

winfrida_jeremiah · Urban
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You know sometimes meeting with people occurs accidentally, and the meeting may led to the long relationship or short. It's just depends on the situation. People are meeting at the bus station and start friendship, some at the bus, some meet on the road, some at the church or others at the shop but all in all accidental meeting which is unplanned can create a strong bond relationship among people.

To me and Joseph was the same, we've never known each other even though we were studying at the same University with the same degree program and year. I really remember It was 10th December, 2021. When I insist my group members to meet so as to discuss the group work. I took the number of each group member in our WhatsApp group then contact them individually so that we can meet as soon as possible to make sure we finish up the work as soon as possible. One among of the number that I took was named Joseph. He replied the message kindly and assured me that he will be there.

Our meeting was held at Academic bridge which is found at University of Dar es salaam. The exact time was in 9:00 AM on the next day. So many group members provide excuses but there was no way out but meeting at exact date.

On 11th December 2021 was the meeting day with my group members. I was the first to be there and waiting for others. I was communicating with the rest to make sure I direct them where the discussion will be conducted. I was so alert to look around the road to find if there's any member who had any challenge about the venue.

Then, I saw a man who puts on a blue t-shirt with a black jeans busy chatting. I thought that he was among of group members. He was busy chatting and I was waiting for his message. Then Joseph sent me a message saying ''hey bro, where are you''. I was shocked a little bit of being called a brother. But I was okay because it wasn't anyone's mistake. I told him that I was a woman and he apologized for that and I directed him where I was staying.

He moved a little far and sat on a tree root busy chatting and I thought he was chatting with his girlfriend maybe.

He came and joined me, he was a little bit shy and humble. Then we had a little talk and finding out that I've communicated with the wrong person. It happened that he shifted to another group but his number was still there in our WhatsApp group that make confusion. We waited for other group members to make his issue clear and another two group members appeared and realized that he came there accidentally and he was not my group member.

I felt bad for sure, I really liked his punctuality, his humbleness, his attention on academic issues. I couldn't be able to stop uttered my appreciation to him. I even reclaimed that I wish to work with him someday, that even if it will not be an academic matters but my wish is to work with him. He then reply by looking away and smile. I liked his action but he provided a good farewell and leave. We continued our discussion. And the day was ended like that with marvelous day meeting a new person accidentally.

My first time writing. Hope to get positive feedback. Happy reading. Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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