
MCU: I am 05-1

a man gets sucked into the MCU during a multiverse collapse and told that he has become the new 05 for the SCP Foundation, the only thing... it doesn't exist yet. so the question is, is he up for the task?

The_Noobulas · Movies
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28 Chs

Chapter 11

walks were nice, though I wish Jones was a bit less stiff. he followed me while being inconspicuous as an elephant. He always stayed five feet behind me. If anyone broke his line of sight or he determined they were attempting to impede his five foot distance, they were immediately plowed through with a remorseless shoulder that would make professionals in the NFL jealous. I looked at my bodyguard, who had the personality of a stone pillar. "You can't just shove people around like that when they aren't an actual threat. Try to relax, " I said with exasperation. For my command, I received a simple stiff nod.

putting aside the cold disposition of my companion, I moved through the crowd, happy to see that no one was sent sprawling onto the ground anymore, although if looks could kill Jones would be locked away for going on a killing spree at this point, eh better than before.

[Daily Mission Complete-100 points granted

please complete 4 more missions to unlock the second mission slot]

it wasn't much, but it was there. The points were easier now that I was earning more. Maybe I could even complete the big mission I was assigned. as I walked up to the outside of Shield, I simply called Fury rather than walk in. "What do you want?" he asked with a rather blunt and cold attitude. "Hey now, Fury, I thought we were friends. What's with the cold attitude?" I said, rather taken aback. "Why? because there was a gunfight in the subway that I know you were a part of where approximately a dozen Hydra soldiers were found, who, by the way, were thought to be long gone, and when I tried to get ahold of you to find out if you had anything to do with it I was ignored."he ranted, his tone taking on more anger as he went on. "Hey now, Fury, those agents came after me. If I were Hydra, we wouldn't have met, I'd have just killed you instead of initiating contact." I explained, a small headache coming on, I was getting a lot of those. Should I look for headache immunity in the shop?

I could almost hear Fury glare at me through the phone. can i contain him for that? for anomalously glaring through a phone? "Listen here, kid. Shield has helped you, and you have yet to return on this partnership of ours. you have forty-eight hours to convince me that what you do is important, or I don't see this working out anymore, and I'll have to mark your foundation as a hostile force."

"That's cute, Fury, but do you honestly think you can defeat the Foundation? You couldn't even properly defeat Hydra as we've learned. you don't even know where we're located right now, and that's just our New York base, we have bases in every major country and continent, including Antarctica and sub-bases around the world, if we went to war, Shield would fall within a month." I said slowly

[Bluffing Skill Acquired!

through proficient use of the skill, it has achieved system recognition, lies told with confidence about your abilities or intentions will be more likely to be successful!]

"Fine, six months. in six months, I expect to be shown some proof that your organization is not Hydra or one of their allies, or else, " Fury stated," Now what the hell did you call for? "

I stood for a moment, "I'll let you know when I feel like telling you," I said before hanging up. "Jones. change of plans, friend, we're gonna take a walk around the city." I said before turning away from Shield Headquarters.

---A few Hours Later---

as we walked, I continued to talk to the stone wall that was Jones, although I only received occasional grunts for my efforts. "How come ever since your promotion to Alpha-1 you've been essentially made of stone?." I asked with a sigh, I knew je could talk, and the system said he'd begun developing his own distinctive markers and personality at level three, but stone wasn't exactly a distinctive trait. "Sir, the promotion to Alpha-1 is a great honor. however, it is normally a five to ten man squad, I am only one man. Thus, I must be extra vigilant to not disgrace the trust placed in me or my future compatriots of Alpha-1." he stated this as if it were expected, like the entire Foundation would collapse if he sneezed wrong.

I was going to reply, but the strong smell of blood drifted into my nose, and gunfire was heard in a nearby alleyway. I turned and ran towards it, a look of panic crossing Jones's face as he realized I intended to run towards danger and, knowing he couldn't do anything to stop me.

it took ten minutes to run down the alleyways and reach the fighting where I found something i really wasn't expecting. in front of me was a tall Caucasian man with dark hair wearing a Foundation uniform for a Head-Researcher. His lab coat fluttered as he brawled a man in full tactical gear. two more men stood farther down the alley, seemingly unable to fire around their comrade. one of the aggressors seemingly got impatient, ripping off his helmet and holstering his pistol he began to sprint towards his comrade, intent on finishing this. The researcher, noticing the movement, pulled something off his neck. As the angry soldier came to his teammates aid, the researcher slammed something gold and red into his face. the soldier went unmoving as he and the gold object rolled to the edge of the alley.

seeing his opportunity, the first soldier jumped aside, letting the third man open fire with his assault rifle, killing the researcher. nit noticing me or Jones, the men walked over to their fallen comrade who was faced towards the wall of the alley. "Hey Scott, you okay?" one of the men began. Before he could continue, the man called Scott suddenly flipped around, his pistol drawn, and the golden object, a gem encrusted medallion, affixed around his neck. the man fired two shots, killing his former comrades before he stood up and began removing his gear. after he had removed everything but a t-shirt and some pants, he stripped the researcher coat off of the corpse before putting it on himself.

I cleared my throat to get his attention. he quickly grabbed a pistol off the ground and leveled it at me. "Identify yourself." he exclaimed. I felt Jones stiffen and step forward from behind me. this movement drew the man's eyes. As he scanned Jones, he saw the symbol on Jones's shoulder, I could see the gears start spinning. "The Red Right Hand? what are you doing here? unless.." he trailed off as he turned back to me."05? no, no, they don't leave their hidey holes." he muttered he brightend up and looked at me, a smile grew over his face, and with that smile that dared me to leave him unattended and pay the consequences he said, "allow me to introduce myself, I am Dr. Jack Bright."