
He Finally Proposed

Melanie feels like she had already lost some trust in Jack but still wants to be with her to confirm if he has really changed for the better. She goes to work and realizes that Jack has again left her anote at the hospital which asks her to meet him up for dinner. She asks herself whether to go or not and because they are trying to mend up things,she decides to go and meet him. The old woman is in her room and realizes that Melanie is abit distrubed today. She then asks her to follow her heart and do whatever would make her happy because the world is more challenging for the youths. Melanie agrees as she gives her the morning dose before moving to the next room. It is like the old woman has really managed to read her mind and always know whenever she is down and needs some help. He gets back to the nursing desk and engages herself in a deep thought. The doctor comes to the nursing desk and realizes that she is day dreaming. he then hits the desk to bring her back to her senses.

Melanie apologizes to him and gets back to work leaving her colleagues thinking that she might have had a long night and needed some rest. It clocks 6pm and Jack is already at the hospital gate waiting to take Melanie with him for dinner. Her colleagues are clapping for her because she has found a man who really loves her for who she was. They do not know that both Jack and Melanie had dated before because he was ever absent in the relationship and was rarely noticed by her friends. He sees Melanie coming towards the hospital gate and he opens the car door for her to get in. " You know what, I have always wanted to treat you right and show you to the world. I think this is the best time for us to have fun and reconcile to each other for our failed relationship." He said. Jack is a celebrity and he was running a reality show where he had so many fans. He has been losing many fans daily after Melanie's friend stopped helping him in promotion his videos to reach a greater audience after the two broke up.

He took her to a certain nice hotel and put on his live video to show his fans about his new relationship. Just during that single moment,he had gained thousands of fans and he was so happy. Melanie was not happy with this but she was thinking that because Jack had decided to put their relationship public,he might be serious with her. They had dinner and later drove Melanie home before leaving to the other side of town. Meryl could not believe whatever she has been seeing these few days. " I think I was right to give Jack a second chance because he deserved it. Today he took the step of putting our relationship in public and his fans were really happy for us." She said. Melanie does not want to forget the weekend date that she is having with Jack and she asks Meryl to help her chose the best outfits another time because the day is yet to come.

Melanie is never a fan of heights so Jack could not chose a mountain top for her. He then decided to make a good use of the most busy road just next to the hospital gate where Melanie works. Lunch time comes and Melanie is about to get out of the hospital to go out for lunch together with her other colleagues. Upon getting out of the gate,she sees Jack and after getting closer,he kneels down before her and asks her if she would marry him. She is really confused about everything that is taking place and all her colleagues together with the public are watching her. She was still trying to forgive him and this was happening so fast so she just accepted in order not to embarrass h on the highway. Everyone clapped for her and he took her with him for lunch. Her colleagues could not imagine how sweet the proposal was. He had bow created a barrier to all the men who had a crush on her.

She comes back for the afternoon shift and all her colleagues claps for her for getting engaged. She is really confused about this and remembers that Jack had posted it online and many people were reacting differently. She was even published on one of the famous news magazines and almost everyone could read about her engagement. Jack was now the talk of town and he had started getting business gigs with investors because of his huge number of followers. His fans always wanted to hear more about him and his wife to be so they kept on asking for more live videos. This really looks like a dream to Melanie and she does not know how to explain all these to Meryl. he again takes her back home and Meryl notices the Diamond ring on her finger. " He proposed to me while at work." She said. Meryl could not imagine about how sweet that proposal might have been and also tells her that she has seen the live video online and people's reactions towards the proposal.

The weekend comes and Melanie is now getting ready to meet Jack at the said hotel located at the furthest end of town. Meryl asks her to try and put on her best outfit because she is now a celebrity and most people would want to meet her. She gets to the hotel and she is again directed on where to sit. She finds the place arranged like a live studio and Jack later appears from the other room. Inside the room comes a woman who interviews her about the proposal which went viral in the internet and she does not know what to say so Jack speaks on her behalf and the woman alter leaves. She feels abit uncomfortable about that and asks Jack why there are so many cameras in the room. Jack then orders his colleagues to remove all the cameras and give them some privacy. He again apologizes to Melanie telling her that she just wanted to have a discussion about their wedding on a live show and it was the reason why they had the cameras in the room.

He assured her that he wants to marry her as soon as possible so that she can be rightfully his and start staying together. He is tired of having to meet her at hotels because they are living far away from each other. Melanie is okay with getting married so she asks Jack to give her more time so that she can first tell her family about it .Jacks family have no problem with the wedding and Melanie is the one having a hard task ahead of her especially now that her family is all aware about all that he had done to her leading to their breakup. He asks Melanie about her favourite colors and she says pink so Jack asks her if she will be okay with her wedding having a pink theme. She just smiles and he goes on asking her about the venue for the wedding and she says that she wants it at the church compound and the reception to take place in town.

They are finally done with their meeting and he drives her back home,she had taken some little alcohol during the meeting and was feeling a bit dizzy so Jack had no choice but to carry her to her bed. Meryl is not happy with this scenario as she suspects that Jack might have taken advantage of her friend while drunk. He quickly reads Meryl's eyes and promises her that nothing actually happened between them. She then goes strain to her room and cover her up with her blanket to protect her from the cold. Morning comes and Meryl seems to be haviuso many questions for Melanie. " Yesterday I saw Jack carry you to bed and you seemed so drunk,I was suspecting that he might have taken advantage of you but he promised that nothing happened between the two of you. I don't know the truth but it is you who can know. Please always avoid being drunk while with him because you cannot know whatever he is up to this time round." She said.

Melanie agreed with her and promised to be more careful next time she would make sure that's he does not enter any of his traps again. Meryl reminds her about the dance competition and she assures her that she will be there to watch them perform now that she will only be having a morning shift and would be free the whole of the afternoon. She just want to go and confirm if the new trainer is truly as handsome as Meryl normally claim.