

Eddie was a star in a country. In an accident he loses his memory and as a part of occupational therapy he start working in a hospital. There he meets the Second lead of this story who is an introvert with many secrets. It was love at first sight for Eddie. Will he accept Mark knowing his secrets?

Ame_Jae · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Dr. Edwin Thomas ( BDS, MDS)

Wearing his graduation gown Eddie felt happy. ' I became a whole new person in this attire ' thought Eddie. He took pictures with his friends. His Dad and Mom was there and Dad was speaking proudly about Eddie to someone's father. Eddie was happy from the heart seeing his father's joyful eyes. He has never seen his father talking this much to someone other than business and about Eddie. He moved towards his Dad and Mom, gently put his arms around them and pose for the graduation picture. 'Ah... I'm so Happy....'

" Mr. Edwin, Mr. Edwin, Can you hear me? Open your eyes Edwin"... "Edwin..."

' Ah.... this noise is eating my head. where is Dad and Mom? Am I dreaming?' He tried to open his eyes but felt a heavy weight put on his eyelids and struggled to open his eyes. He slowly opened his eyes and felt very strange seeing the room he was in and the people around him. He was in a dilemma.

" Edwin, how do you feel now? Does your head hurt? Can you say how many fingers are these?" asked the Doctor.

Eddie looked at the doctor's hand strangely and answered "two". He didn't get what's going on. He looked around to find some familiar face to ask them what happened.

" Good, Edwin. Now can you tell me who are they?" The doctor pointed towards Eddie's manager and chauffeur.

Eddie felt uneasy. He was seeing them for the first time in his life. All he wondered was about his parents.

" No, I don't know them. Do I know them? who are they? Where is my Dad and Mom?" Eddie asked panicking.

Eddie's manager and chauffeur was shocked hearing him. " Little Edd, don't you remember me? I'm your Chauffeur uncle and he is your manager. Mr. Feng and all others are waiting outside . I informed your parents about your accident and they are on their way. Luca already went to the airport to pick them." said Chauffeur uncle sadly.

Eddie was half relived hearing his parents were on the way. But he didn't understand why this man called him ' little Edd ' only people close to him call ' Little Edd' , and who are those people waiting out side? Who is Luca? Where am I and how I end up in a hospital? All I remember is my graduation day. What happened afterwards? Eddie had a thousand questions in his mind and he felt his head is exploring nearly.


Seeing his confused face, the doctor explained him where he is and how he end up there. He also asked the nurse to shift him for an urgent MRI and left the room.


Eddie felt all this as a dream. He didn't remember himself on the stage neither recognize his fellow mates.

" Poor my Boy. Don't worry, Chauffeur uncle will tell you who all are they. Now my boy take rest for some time. Your Dad and Mom will be here any moment." Said chauffeur uncle trying to console him.

Eddie tried to sleep but he was bewildered. 'What's happening to me?' Eddie wondered.

Soon a nurse came in and took him to the MRI room. He met his Dad and Mom on the way. He was relieved seeing them. He noticed that his father has aged a lot more from his last memory. Eddie was sure after seeing his father that something has happened to him. After the MRI, the consulting doctor called Eddie and his parents to the consulting room and explained what happened to Eddie's memory.

" See Mr. Edwin, your head has hit very hard during the accident and as a result you developed 'Retrograde Amnesia'. Your head was badly injured and the hippocampus in your brain is affected. This hippocampus is responsible for forming memories, organising memories and retrieving them when needed."

Looking at the confused faces of Eddie and his Parents, the Doctor explained further..

" Considering the seriousness of the trauma, there is a chance that you may never remember those forgotten days. I strongly suggest you ' Occupational Therapy' which enable you to learn new things and start a whole new life."

Eddie's Mom started crying and his Dad took her outside. Eddie was in a state of shock. He sorrowfully looked into the eyes of the doctor

" Well, I'm not saying you will permanently loss those memories, it will come back to you eventually. Usually your memory improves in six to nine months time but you should never be stressed over it, and start fresh. This will pass Mr.Edwin." Said the Doctor giving him a smile.

Eddie was relieved hearing this.Thanking the doctor he came out and consoled his parents. His parents were actually happy that Eddie didn't forgot them and they felt sorry for his friends and fans. Coming back to the room, Eddie's manager showed him old videos of his performance and introduced his crew members. Eddie sat there wondering when this all happened!!!


After a week Eddie was discharged from the hospital. He decided to stay back at country B and start working as a dentist. All he remembers now is his profession and this is the best he could do now. Going back to a world which is completely strange to him now is useless. That will only hurt his fans and his beloved one's.

He terminated his contract with the company and decided to take a break for the time being. His Dad wasn't happy about leaving him alone in another country but Eddie knew how to convince his father. He send his parents and crew back and started job hunting.


Few weeks later he got a job offer from ' KAI hospitals and University'. He decided to join there. He grew Beard and mostach to disguise himself past days. He has become a new person with his beard and mostach.

" No one gonna recognize me as Star Eddie anymore" Eddie said himself patting his mostach and with a smile.