
MCU: I am 05-1

a man gets sucked into the MCU during a multiverse collapse and told that he has become the new 05 for the SCP Foundation, the only thing... it doesn't exist yet. so the question is, is he up for the task?

The_Noobulas · Movies
Not enough ratings
28 Chs

Character Information [Ch 24]

Lost some notes, to be fair they were written on loose pieces of paper, I'm making Non-Spoiler that I can remember into auxiliary chaps though it will probably just be this, if I missed anything let me know as I can't find even a hint of the paper his stats were written on


Level 4 Standard Human


Stealth Hacking Level 1 [Upgraded 1] - Hacking is 30% harder to detect. This skill was previously Hacking Level 5 and incorporates all that it was

Deciever Level 1 - Any attempt at deception will be easier and more likely to be successful

Anomalous Abilities

Sprinter - For the first 100 yards after you begin running, increase speed by up to 200%

Thoughtful management - The host can activate this ability to suppress emotions and think 15% faster, headache may occur with overuse, and extreme emotions may not be fully suppressed

Examine - Focus on a target to learn its basic status and the top 3 notable skills

regeneration<minor> - regenerate 1% of your maximum health every 10 min, can not replace lost appendages

Shadow Tether - You can charge an item with anomalous energy. While you maintain concentration or the item has energy remaining, the item will act similar to 272, tethering the target in a way that keeps their shadow over the object. The target can move freely so long as the object remains in shadow. should the object leave a shadow, then so long as the object is still anomalously charged, the target will be forcibly pulled through any obstacles or obstruction regardless of the target's condition until either the item runs out of charge or the object is covered in shade once again