

Melanie gets back to work every morning with her engagement ring on her finger. One of the nurses sees her and rushes to tell her that one of her patients is in a bad condition. She then quickly dropd her handbag and heads to the old man's room. He is having a breathing difficulty and his urinary back is also full. Melanie first helped him with the breathing before changing his urinary bag. The old man notices the ring and smile despite being in so much pain. He then holds Melanie's hand and touches her ring as tears roll down his cheeks. Melanie turns to him and asks him if he is still in so much pain but her denies it saying that he is just happy to see that she is finally engaged. He then tells Melanie that he also engaged the first love of his life in his early 20's and they later got married only fir his wife to pass on 42 years later. He assures her that marriage is sweet when you are married to the best person who really understands you. Melanie smiles and thanks him for the nice information before heading to the next room.

She goes to the old woman's room and she is also happy to see her putting on the engagement ring. " My dear daughter,I can see you got engaged,who is the lucky man because I would really want to see him before I die." She said. Melanie promised her that she will soon see lover and she should not be worried about dieng soon because her health is improving daily and she will soon be discharged to go back to her home. She smiles and Melanie again leaves. Melanie cannot imagine how much most people including her patients are happy for her engagement. She just prays and wishes that Jack is serious with whatever he does. She goes to a vacant room and gives her mom a call. She tells her that she got back with Jack some days ago and he has even engaged her. They are already planning to have a wedding and she would want them to be present. Her mother is shocked that she has finally gotten back with Jack,the fact that he has already engaged her daughter is really killing her and she does not know what to do about it and make her daughter break up with that man for good.

She really thinks that Jack is playing games with her daughter's feelings but she does not know the best way to tell her all these without hurting her. Melanie is always blinded with love and she does not always know whenever someone is taking advantage of her. Her mother promises to be present at her wedding but she is ready for anything . Melanie is now happy that her mother is happy for her and she cannot wait to see her at the wedding now that it has been months since they were together. She then calls Jack and tells him about her mother's opinion and he also feels happy because she was his only worry. He then asks her not to be worried about anything because he is starting the wedding preparations immediately. She gets back to wedding desk and starts writing her reports. The doctor comes and scolds her for forgetting to check on the young girl and she rushes to her room.

" I was worried after failing to see you early this morning. I heard some rumors that you got engaged right at the hospital gate yesterday and because you had not come to my room earlier,I was thinking that you might have decided to take a live and celebrate your engagement. I am really happy for you my big sister. I have always prayed for you to find a good man and get married in a colorful wedding. Today am feeling better so you should not be worried so much about me." She said. Melanie smiles and gives her a huge before checking both her pressure and heartbeat. Everything is fine and she heads to do the rest. Jack is at one of the stores in town trying to look for some flowers for the wedding. He really wants pink ones and after the shop attendant tells him that he only had red roses and white ones,he leaves for the next shop for the pink ones. Rodriguez is taking a walk on the streets and he finally bumps on the waiter who was stuck with him in the elevator.

" Hi,it is good to meet you again. Could you please help me with any little information about the young woman who was stuck with us in the elevator that night?" He asked. The waiter knew nothing about Melanie and he tells Rodriguez that he has never met her since that night. He cannot even remember her face so Rodriguez just thanks him and goes on with his walk as he is wondering about where he might find her. He then remembers that on that day Melanie had talked about watching a dancing show at the talk building so he plans to go to the building and check on the next performance so that he can be present and try to look for Melanie in the dancing hall. Melanie on the other side is planning a date with Jack so she won't be present to attend the show. The next dancing show is tonight and Rodriguez does not want to be late for the show so he starts earlier preparations.

He gets to the hall among the first and gets himself a seat at the back. He is busy try to see if Melanie might appear at the show but he does not see her. Melanie is on a dinner date with Jack and they are enjoying themselves while sitting on the top of one of the highest hotel buildings in town. The dancing hall gets full and after Rodriguez realizes that he cannot locate Melanie,he leaves the hall and gets back to his house. Jack takes Melanie back home after enjoying their dinner date. She made sure that she never took alcohol this time round because Meryl had warned her about being careful while with Jack. She is so exhausted and she goes straight to her bed. Meryl is not at home and Melanie is worried because it is the first time that she had left without alerting her.

She then picks up her phone to call her and realizes that Meryl had sent her a text message some minutes ago telling her about her late night date with her new boyfriend. She is dating her new dance trainer and he has decided to take her out. Meryl sees all the features of her dream man in him so she tries to do everything to please him. They really look good together and their chemistry is just perfect. Melanie oversleeps and she gets up late for work after having a long night. She is afraid that she is going to be punished fir getting to work late on her shift. She gets to work and the doctor scolds her again for being lazy giving her the last warning or else she gets fired. Her patients hear the doctor scolding het and they are not happy with him. She goes to the old woman's room and she asks her not to worry about the doctor. She suspects that maybe the doctor was falling in love with Melanie and Jack just came out of nowhere and drag him out of the way.

She assures her that the men who scold women are always the ones who like them so she should not be worried about him. The old man also asks her about the same thing stating that maybe the doctor was just jealous about her engagement ring because he has always been on her neck ever since she got engaged. Melanie tries to get some truth in this and decides to be positive after admitting that she was also wrong for reporting to work late. This only happened because Meryl who normally wake her up had not spent the night at home. Jack calls her to say that he has already found someone who will deliver pink flowers to them for the wedding. Melanie thanks him for taking much of his time in dealing with their wedding preparations and he tells her that it is his pleasure. He sends Melanie some photos of wedding gown with different designs and asks her to chose her best design. She is confused on what to chose because they all look good so she forwards them to Meryl so that she could help her chose. The doctor finds her busy on her phone trying to chose on the best wedding gown and he threatens to fire her. The patients again hear him scolding her and they all get up from their beds to demonstrate against it stating that Melanie is their best nurse and when she is fired they would all go to other hospitals and accuse the doctor of misconduct. The doctor could not believe his ears so he pulls down his threats and allows Melanie to keep working. The patients then clap before going back to their specific ward rooms.