
Me And My Beautiful Sword Spirits

Caught in the crossfire is a short, skinny, ordinary young man (CHARACTER PROGRESSION INCOMING) who nearly met his end. Fleeing for his life, his terrible sense of direction leads him to a room cloaked in demonic flesh. A soft voice echoes in his mind, guiding him through the shadows toward a mysterious sword. Compelled by desperation, the young man draws the ominous blade, unraveling its arcane secrets. To his surprise, the sword speaks, addressing him as its master and offering a chilling proposition. ....................................... In Modern World New Chapter Every Day + One Extra For Every 10 Power Stones

FatFrog · Fantasy
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23 Chs

A Hard Life

'My name is Aiden Santa.'

Said Aiden in his mind.

'Yesterday, I was just a normal spoiled brat, and now I am being princess carried by an Ava Kedabra busty white-haired woman while being chased by two handsome gay dudes. . .'


Screamed Aiden in his mind.

Aria sensed a disturbance in the force.


Said the white-haired girl with reddened cheeks as she felt someone tap on her private area.

"So beautiful girl how should I call you?"

Said Aiden with a wild expression while he was still tapping on her chest.

"As my new Master, you have to be the one who will name me."

Said the white-haired woman with exited crimson red cheeks.

It was obvious that she was looking forward with excitement to her new name.

Before being sealed in the sword, the white-haired woman beat boredom by diving into lots of "lovey-dovey" novels about handsome heroes saving beautiful princesses. Those stories were like her ticket to a different world, away from the same-old routine of her magical existence.

'AHHHHHH, I can't wait!!! He will say, "UH *nervously* I can't think of a name that would fit your beauty." and then I will say with a cool voice, "Master, I will-'

Said the white-haired girl in her mind as if she was some elementary school student in love before being cut off by Aiden.


Aiden said with a happy expression, being proud of himself.

'WHAT??? Blizzaria am I a pokemon?'

Screamed . . . I guess Blizzaraia in her mind, with a horrified expression.

"I will call you Aria for short."

Said Aiden with a confident voice.

'He he woman love confident men.'

Said Aiden in his mind.

". . . okay."

Said Aria with a sad smile.

"DON'T RUN BOY!!!!!!"

Screamed the two handsome men who did not stop chasing them.


Screamed Aiden with all of his powers.

Aria started running as fast as possible, not looking where she was going.

It was either this or she would quickly understand what is the feeling of getting Yaoi ntred.

In the next moment, they finally escaped the demonic-looking maze and traveled through the corridors of the brothel while passing through the closed rooms full of people.

"They are getting near, Master"


Two men were jogging around the brothel.

The first was a tall, handsome man with short, delicate chestnut hair. Interestingly enough, he was now wearing a short black skirt and a tight woman's tank top, revealing all of his masculine muscles, a weird ensemble that raised eyebrows and prompted horrified stares.

The second man was a fat, tall man with green hair. He was wearing an embarrassing battle suit from the anime My Hero Academia. His clothes were all covered by white dog fur, while his whole body had hundreds of small scratches.

"S&IT, where could Aiden be?"

Said Torao with an angry and worried face, as his manly voice didn't match his clothes.

"I don't know femboy Kacchan. But don't get scared. He must be near."

Said the fat, Andrew.


Just as Torao annoyingly said, they saw a short boy being a princess carried by an extremely attractive white-haired girl.


Screamed Andrew angrily as if he was ready to break someone's neck.

Just as Andrew was complaining about Aiden, Torao saw two men chasing after Aiden and Aria.

'They don't look simple at all. . .'

Said Torao in his mind.

"Aria do you see them? They are my friends we need to help them."

Aria saw the two young men that wanted help, but deep down, she knew the truth.

'TSK can barely run with you.'

Aria lowered her head in sadness.

'I am sorry, Master, you have to understant-'

Aria was already planning in her mind to abandon Aiden's friends and go alone with Aiden, but unfortunately for her, she was not given a choice.

"Be prepared!"

Said Torao towards Andrew.

Andrew paused for a second and looked at Torao with a dumb-looking face.

"??? Kacchan wh-AAAAAAAAAAAAA"

Torao grabbed Andrew by his thick legs and threw him toward Aria and Aiden while spinning like a Beyblade.


Screamed Aiden with all of his might. He was so scared by the spinning meteor that he even called Andrew by the cringe name he always calls himself.

Andrew crashed face-first on Aiden with his crouch one centimeter away from Aiden's face.



Just as Aiden was about to say mean words to Andrew, he was suddenly stopped by a sharp pain in the area between his thighs.

Aiden was dick punched by angry Andrew.


Andrew screamed angrily as veins started to pop on his face.

"*cry* I understand *cry* I am sorry, I wont do this again."

Aiden cried in pain as he was apologizing to Andrew. He clearly didn't want to be dick punched by Aiden again.

'What is he doing? Is he trying to run away while slowing us down? This bastard. . .'

Said Aria angrily in her mind.

'WHAT? Why is he staying still?'

Said Aria in her mind, surprised. Torao was standing menacingly close to the wall so that he could make room for Aiden and the rest to escape.

'I understand. . . Thank you.'

Aria figured it out. Torao understood that Aria could not hold Aiden and them at the same time so that they could escape, so in his head, he made a plan to give her Andrew so that they could escape while Torao was holding the handsome men off. 

Aria could only give a short respect towards Torao's sacrifice.

'I vow on my mother's name that your sacrifice would not go in vain. When I make Master become the strongest being in the world, I will make sure that your sacrifice will be told in every single history book and compensate your family with every riches they could wa-!!!'

Aria said in her mind as her thoughts completely stopped the moment she crossed Torao.

The white-haired woman found herself trapped in an ominous web of mystery and terror. As chills crawled through the corridors of her mind, an indescribable aura enveloped her, instilling a profound fear that robbed her of speech. It was as though an omnipotent force, indifferent to her humanity, had cast its watchful gaze upon her, reducing her significance to that of a mere insect. The portrayal unfolded with an unsettling intensity.

'What did I go through? Another spirit? No, if it was a spirit, I should be able to see it.'

Said Aria as she took a short look behind her before releasing her thoughts and starting to think about the main topic.


By now, Aiden, Aria, and Andrew were gone.

Now, the two handsome men were standing in front of the tall, manly woman Torao.

"What a catch! It's even better than the previous one. My prince. I will get you out of those ugly clothes and make you a top."

Said Victor in a feminine voice.

"AHHH I want to be in the middle."

Said Victor's friend in a feminine voice.

"ha ha ha HAHAHAHAHAH"

Torao started laughing like a maniac.

The two men looked in shock as if their toy was broken.

"Were this your last words?"

Said Torao as he kept his hand close to his mouth to stop his laughter.

After the room finally got quiet, Torao was ready to cook.

He moved his hands and put them together in serpent form.

"Brace yourselves. The light is hungry. You are about to become their feast"

Torao declared with a menacing grin, his voice dripping with a dark promise. The air grew heavy with an ominous energy as the soon-to-be departed men locked eyes with their fate. Torao's smile widened, revealing a glimpse of the ruthless determination that fueled his lethal intent.

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