

winfrida_jeremiah · Urban
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In a way to find your right partner, I prefer the right person to always be there communicating with you even if he's far. The communication is what drives the relationships. And most of the relationships are breaking up due to luck of communication. Joseph proved to be a right person to me. He used to call me and talking for even three hours. I remember someday we talked from 11:00 pm to 03:00 am. It had never happened before but this man brings a new experience in my life. Ladies find a man who will call you and talk to u endlessly, a man who makes you smile even in hard situations.

We even continued chatting and he became my friend. His name is called Paschal Joseph but many people call him Joseph. We've been chatting for a long time and being impressed with each other. I remember he told me that he was sick and I provided my words to wish him a stable health. He had a good reply for he appreciated the way I cared and makes him feeling better.

We communicated until he gets hard to hide his feelings and telling me that he's much in love with me. He loves the way I care, the way I speak, the way I am simple and charming. I couldn't believe if we could go an extra mile and being in relationship. It was not my plan to date at University. After my breakup with the previous boyfriend, I didn't want to have any relationship again. Though it's been almost two years since that happened, I still wanted to stay alone.

He tried to convince me and I can't deny that he attracted me, my heart told me that "the man seems to be so caring and romantic". I was smiling each time I chatted with him, he was so good at creating a reasonable arguments.

I was fine listening to him, though I loved him too but I had to wait till I meet with him again so that I can talk to him face to face. We planned the day of the date and it was 22nd December 2021 and I remember it was a day when I had a lot of exams. We planned to meet at the University ground because I thought it was the safe place and I'll be comfortable there. We both had so much tensions because we know each other not. We have never had any talk, I've never seen him before more than that accidental meeting. The plan was good and we both agreed and continued to prepare for our exams.

Days was moving so slowly with much tensions because I really had crush on him for the first time when i saw him. I wanted to prove if I truly love him after the meeting. I can't deny that he was the reason I smiled every moment, I was imagining life with him. Thinking the way I'll call him "My gentleman" I asked my heart if it is ready to love again and welcomed Mr. Joseph in it. I was a little bit afraid if I can believe the man or not.

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