

Meryl again asks Melanie to go and watch her train but she is again not sure of she will make it until she gets to work first. She then gets to work and does her normal duties while looking stressed up. One of her concerned colleagues is concerned about her and tries to ask her about whatever problem she is going through and became she is never that open,she denied going through any problem. In her mind she is just thinking about how life would be if she gets back with Jack. Jack gives her a call and reminds her not to forget their late night day. She assured him that she would be there to meet him.

She gets from work and heads straight to watch Meryl training for their next show. She finds them already training so she just sits in a corner and waits for her to finish her training. Meryl then walks towards her and asks her to get up so that they can go back home. She is really exhausted from the training and cannot wait to get back home. She asks Melanie if she is still serious about meeting Jack and she tells Meryl that she will meet him this one time to listen to whatever he would want to say. They then get back home and Melanie gets ready to meet Jack,she quickly takes a bath before applying her makeup. She asks her to help in chosing the best outfit for the date so Meryl gets up and chooses a fine dress for her.

Meryl then reminds Melanie to be very careful with Jack because she might not be aware of the plans that he has with her being that they had earlier parted ways. She gets into a taxi which is to drop her at the hotel in town where she was to meet Jack. She gets there and a waiter asks for her details which she gives and she is given a direction on which table she is to sit . A table had been preserved for two in a certain private section of the hotel. She sits on the chair and wonders if Jack is going to appear but something makes her to keep waiting. After about 10 minutes Jack appears and sits on the other chair facing her directly.

"Hi Melanie? It has been a long time since we broke up and I was not sure if you were really going to show up. Seeing you here really makes me happy knowing that you have honoured my call. I asked you to meet me here so that I could pour out my heart to you. I am really sorry to have cheated severally while in a relationship with you and I am now cursing the devil that made me cheat . I just want to tell you that I have realized the mistakes I did and I do not want to do that again. I just want us to get back together and be happy the way we used to be. I would really be glad if you gave me another chance and I promise that this time round I will treat you like a queen." He said. He really looked remorseful and Melanie was left blank because she did not know what to say. She never could tell whether he was serious or not so she just asked him to give her more time.

Jack orders some drinks and they both take them as he really wishes that Melanie gives him another chance. " I recall how happy we were since the day that I had said yes to be your girlfriend and all I wanted was for us to take the relationship to another level and even get married. Our broke up affected me both mentally and psychologically until I had to take some time off work just to heal from the breakup. If by chance I decide to give you a chance and you do not honor it then I would be the one to walk out of this relationship because I have come to know who I am and what I want in life." She said. Jack could not believe that Melanie could speak to her this way because she had never made him see her hidden character. She decides to give him a second chance and Jack is really happy so he gets up and gives her a hug together with a kiss on her forehead. Melanie reminds him that it is getting late and she needed to get back to her house so that she won't be late for work.

Jack then decides to act as a gentleman and takes Melanie home. He ensures that she has gotten inside the house before he lives for his house. He is happy that Melanie had given him another chance but on the other hand Melanie is wondering if she has taken the right choice. Meryl sees her get inside the house and she seems to be having alot of questions in her mind. " Am glad that you are back home in one peace,I just wish that you knew how worried I was until I could not sleep before setting my eyes on you. Did you see Jack? Did he hurt you? Did anything happen between the two of you? Did you give him another chance? Please tell me because I have been worried all this time." She said. Melanie looks at how worried Meryl looks and she finally tells her that she had decided to give Jack another chance to try and see if he has changed. Meryl is not happy with the fact that Melanie had given Jack another chance and she cannot do anything because it is Melanie who is in the relationship so she just asks her to be extra careful while with him and Melanie assures her that she will be. She then goes straight to her bed to get some sleep.

Melanie gets back to work the next day and she is assured that there is something for her,she is wondering about whatever it could be and a bouquet of flowers is given to her. She asks about who had brought her the flowers and one of her colleagues tells her that the flowers were brought by a certain man who wanted to remain anonymous. She suspects that the man might have been Jack so she sends him a text to confirm and he asks her if she loved the flowers. She accepts that they are nice and gets back to work. She has really missed her patients and could not waste time before seeing them do she first gets to the old man's room. The man confirms that he is feeling better today but gets thirsty frequently and asks for more bottles of water which are brought to his room by one of the support staffs. She goes to the old woman's room and she tells her that she is having some headache so she gives her some painkillers before asking her avouyhow the story in her novel is going. The old woman then confirms that the young lady in her novel who had been heartbroken many times finally found love in a stranger. Melanie is wowed by that story and goes to the young girls room.

Evening comes and Melanie is now getting ready to go back home and to her surprise,Jack is already waiting to take her home. She never wanted to embarrass him before his colleagues so she just got in the car and they drove away. They get home and realize that Meryl was already home and was cooking some delicious food,he greets Meryl and then gets back to his car wishing to meet Melanie during the weekend. Meryl then tells Melanie that Jack really seems to have changes a lot but they still have to be careful with him because some devil's normally act like angles just to confuse people's minds. Meryl tells her that they have found a new trainer and he has taught them many new styles. She really wishes that Melanie could see him because he is not as strict as the one who just let. He has already organized some competitions for them and she cannot wait to perform before a large audience. Melanie is happy and asks Meryl to give her an updated calendar of their coming performances so that she can prepare in advance. Meryl then quickly drafts the timetable on Melanie's phone so that she won't forget. She is always a fun of dancing and it is the reason why she likes watching Meryl and her team performing because it also helps her in getting stress out of her mind.

She tells Melanie that the first performance will be at the same venue and because she got stuck in the elavator last time,she assures to be more careful so that she cannot find herself in the same situation. Meryl then assures her that the elevator is so much fine because the old one had already been replaced with a new one.She then smiles and promises to attend without failure. They then serve the dinner and take it together. Meryl had prepared their favourite and they were all enjoying it before going to sleep.