
survive: part 2 (short) troubles and escape

The spear pieces through Vin-nis as he flew back knocking Brav into the ship.

" Vin-nis!!" Brav shouts as as he reached out to catch Vin-nis.

With his arm outstretched a dark elf blade sliced through his right arm separating it from the rest of his body.

Vin-nis body slammed into Brav right after his arm was cut off Brav was screaming until he blacked out with his head hitting against the ship wall as he fell to the ground.

Vin-nis was pinned to the wall with a spear sticking out of his chest. Vin-nis felt the spear enter his body and through his heart it sounded like metal grinding against each other as he flew backwards.

Bolya pushed the engines as the ship took off.

Delia was screaming as she saw everything happen from her console.

Vin-nis eyes were slowly closing as he felt a thump in his chest his eyes shot open as he groggily looked around, seeing the spear "no!" Vin-nis shouted as his hands weakly reached for the spear.

His hands finally gripping the pole his heart beating faster he felt a little strength " I will not die! I have to clear my name, get home and see my mother!" Each word coming out sounded rough, ragged, and hard to come as ever breath came as a struggle and gasp.

Vin-nis roared as the spear flung out from his chest as purple blood with a hint of red flew with it as it stopped from his body.

Vin-nis fell to the ground feeling extremely weak. The wound in his chest and heart started healing with support from another heart on the opposite side of his chest it was small but still growing.

Vin-nis saw the unconscious and bleeding Brav in front of him "Delia!" Vin-nis yelled.

As Delia yelped at his voice causing her to jump a little.

Bolya was busy getting them out the atmosphere and away from the planet.

"Laser, table." Vin-nis said as Delia showed up in front of him his voice was weaking and soft as it seemed he was struggling to stand up.

Delia quickly caught on and picked up Brav as she walked as fast as she could to the medic table.

Vin-nis could smell everything his senses were to heightened to the point he could smell the natural pheromones Delia smelled sweet like honey where as Bolya smelt of cinnamon. Brav had a sickly sour smell over shadowing his natural smell of grapes.

Trying to stand and get his senses under control Vin-nis stumbled and staggered towards the medic table.

Delia was done strapping Brav down and came to Vin-nis's side helping him to the chair in front of the table.

Vin-nis could see the blood vessels as he picked up the laser and started working the smell of dead meat and burning meat as he cut brav's flesh off and started sealing the wound.

The smell was ten times worse for Vin-nis as he split his focus to concentrate on the smell of Delia and Bolya as his sight was on Brav.

Vin-nis's strength was coming back as his heart was fully healed.

Delia left his side as she couldn't stomach the smell and it was filling the ship.

Bolya could smell it and it made her eyes squint as they broke through into space.

Vin-nis was finally done with Brav after a couple of hours then the alarm started blaring.

Brav was still unconscious as Bolya, Delia and Vin-nis came together and made plans on to who would do what.


(Flashback day after the crash)

Waking up Vin-nis looked to his left as saw Brav and Delia standing over Bolya talking.

"She has a fever and her wound looks worse than yesterday and her breath is short and ragged, what do we do Brav?" Delia asked as she looked down at Bolya with worry on her face.

"She needs medicine and actual medical care, neither one of us are trained as a medic except for Peir but as you heard yesterday he died." Brav said with a down casted look on his face and sorrow in his voice.

" I can do it but we need the medical table which has everything we will need, but we'll have to scope out the situation first." Vin-nis said as he got up from the ground.

This caused Delia and Brav to look at him "you have medical training?" Brav asked with a shocked expression on his face.

Vin-nis shook his head "no but I have the knowledge, it'll be my first time trying, it's better than watching her die." Vin-nis stated as he went towards the water which was further in the cave "we'll need the cords and wires to strap her to someone, the terrain isn't to our liking, we'll need both our hands and feet." He added as his voice was fading the further in he went.

The duo looked at each other then back to where Vin-nis was and then at Bolya.

