mistake."

" Roger that Mr. Mark" she replied and tidied the counter and been ready to give the handover.

coming back from work, Mark felt his limbs heavy and managed somehow to reach his condo. He threw his bag on the floor and fall down to the sofa closing his eyes.

Mark was half asleep when the phone rang. He took his phone out from his Pocket and looked into the screen. " Hello Alex, What's up?" he answered the call lying on the sofa.

" Sorry to bother you Mark, THE FIRE IN MY HEART is still the best seller and the publisher want to congratulate the author in person. I definitely said NO but they are still insisting." replied Alex.

Alex is Mark's childhood friend and he is with him ever since he started writing. Mark has never gone to any meeting neither did he attend any function. On behalf of Mark, it is always Alex who fill the chair. And Alex could blindly say what Mark is about to say.

" In that case Alex, connect me with the publisher. I will talk to them and cancel the meeting." said Mark.

" OK Mark. I hope you are resting well. If you need anything just give me a call, I will get it for you." Said Alex.

" Yeah! Sure buddy." Mark hung up the call and went back to sleep. After a few hours he woke up and took a relaxing shower and cleaned his condo.

His Condo is 4BHK and he turned one bedroom into his study room and kept it locked always. His life's secret lies in there. All the hand written manuscripts of the author TOM is safely placed in a shelf and that is the historical room where all those famous books of his were born.

Alex has told multiple times that he will live with Mark so that he could take care of him. But Mark prefer to live alone and seldom invites anybody to his Condo. Sometimes Mark feels extremely lonely, then he calls his friends from school and have a chat or listen to some music,Eddie's songs are his favorite.

Though he wrote many romantic books, his love life sucks and he doesn't know what is love. He never tried it out of guilt. He thinks he isn't worthy to be in a relationship.

After cleaning, Mark cooked some Spaghetti and ate watching Netflix. Then he went to sleep setting alarm to get up in the morning.