
MCU: The Heavenly Yaksha (A Non-Harem FanFic)

Tom was your normal average unemployed guy, whose life completely changed due to a sudden survey. Watch as he rises as a great man known as The Heavenly Yaksha in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. |-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_| -This is my 3rd book so please be gentle with me. -English is not my first language. -Leave some honest reviews, please. -There will be some random movies added in that won't interfere too much on the MCU plot, so beware. My update schedule will be 5 chapters a week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Tags: -NoHarem -SlightlyStrongMC -SlightRomance -SlowPaced You can visit my Patreon to read 10 advance chapters and if you want to support me. www.patreon.com/SlimeSage *Cover is not mine, I just found it in Pinterest.* *I only own my OC*

SlimeSage · Movies
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Ch. 19 - Top 10 most epic fight scenes

Since Doflamingo doesn't want too much attention, naturally he has to sneak in, and what else is a better way to get in without anyone noticing?

"I should have practiced the Rokushiki. This would have been so much easier if I could just fly in the air." Doflamingo shook his head as he made a note to himself to practice the Rokushiki.

"I remember Doflamingo could fly in the air by attaching his strings to the clouds?" Doflamingo made a thinking posture before deciding to give it a try after he got home.

"Anyways, let's just get this over with." Doflamingo said to himself before throwing several sticky strings to the top of the building.

After that, he then covered his hands and the soles of his shoes with sticky strings.

That's right, he's actually copying Spider-Man but unlike his method, Doflamingo would just attached the strings on top of the building to give himself a push when he climb the building.

Yes, he's climbing the building and since it was already night, and he just changed his outfit to pure black, he's 99% sure that nobody would see him, as long as he avoid the windows that exudes light.

So, after attaching the strings on top of the building, he finally started climbing the building.

"Ohhohoho, this is awesome. No wonder Spider-Man likes to swing around, the feeling of the wind smashing on my face feels awesome, not to mention, the thrill that it brings." Doflamingo, who was already on half of the building, muttered to himself as he looked down and seeing the ground that is very far away from him, Doflamingo wanted to test his durability by jumping from the top of the building, but he refrained himself from doing so, maybe someday, when he's confident to his durability.

As of now, if he did jump, then he might possibly injure his legs.

"Let's continue."


As Doflamingo was inching towards the top of the building, he saw a single room that has its lights on, so getting curious, he decides to check it out.

"Oh? I see, this must be Kingpin's office." When Doflamingo saw a spacious room full of expensive things and there he was, the Kingpin himself sitting on the chair with various papers and documents in his hand.

'Damn! He's fat as fuck, what brand is that chair?' Doflamingo joked.

'I should just ask him about it later.' Doflamingo said to himself.

At first, he thought of breaking in by getting in using the rooftop, but since it was already here, then why not take this opportunity?

Although he knew that the glass is probably bullet proof, but Doflamingo's strength is more stronger than a bullet.

So, when he was about to clench his hands to punch the glass, he changed his mind.

"Nope, not this way." Doflamingo shook his head as he grabbed on the threads and jumped away from the window.

"Imma kick this shit!" Doflamingo smiled in excitement as he finally landed back on the glass, shattering it completely, thanks to his strength.

"What?!" Kingpin was shocked but he immediately recovered and clicked a button under the table and grabbed his cane.

"You are!" Kingpin pointed his cane at the man in front of him.

Luckily, Doflamingo already changed his outfit back to his assassin outfit, so Kingpin immediately recognized him.

"You're Robin Hood that has been famous these days. What can I do for you?" Kingpin went to his kind and caring Wilson Fisk persona as he gently asked Doflamingo in front of him.

"I know about your deeds and I actually approved of it, both of us have the same goals but two different methods, why don't we sit down and tal-." Too bad for Kingpin, he won't be able to talk his way out fo this situation as Doflamingo immediately cuts him.

"Cut the bullshit, I know who you are, Kingpin." Doflamingo smirked as he saw the shocked look on Kingpin's face.

"So, you knew huh? And here I thought we could be great allies, but I guess NOT!" As soon as he finished his words, he rushed towards Doflamingo in incredible speeds that could take down even Muhammad Ali himself.

Unfortunately for him, Doflamingo has a cheat called Observation Haki, so before Kingpin made his move, Doflamingo already predicted it, so be sidestepped in advance and delivered a devastating kick on Kingpin's chest.


However, unlike what Doflamingo expected, Kingpin only slid back for a few steps before stopping and glaring at Doflamingo.

"You are very strong, but you're no match for me. Surrender." Kingpin raised his chest in pride, showing off that Doflamingo's punch did no damage to him.

"You haven't seen enough. I'll show you why you shouldn't underestimate your opponent." Doflamingo casted a smirk at him and when Kingpin was about to respond, Doflamingo was already rushing in front of him in a very fast speeds.

When Kingpin was about to block his punch, Doflamingo suddenly slid on the ground and and kicked his legs, throwing him off balance.

With Kingpin's weight, as he fell on the ground, the majestic tiles cracked and was smashed into pieces.