"Well scouting with all of us isn't a great ideas right?" Brav asked Delia as she looked at him in thought.

Brav stomach growled as he placed his hand on it "we also have to find something we can eat." He said while rubbing the back of his head.

Vin-nis came back with the cords as they prepared to leave "is it really such a good idea to bring her since we're scouting?" Brav asked as he pointed to Bolya who was strapped to his back.

Vin-nis held up the blade glanced at it and then looked to the cave exit "when we get there and if there's elves we'll have to kill our way on the ship, repair the hole and bunker down, but if there aren't any elves then we can board and repair and get her treated either way her with us would be the best possible plan , unless you think they'll give us time to come back and get her then enter the ship." Vin-nis said as he slowly moved out of the cave.

Brav thought about it for a bit and figured he didn't take any of that into account when thinking of the plan.

Delia chuckled a little as she watched her brother get taught by a kid, she found Vin-nis fascinating he was extremely different then a normal twelve year old and this brought her interest she wanted to see what went on in his head.

As they climbed the tree line they saw the crashed ship there were no dark elves present, they made they're way to the ship and boarded.

" Damnit they took everything!" Brav shouted in anger as the group looked around the ship.

"Repair the hole with whatever you can find then shut the hanger door, Delia help me with her at the table." Vin-nis shouted as he made his way to the medic table.

Brav was already there placing Bolya on the table " we're going to have to find replacement parts and fuel for sure, I'll do what I can with the hole. Just I don't want to have to bury a friend ya know." Brav said as he walked beside Vin-nis.

" I know what you mean, we couldn't even bury Peir , they took his body."Vin-nis said with a somewhat sadden look.

"Those sick evil fucks" Brav cursed as his hand was balled up into a fist, Vin-nis tapped brav's arm "my friend we don't have the resources or time for that and we're not even at full power, we still have to get a stable food supply and water source." Vin-nis said as he shook his head.

" I didn't say anything or do anything, are you saying I can't be pissed!?" Brav shouted the last part.

Vin-nis could feel his intense williness for battle Vin-nis knew that Brav was mad and that instead of fixing the hole he was going to run off to find Peir's body.

Vin-nis could read Brav like a book just by his body language and the intent he resonated

" I'm saying that there's a time and place." Vin-nis said as he pointed at Bolya whose complexion was worsen.

Brav looked at Bolya and his emotions calmed down " you're right, I'm sorry ,its just... I'll go fix the hole" Brav spoke with a sigh at the end

" I know Brav, but right now this is what needs doing" Vin-nis said as he pulled the equipment he needed, while also started making his own quick makeshift tools.

Delia watched the exchanged from the corner she wanted to jump in but even she needed to hear what Vin-nis was saying. She walked up and rubbed Vin-nis's head " glad you're here" she said with a smile.

'I know to you I am just a kid who knows a lot but I do have my worries. But it's kinda nice having a big sister' Vin-nis thought as he brushed her hand away with a serious look on his face "we have to get busy and you'll have to hand me what I say when I say, my hands have to stay busy otherwise we would be the reason she dies." Vin-nis stated.

After her hand was brushed she started looking over the equipment and she got serious when she heard him say that they would be the ones to kill her if they mess up she felt a lot of pressure.

Vin-nis looked at her "or rather I would be the one after all I'm the one doing the procedure you just have to stand there." He said with a small chuckle.

Delia knew he was just trying to calm her down the two got quite and then started operating.

A couple of hours passed as Brav walked in with cuts and scratches " I have found us food!" He shouted as he noticed the duo fixing up some of the broken machines.

"I was starving." Delia said she was exhausted mentally and physically drained.

" I'm good and are you sure what you brought back isn't poisonous?" Vin-nis questioned as he was wondering how Brav would know.

Brav laughed " I've studied herbs at the academy I'm pretty good when it comes to food and medicine." Brav stated proudly.

