
Me And My Beautiful Sword Spirits

Caught in the crossfire is a short, skinny, ordinary young man (CHARACTER PROGRESSION INCOMING) who nearly met his end. Fleeing for his life, his terrible sense of direction leads him to a room cloaked in demonic flesh. A soft voice echoes in his mind, guiding him through the shadows toward a mysterious sword. Compelled by desperation, the young man draws the ominous blade, unraveling its arcane secrets. To his surprise, the sword speaks, addressing him as its master and offering a chilling proposition. ....................................... In Modern World New Chapter Every Day + One Extra For Every 10 Power Stones

FatFrog · Fantasy
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23 Chs


As the mana-infused spirit lingered in the presence of the celestial sword, an enchanting transformation unfolded. The wisps of mana that composed the spectral figure began to weave together, gaining substance and definition. Like an ethereal dance, the tendrils solidified, taking on the shape of a woman bathed in the same celestial glow that enveloped the demonic room.

In her human form, the enchanting woman possessed an air of timeless allure. Her eyes, imbued with ancient wisdom, sparkled with a celestial light that echoed the magic of the demonic room. Gracefully attired, she emanated a regal aura, her presence a harmonious blend of mystic energy and human elegance. Her charm was evident in the subtle grace of her movements and the captivating way she carried herself, creating an atmosphere of enchantment where the celestial and the earthly converged in a dance of magic and grace.

Her most noticeable features were her lustrous white hair, her sleeveless shirt, and her short skirt that was going super saiyan in an attempt to hold her big and sexy anatomy.

. . . Uh, what was I talking about? Oh yes.

The spirit had finally materialized into a physical body.

"Master, Do you want me to kill them?"

Said the spirit with a scary smile.

"I think this girl wants to steal our virgin friend."

"No fair, Victor ): I saw this boy first."

The man who was with Victor got irritated and took a few steps forward until he was stopped by Victor, who extended his hand to stop his friend in its place.

Victor's expression became serious, revealing the mature, handsome man he always was.

"Be serious, this girl, this boy, and the blade are not simple at all. This amount of mana output is incredible, but . . . It seems this beautiful lady is not in possession of any alter ego."

Victor started to spout random, mysterious words that made absolutely zero sense to Aiden.

"Then. . .?"

"She is not human."

Victor and his friend became extremely wary of the people in front of them as they got into a fighting position.

"Huh? Did you already get scared? Well, you have my apology. You will not be able to walk away from this."

Said the gorgeous white-haired spirit before turning towards Aiden.

"Mater, Do you want me to kill those commoners?"

Asked the white-haired spirit.

"What? Kill? I am not some cold bloo-"

Aiden was cut off.

"Ahh, you are one of the arrogant women I see."

Victor became annoyed by the arrogant statements from the white-haired spirit.

"Listen now, you ugly-looking sperm cell."

His gaze became cold. His presence was shrouded in an unsettling aura of blood lust. His eyes, like smoldering embers, radiated an intensity that sent shivers down the spine. The short boy and the tall woman with white hair caught off guard, felt a primal fear grip them as the air thickened with an ominous tension. The man's predatory energy seemed to emanate like an invisible force, causing fear in his opponent's hearts.

The tall woman widened her eyes. This was not the first time the woman had experienced something like this, but she could never expect such a surge of terrifying power to come from this weak-looking man.

'But even so. . . I will kill you in one hit.'

Said the woman in her mind with an evil smile.

The man continued his terrifying sentence.

"First, I will cut your head and use your brain as an lubric-"


Aiden cut off the man as he finally made up his mind about killing the man.

"Thank you, Master."

"]Arcane Magic["

Her hands moved in deliberate arcs, tracing ancient symbols in the air. As the incantations unfolded, a pristine white magic circle manifested beneath her feet, resonating with an aura of untouched purity. With each word spoken, the circle became a canvas for arcane forces, and the woman, a weaver of magic, channeled her energy into a transformative ritual.

