

winfrida_jeremiah · Urban
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I remember it was 8th January 2022, was the day that Joseph asked me to visit his home. I decided to go to his home place and on my way my mom called me but I failed to hear her due to internet problems.

I took the bus and when I was at ubungo mataa I've received a call from my relative one of the daughter of my uncle. I picked the call and replied

"hallo, what's up?"

"Cool, have u talked with your mom"

"No, I couldn't hear her well, I guess it is internet problem" I replied politely and attentively

"Oh, I thought you have been told."

"Told what?"

"Listen, grandma is dead, so just come over here."

"Hey, when did it happen?" Asked shockingly

"Today, just come".

"Alright, I'll be there early in the morning tomorrow".

She hanged up and I was dilemma to choose either to move on to Jose or go back home or rush direct to my uncle's place. I love Jose and I love him for real, I loved my grandma so much. I decided to stop my mind from thinking about a painful report and went directly to Joseph's home.

I was not so okay but I pretended to be okay. I told Jose about my grandma, he felt sorry and I told him that the next day I'll go to the funeral.

" I'm so sorry for what happened, but when are you coming?" he asked sorrowfully

"Won't take too long, as long as today is Sunday I hope they will travel to Kilimanjaro on Wednesday. So I guess I'll be here on Wednesday or Thursday."

The day ended like that, I remember it was on Wednesday day when we had to make the last goodbye to our grandma before she leaves to go to Kilimanjaro for her everlasting peace. I told Jose to come with my roommate Oreen. I was so happy to know that he'll be there to comfort me. I gave them the direction and he came with his friend Tito. Jose was little bit nervous because I introduced him to my brother in unexpected situation. He is shy in somehow.

We both went to the church to say goodbye to my grandma and later on other family members travel to Kilimanjaro region to put my grandma to her everlasting house. We came back to my uncle's house where all the funeral activities were conducted and I changed the clothes then we left together with Jose, Oreen and Tito. I really appreciate their time, I was so comforted with their presence.



You know what, sometimes I thank God for giving me such kind of luck…it's like I was born with a big fortunate. I've got the man who is there to do things that can pleases me to know how serious he is.

It was on 22nd January, 2022. Jose called me and I pick up the call and after a bit talk he told me that,

"Hey, babe my sis is on the line, say hello"

"Gosh, be serious" I was a little bit shocked cause I didn't expect that to happen.

"Yeah, talk to her she is listening". He was comfortable

"Oh, hi" I said nervously

"Yes, hi. Praise the Lord"

"Amen, how are you dear, how's home?"

"It is cool here, how are you my sis in law"

"I'm good, how are your children" now I was comfortable to talk and I felt nervous not.

We chatted and I thank God she was charming, open and likes the way we talked and told me that she will mark the date and it going to be one of her memorable day. I really liked her for the way she was positive to me. To me I increased the trust to Jose because it was only one month since we've been in the relationship but he trust me in a way the he can introduce me to his family members.

His sister hang out and we continued talking and I really thanked him for the trust and the way he was positive to our relationship. He insisted to me that he wish one day I will realize how much he loves me. He gave me an appreciation that I've never ever given. He introduced me to his younger sister too in some other day and all in all is to ensure me that he is for real. I am writing this with so much pride in my heart that I he got a gentleman who is full packaged. God has blessed him with true love treasured in his heart. I even asked myself why I didn't knew about him earlier. I love him like no other.