Doflamingo then stood and was about to finish Kingpin when he sensed a helicopter flying in front of the window very fast.

Predicting what was about to happen, Doflamingo slid sideways and hid behind a thick pillar.

As the initiator of the helicopter, Kingpin knew what was about to happen, though he's confused on why Doflamingo hid behind a pillar as if he already knew what was a about to happen.

*Whoosssh* x20

As predicted, a helicopter suddenly appeared in front of the window, and the minigun attached on the chopper slowly rotated in fast speeds before spewing countless bullets to the office.

*Bang!* x69

The whole room was lighted up by the bullets, destroying everything in place.

"So, many expensive things, all went down the drain." Doflamingo felt bitter inside him, he wished he should have atleast saved 1 or 2 paintings with him.

As the firings ceased, Doflamingo knew that the chopper must have ran out of bullets right now.

'My turn.' Doflamingo smirked as he peeked outside the pillar and seeing that the Chopper was preparing to send some thugs in, Doflamingo pointed his index finger at the Chopper.


A familiar string bullet came out of his fingertips and penetrated through the windshield of the Chopper before shootingthe pilot in the head.

"Mayday, Mayday!" The co-pilot tried to stabilize the chopper, however before he could do that, a similar bullet once again appeared and shot him in the head, effectively killing him.

Menawhile, the other thugs who were preparing to land inside the office, was shocked by this, as the Helicopter finally started going in circles before crashing right inside the office.

"Shit." Doflamingo cursed as the blades of the chopper was slicing everything in it's path.

Although this would be a good opportunity to test the limits of his durability, but he won't risk accidentally injuring himself, especially since he is on an important mission.

'Maybe next time.' Doflamingo muttered as he already foresaw Kingpin escaping from the office the moment the Chopper was about to crash inside the office.

"He's on the 27th floor and still going down, hurry up, and give him a chase." Matilda spoke through the earpiece.

"I know." Doflamingo replied as he ran out of office to chase after Kingpin.

"How do you know? You can't even see him." Matilda sneered from the earpiece.

'Is she really an 11 year old girl.' Doflamingo rolled his eyes.

"I just know." Doflamingo replied for the last time as he saw 5 thugs coming out of the elevator.

"Thanks for bringing it up." Doflaminog muttered about the elevator before slamming kick the first one to get close to him before kicking the next guy's legs, throwing him off balance.

As the next guy tried to attack him by a hammer, Doflamingo dodged all of his attempts before kicking the man's guts, and throwing him aside to give the last guy a chance to attack him.

"Come on." Doflamingo mocked him by gesturing for him to come and attack him in a mocking way.

"Ahhh!!" The man yelled to gather strength before pulling out a M1911 Pistol and tried to aim at him.

However, with Doflamingo's observation Haki, he already knew every part of this man's body, so before he could properly aim at him, Doflamingo was already in front of him, punching the man's throat before carrying him by his shoulders and slammed him on the floor.


"Wooh, back then I only saw these kinds of fights in the movies, but now, I could do it myself." Doflamingo naturally won't be able to stop himself from what he called 'epic' fight scenes.

"He's on the 25th floor. Seriously, what's taking you so long?" Matilda informed him through the earpiece.

"Nothing. Don't worry about Kingpin, he won't escape my clutches. Tonight, New York should be ours." Doflamingo said to her before entering the elevator and directly pushing the 20th floor button.

As Doflamingo vibed with he elevator music, the elevator finally rung a 'Ding.'


Doflamingo then rushed outside, and met several thugs waiting for him, maybe atleast 50 or more thugs?

"Another epic right scenes again." Doflamingo muttered as he prepared to fight them all when a voice stopped them.

"Stop." Kingpin came out of the crowd, while a familiar face also appeared beside him.

'Bullseye.' Doflamingo squinted his eyes at him. This is the third time he met a famous character in Marvel.

'He's shooting skills was said to be on par with Hawkeye, right?' Doflamingo remembered the man's skills, as he wished for the man to be on his family but alas, not only is he already on Kingpin's side but he's also fucking psychopath, which is not allowed on his family.

"You are outnumbered, Robin Hood. Either you surrender and submit to me, or face death!" Kingpin threatened as the thugs raised their weapons, supporting Kingpin's words and tried to intimidate him.

However, when they thought that Robin Hood would surrender, what they didn't noticed was a smirk plastered on Doflamingo's face as Matilda expressed her worried to him through the earpiece.

"Doffy..." Matilda who was watching through the cameras, was worried for her friend, Doffy.

"Surrender is not in my vocabulary. Only sedulous." Doflamingo responded as a signal to start the war.

"Is that so. Then, die!" Kingpin yelled as the thugs finally rushed towards Doflamingo.

"This should be on the Top 10 most epic fight scenes." Doflamingo smiled as he also rushed towards the army of thugs.


You can visit my p@treon to read 10 advance chapters and if you want to support me. (www.p@treon.com/SlimeSage) don't forget to change @ to a.

[Extra Chapter every 300 stones.]