As the ritual took place, the woman started explaining in her head.

'There are eight principles in arcane magic.

First Chronicle: Necromancy

Second Chronicle: Divination

Third Chronicle: Transmutation

Fourth Chronicle: Evocation

Fifth Chronicle: Abjuration

Sixth Chronicle: Illusion

Seventh Chronicle: Conjuration

Eight Chronicle: Enchantment'

Arcane spells can be described using an intricate, universal form of inscription. Each spell Chronicle has a unique form that renders written spells incomprehensible to other arcane spellcasters until they decipher their contents.

'A normal commoner would need to spend his whole life in research to master even a single chronicle of Arcane magic. But me? I only needed twenty years to master every single Chronicle of my Arcane Magic.'

Said the arrogant white-haired spirit in her mind with a smile on her face.

'he he I will have to show off a little"

Said the woman in her mind.

As the ritual progressed, a subtle luminescence spread from the center of the circle, gradually infusing it with a majestic green hue. The transformation rippled through the magical symbols, breathing life into the once-white canvas. The demonic room, now bathed in the soft glow of the newly green magic circle, seemed to come alive with the vibrant energies summoned by the woman's mystical craft.

"]Fake State: Evocation Body["

An unforeseen surge of power erupted from the now-green magic circle, engulfing the entire room in a torrent of mana. The air crackled with unrestrained energy, and the once tranquil space trembled under the weight of the unleashed forces.

The verdant glow intensified, casting an otherworldly radiance that danced along the edges of destruction as if it were a tsunami.

Suddenly, as if the arcane spectacle had a mind of its own, the potent mana vanished from the air, leaving the defenseless white-haired girl in a state of bewildered confusion.

She stood in the aftermath, blinking in utter disbelief, her once charged body now feeling strangely vacant of magical energy.

In a comically awkward realization, she looked around, her expression a mixture of perplexity and disbelief. Her hands hovered over herself as if searching for the vanished mana in a futile attempt.

"You. . . give it back."

She said towards the men in front of her while they looked at her in confusion.

She pondered with an incredulous expression. The room, once filled with the remnants of magical chaos, now echoed with her confused musings as she grappled with the absurdity of her temporarily mana-less predicament. The enchanted room seemed to join in the whimsy as if sharing a cosmic chuckle at the unexpected turn of magical misfortune.

'How did this happen? I had gone into this state millions of times. Why now?'

Asked the woman in her mind before slowly turning towards the short boy.


What The White-haired spirit didn't realize was the fact that as she became a sword spirit for her new master, it connected their soul.

Basically, the white-haired girl was now a computer. She needed energy and internet from somewhere, and in her tragic situation, the broken router in front of her didn't have a single drop of internet.

With a bemused expression lingering from the recent magical mishap, the white-haired woman turned to the short boy, her eyes sparkling with a mix of urgency and amusement.

"Now Aide-"

The woman turned red and averted her gaze as she saw the handsome, short boy.

"*cough* *cough* I mean master . . . WE NEED TO GET THE F*CK OUT OF HERE"

Said the white-haired spirit with the voice of a 50-year-old retired marine.

The boy was scared and did not know what to do.

"I am tired of running away."

The boy mumbled under his nose.

"What did you say, master?"

Asked the White-haired spirit.


'F%ck, I would rather die than run another meter.'

Said the boy with trembling legs.

In a fit of rage, he gripped the blade covered with aura with all of his power.

The boy jumped towards the men in an attempt to slay them. However, his attempt at heroics resembled more of an awkward hop than a fierce assault. The men, momentarily perplexed, looked at each other with a mix of amusement and disbelief.

Victor effortlessly dodged the boy's assault and slapped him as if he were an insect.

The impact echoed comically through the air, leaving the short boy momentarily stunned.


Screamed Aiden.

The white-haired spirit leaped towards Aiden and held him in a princess carry as she ran towards the exit of the demonic room.

'She is tall. . .'

Said the boy in his mind as he was carried by the tall woman.