

Eddie was a star in a country. In an accident he loses his memory and as a part of occupational therapy he start working in a hospital. There he meets the Second lead of this story who is an introvert with many secrets. It was love at first sight for Eddie. Will he accept Mark knowing his secrets?

Ame_Jae · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
30 Chs



Eddie took a deep breath standing in front of BRENTON'S HOSPITALS AND UNIVERSITY'. It is one of the best Hospital in the world and most of their staffs are alumnus of their own University. Eddie was lucky to get an interview call from BRENTON'S HOSPITALS and he was little tensed about the interview.

' Do I was this nervous while singing? Does my hands and legs trembled like this then? I might have taken some anxiety pills before hand' Eddie said himself. Ever since he knew he lost seven years of his memory, he wondered how he was those years and can't stop comparing the present Eddie with the lost Eddie. He is determined to do better than the old Eddie this time. That's the only way he can survive! Shaking out his head from thoughts, Eddie looked around and observed the crowd for a minute. Then he walked towards the help desk to enquire where human resources office is.


Eddie wore a formal black pants and a navy blue shirt with silver striped neck tie. His garb goes perfectly with his beard and mostach.

Eddie: "Excuse me, May I know where the HR Office is?"

Receptionist: "Sure. Whom do you want to meet sir?"

Eddie: "Actually I'm here for an interview. Whom should I meet then?"

Receptionist:" Okey. You have to go 6th floor through the lift on your left side, turn right after you get down from the lift and there will be a guard. He will help you."

Eddie: "Thank You Very Much"

Receptionist: "It's my pleasure sir and ALL THE VERY BEST." She smiled at Eddie

Eddie walked towards the lift she mentioned.There was a crowd in front of the lift. So Eddie moved to the corner most side and observed people.

Some were in deep thoughts, some were holding hands of their beloved, and some nurses were in a hot discussion. He looked at them for sometime and turned away.

*His gaze got fixed on a boy wearing Nurses uniform. The boy was helping a patient to walk. He put one hand around the patient and was holding the hands of the patient with the other hand. He carefully took each step holding the old man. They were talking and laughing.

Eddie wished it would be him instead of that old man with the boy. He forgot to blink his eyes. Eddie has never felt this way before, he never wanted to be with someone but after seeing this boy Eddie want to be with him, he want to spend time with him.

This is all new to Eddie. He wanted to know the boy's name somehow, with this in mind he walked towards them. But his Action got intervened by a lady. The lady took the hands of the old man and thanked the boy. The boy politely bow his head and walked away. Eddie stood there for a moment and went back to the lift*.


Eddie couldn't forget the boy's innocent smile and sparkling eyes. He now wanted to pass the interview at any cost and join as soon as possible to find this boy. He stepped out from the lift and walked right hand side and saw the guards the receptionist has said. Eddie gave his interview call letter to the guard and wait for his reply. The guard took the letter inside and spoke with someone.

After few minutes the guard came back and took him to a room and said him to wait there. He went inside and sit on a chair. He couldn't stop thinking about the boy. He was lost in thoughts when a man in his early 50's came in and asked for his Resume. Eddie gave him the Resume. The interviewer turned page by page and asked him why there was a gap of seven years after graduation.


" I wasn't in a condition to work that time. I was the only child at home and helped my father in his business those years." Said Eddie.

The man looked unsatisfied and asked him few questions related to his field. Eddie has done a good job by going through his old books and he updated himself with information related to Dental science.

He answered all the questions and then the Man conducted a written test. Eddie scored 99 out of 100 which is hard to score. The Man was doubtfull to pass Eddie since he is from another country but his academic scores are perfect and Eddie studied in a famous University there which can be used for promotional work, thinking so he gave job offer letter to Eddie and asked to sign the contract and complete rest of the formalities.

Eddie was in cloud nine when he got the job letter. He wanted to hug the 'boy' and share his happiness. Eddie was surprised by his own imagination. Thanking the interviewer, he went to the H R Department to complete the paperwork .

He completed all the formalities and left the cabin and walked towards the lift. From distance, he saw the 'boy' standing near the lift. Eddie was stunned and shocked at the same time. He ran to the 'boy' and stood near him.

The boy looked at him and passed a smile.

" Have you passed the interview? Usually the interview here is quiet tough." The boy asked.

" How did you know that I came for the interview?" Eddie asked surprisingly.

" This side of the H R wing is for interviewee's and staff. I'm a staff here and I assumed that you came for the interview." He replied.

" Is that so? I didn't know it! Anyway Thank You I passed the interview and will be joining coming Monday." Said Eddie suppressing his happiness.

" Oh! Congratulations.... by the way I'm Mark and you are?" Mark asked.

" I'm Dr. Edwin Thomas. Nice to meet you." Eddie shake hands with Mark, he was literally jumping in his mind.

" Nice to meet you too Dr. Edwin. Hope we meet again. See you.." Mark replied and got into the lift. The lift was going up first so Eddie had to wait there for sometime.

Mark waved at Eddie as the door closed. Eddie was murmuring Mark's name under his lips.