

winfrida_jeremiah · Urban
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I remember the day so well, it was 22nd December 2021. Guys, oh! It was the day full of confusion. You know we've been waiting for the day for just a long time. And at that time I won't deny that I liked the man. I had several exams in that day, but exams didn't distract me because I was just thinking about the moment that I can hear him telling me his feelings face to face.

The time came and I proposed to meet at the same place we first met. He came a little bit late around 19:00. My heart was pounding fast and harder, then he came. He was a little bit nervous, then we had some good time talking about our health, talking about the exam, talking about the normal things.

I asked him several questions like; "his previous relationship, how was it, good things and bad things in it" another question was about his background, his age, his birthday, his likes and dislikes, his hobbies and several things. He asked me few questions either. He was smiling all the time and I really liked the way he tackled questions. He answered them critically and clearly.

 Unfortunately, we sat in that place without knowing that it was illegal to stay there at night. Suddenly the two Auxiliary polices approached us and asking for what we were doing. We told them that we were just talking and nothing else. They needed our identity cards, we showed them. They said that the time was illegal to stay there so we had to go to the police station for more explanation.

Oops, I was about to die, you know it wasn't easy to accept the situation. I've been praying slowly that God will help us. Frankly speaking God was in our side that one auxiliary police shared the same tribe with Joseph. They started speaking in tongues, I was just speechless because I had nothing to speak. They've been laughing and smiling all the time. You know I really liked the way Joseph spoke, the way he laughed, the way he smiled. Oh wow! You will prove me well if you saw him. You will say to yourself that "This man has got it all". I really liked the way he was just looking away and smile.

He then settled down with Mr. Auxiliary and he gave us our identity cards. Me and Joseph decided to walk from University towards University road then to the bus station known as "kivulini". On our way we talked a lot about our past relationships. He told me that " I've been in relationship since 2013 to 2019. It is almost six years, the girl dumped me and I've really tried to solve the situation not to go that extra mile. But my efforts was nothing at all". He sighed and continued

" I don't know what's wrong with you ladies, I loved the girl and I assured myself that I'll marry her".

I felt sorry for him, and I explained a little bit about my previous relationship.

" I've been in relationship two years ago, it lasted for about three years and I was the first to make a move because he became a cruel person after realizing that I loved him so much".

He told me that I got his attention and his most preferable wish is to have me. He convinced me a lot. We walked and reaching to one of the longest

building in our town. It Is a PSSSF COMMERCIAL BUILDING.

Then, we stopped before the building. The man asked me to tell him if I feel same way as he feels to me. You know it was not easy for me to alter those words even though I loved him. Then he said that he'll talk first, he then said " I vow before this building that I love you so much. Then it is your turn babe". I vowed too. It was where our relationship started. Mark the date 22nd December.


Then we walked towards the bus station and stop there, having some talk. Time was not suitable for both of us to stay outside so I told him to go back home. But he was not fine to go without having a good night kiss. Actually to me the environment was not suitable for the kiss. He didn't understand that and at the end we ended up exchanged our phones instead of kiss. He just proposed so and I didn't bother to do so. I gave him my phone, he gave me his, and we removed our phone passwords in order to avoid unnecessary disturbance.

He was not happy though. I told him that I needed our first kiss to be awesome and marvelous kiss. I wanted it to be remarkable. But all in all the day was good and superb.

That was our first date with full of happiness.



He asked me to join him during Christmas day but I denied because I wanted to be alone that day. I wanted to stay home and sleeping maybe. You know sometimes people want to be alone in a room just for good. My roommate was not there, so I was feeling the same, just chilling alone. Joseph didn't accept that but I became a little selfish to not accept his offer to be with him during Christmas.

I decided to spend time with him on 24 a day before Christmas. We met along the river which is located near his place. The area was a bare land like. Having few trees with the electric production company. The ground was full of beautiful wind blowing up and down the river. We had a few talk and then we started kissing for the first time in our relationship. We kissed and kissed and kissed. It was unforgettable experience in my life you know. I could count the time approximately one hour.

I received the call from my uncle asking me to visit them during Christmas day. I couldn't be able to deny his request and I told Joseph that I will visit my uncle's place during Christmas. We kissed again and again and the day ended like that.

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