

Eddie was a star in a country. In an accident he loses his memory and as a part of occupational therapy he start working in a hospital. There he meets the Second lead of this story who is an introvert with many secrets. It was love at first sight for Eddie. Will he accept Mark knowing his secrets?

Ame_Jae · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
30 Chs



Eddie couldn't stop thinking about Mark. He felt he is under some witch's spell. He is tossed and turned around in the bed.All he could think was Mark's smile. He picked up his phone and called his Dad. Eddie become more friendly with his Dad after the accident. " Hello my son, How's the interview? If you didn't make it don't worry, I can buy the hospital. You don't need to worry." Said Thomas as soon as he picked up the call.


" Dad, unfortunately your son has passed the interview and will be going for work strating Monday." Said Eddie.

" Congratulations my Son! Your Mom will be very happy hearing this news. Do you find a place to stay? How long are you planning to stay at the hotel?" Mr. Thomas was worried about his son.

"I'm looking for a condo near the Hospital and move in at the earliest. Dad...., have I ever been in Love during those years?" Eddie Actually called his Dad to know about his love life.

" Love!!! No way. You made few promises with me before you became a singer. And you were an obediant child. You never been in any sandal nor had any relation behind my back." Thomas proudly said.

" How do you know that? May be I had a lover and we dated secretly..." Eddie chuckled.

" You were in the entertainment industry and I had my people spying on you 24×7 those years. They never reported any such news. I was scared that you will fall into some trap. So I did it and sorry for that my son." Thomas explained him.

" Dad!!! That wasn't funny. Why do you spy on your own child?"

" You are my child and the only Heir of my inheritance. I just tried to protect what's mine." Thomas said defending himself.

" Leave it.... convey my regards to Mom.I will call you later. Bye." Eddie hung up the call.


He fell into thoughts again. ' If I haven't been in Love before, what's that I felt after seeing Mark? Why can't I forget him? ' He thought his own heart and mind decieving him, it is filled with Mark's smile face. He was sure of one thing that he didn't belong to himself anymore. He took a deep breath, took car keys and left the room.


Eddie give the car keys to the Security guard to park his car and went inside the Bar. He looked around to find an empty booth. To his surprise, his eyes got stick in a guy sitting on the end stool sipping his drink. At first, Eddie couldn't believe what he saw.

He thought it is hallucinations since his head is filled with Mark now. He pinched his cheeks to confirm what he saw and realized he isn't hallucinating and chuckled. He moved towards him and called Mark's name.


Mark turned and saw Dr.Edwin standing behind him. " Dr. Edwin, what a surprise! I never thought we would bump into each other in such a place. Do you live near by?" Mark asked astonishingly.


" What's wrong with meeting at a bar? Infact this will help us to get close." Said Eddie sitting next to him and ordering Beer.

" You are right, Edwin." Mark agreed to Eddie without arguing more. " It's a good place, I often come here with friends." said Mark sipping his drink.

Eddie smiled at him and take a sip from his beer.

Mark doesn't have duty next day, so he wanted to get boozed and sleep whole day ( that's what Mark do when he doesn't have any dead line to meet). He ordered another peg of Vodka and asked Eddie if he need one. Eddie refused his offer and said he is fine with his beer.

" So Mark how's your work?" Eddie finally asked something to melt the silence brick.

" My work, Hmmmm....I love it. I love to see people getting well and I love helping them. What about you Edwin?" Mark answered Eddie with another question.

" Well, I will answer you after few weeks, let me work first." Eddie chuckled.

Unexpectedly Mark came close to Eddie and took his face in his Palm and stared at Eddie. This action was so sudden that Eddie almost lost a beat first and then hus heart started beating fast. His cheeks become red and he felt his body is burning. Eddie tried to remove Mark's hand but Mark hold his face more strongly and gazed at him few more seconds. Then he freed Eddie's face.

" Dr.Edwin, Did anyone ever told you that you look similar to Idol Edwin? Even your names are same." Mark asked staring at his eyes.

Eddie was shocked for a moment, then regaining his strength he put a smile on his face and said " No you are the first!"

" Oh... they all are blind. You look exactly like him." Said Mark.

" Which part look similar to him? I'm fatter than him and have beard and mostach unlike him." Eddie was confident a moment before that no one will recognize him with this appearance.

Mark looked deep into Eddie's eyes and said " Your eyes Dr.Edwin. Your eyes shines like Edwin's eyes. I could see it. He is a decent guy. I went to his concert when he performed here last time. It is shocking that he isn't performing anymore...." Mark looked down .

Eddie felt happy and sad at the same time. Well, he couldn't disguise his eyes. Eddie thought it would be better if he used lense. " I don't know but I'm not him." Eddie said casually looking away.

" Of course you are not him but your eyes are much like his eyes...." said Mark.

Mark was getting drunk and he find himself talking too much with this man, whom he hardly know. He never had a company while drinking. Alex often invite him to drinks but all he talk is business. So Mark didn't tell Alex that he is going to the Bar. He came here to enjoy his own company but now he is enjoying Eddie's company more. " Where do you stay Edwin?" Mark asked.

" I stay at a hotel now. Looking for a condo but didn't find one yet." Replied Eddie. Suddenly Eddie got an idea, he smirked himself and said to Mark .....

" You know I'm a complete stranger here and the only friend I have is you. It is hard for me to find a condo so I'm looking for a partner who doesn't mind sharing the condo." Eddie sound pathetic and helpless.

Mark looked at him sympathetically and said he can help him find a condo. That is not what Eddie wanted.

" Are you living with someone, If not we can share your condo. Of course I will pay you fare." Eddie asked directly.

Mark thought for a second. It is not that he hate the company of others but he doesn't know to take care of someone. ' May be this man will help me to become friendly, but what happens if he find out who I am? will he treat me the same afterwards? Should I let him stay?' Mark lost in thoughts.

Eddie looked at the confused face of Mark and said " It's okey Mark, I will find a place. I just asked . You don't need to think too much about it."

" No.. You could stay at my place. Tomorrow is my day off and if you move tomorrow, I could help you with shifting." Mark said all this in a breath with out thinking much.

Eddie's face lit up like a 100 volt bulb. He thanked Mark. He appreciated himself for his smart move.

Mark said Eddie could shift in the afternoon and send him the address via WhatsApp. Mark secretly thought he could stare at those eyes as much as he want. So it is a win-win for both of them.