"Good.. very good." Vin-nis said with a smile on his face as he schemed

" What's that look." Brav asked as he pointed at Vin-nis.

" Plans , We will get off this planet, and we will all live, many hahahaha many ideas." Vin-nis said as his smile bloomed and his hand came together.


Some time in-between the crash and escape.

Vin-nis was watching Brav and Delia in a the medical area as the were now sleeping after they became I'll Bolya woke up and Vin-nis check to see if his ability would work on plants it did and it lead to this.

" We are going to have to get the rest. They need to rest." Bolya said as she looked at Vin-nis's back.

Vin-nis shook his head " you stay here and watch over base I'm faster and know the terrain more than you do, and besides they know my face by now and are probably excepting me." Vin-nis said half jokingly as he walked passed Bolya picking up two daggers and some throwing knives. They were collecting things up until Brav collapsed that was a terrible day.

Bolya was skinnier than when they arrived it was shocking that they were barley surviving but they had to leave if they wanted to live and they had to leave soon.

Vin-nis ran through the woods

" There he is that little creature!" An elf pointed as he watched Vin-nis slice the throat of his comrade.

Vin-nis kept moving his abilities were getting more and more under his control. He was taller and his hair was longer and his pants were now cut off at the knee.

Vin-nis moved smoothly as he cut through his opponents his goal today was to retrieve the fuel supply and he found just what he needed many times he's been cut,stabbed and almost lost his life and now he wasn't that far off once this was done they'll just have to wait for the right timing and pray that Bolya would have enough strength to get them out of here.

Hours later Bolya heard yelling and things smashing against the ship ' Vin-nis's back.' she thought as she opened the hanger.

As the hanger was going down Vin-nis was running jumping and rolling as he dodge his body was cover in purple marks showing that he's been cut a good amount of times but he had a smile on his face a knife flew and hit his arm leaving a scrape with almost no blood.

As soon as he was aboard the door shut. They heard the yelling and things hitting the shield that got activated when Bolya was on the table.


" Today's the day." Delia said weakly as she has just gotten up.

" Yeah today's the day right you guys." Brav said somewhat lively he was up a couple of days before Delia and he's been trying to get into fighting shape.

Outside the ship they're was yelling and the group felt a surge go through the shield " we have to stop them otherwise we aren't leaving Bolya get us ready for take off." Vin-nis said as he got up from his seat

He walked towards the hanger as Brav followed " not alone we do this together." Brav said as he placed his hand on Vin-nis's shoulder.

Vin-nis nodded" Delia you're on doors no matter what happens once we're on the ship close the door and Bolya take off. How much time do you need?" Vin-nis asked as he stretched out his muscles.

Bolya calculated the amount of time " half an hour would be on the safe side." She said with a small wry smile.

" We can do it!" Brav said as Vin-nis nodded " open the door." Vin-nis said.


Present time

The alarms blaring as Vin-nis put on the space suit "I'll deal with the outside issues." Vin-nis said as he went to the airlock. The duo nodded Vin-nis went out and checked the issues as he finished fixing it .

Vin-nis was attached on a rope as he looked out he missed his grab spot and started floating out "Vin-nis you okay out there?" Bolya asked through the makeshift comms.

"Huuuh"Vin-nis said as something caught his ankle dragging him away from the ship as the rope snapped it was to fast, he felt like he was shielded as he quickly using all his strength and speed to bend down pull his ankle out.

His body felt as if it was burning his skin caught fire as it was burning it was repairing at a rapid pace, his helmet broke due to the pressure as his body was healing then all he felt was wetness as he was pulled under some water.

'what the fuck, what just happened to me.' Vin-nis thought as he regained his senses he pushed himself upwards as far as he knew , breaking the water surface he took a deep breath in as he floated.

The sky was dark and he felt weak in his arms and legs he saw sparks as he was dragged it all happened to fast for it to register for him. He swam until he reached a shore.