
survive: a hostile environment part 1


"It crashed over here, come on I'm pretty sure it's an enemy vessel!" A person yelled as he walked forward

Vin-nis could hear the shout as he was in the ship wiping the purplish red blood off his forehead he stopped as he heard the voice and footsteps it was still far off, he could smell blood sweat and weaponry.

Vin-nis looked around at his comrades taken in a quick breath he ran to Bolya side and shook her, it didn't rouse her awake he noticed as he was closer that she was punctured and pinned to the console.

After quick thoughts he made a decision he summoned his strength as he pulled her from the seat and ripped his shirt then tied it to her wound keeping pressure on it.

"Keep yer mouth shut, if any of em is living they'll hear us coming!" Another voice shouted and it sounded closer than before.

Vin-nis not taking his time anymore he ran to Brav and lifted him out of the seat after some bandaging of both Brav and Delia his shirt was gone. Lifting up the three of them and getting them situated he tied them to himself with wires and cords and some rope.

He heard footsteps and metal clanking . There was 8 different types of steps, Vin-nis took a quick calculation of the distance by the heartbeats, smell and footsteps.

He had no idea of where he'll go but staying was a death wish.

The door was kicked as he made a huge hole and jumped out.

" Ya heard that ! Over there!"

A voice shouted as the group started picking up speed

" You stop there!" A voice shouted from the back of Vin-nis as he picked up speed wishing and praying the he was faster, his speed was slowly increasing.

Dodging a shot from the back and trying to keep balance Vin-nis ran forward as his speed kept increasing more people started showing up and as soon as they saw him they shot .

He tripped over a rock and almost fell his fingertips touched the ground his eyes closed and as soon as he felt the ground his eyes sprung open as he pushed with his legs and arm he burst forward moving at speeds he wasn't prepared for.

His hazel eyes now had gray pupils and the gold around his irises glowed and then faded back into a faint shade of gold.

As Vin-nis was running he was looking around but his perception wasn't ready for this speed he tripped over a lifted tree root as he fell the group was rolling down a hill until a loud splash was heard as they started sinking in water.

Vin-nis shook his head underwater as he looked around he noticed a group of predatory fish that was the intent he felt coming from them , using a burst of strength he swung his arms and legs to push himself and the rest down.

Just as he was hoping , what he felt was danger all around them but something was telling him to go down to go as far down as he could.

As he closed his eyes with one more push a strong surge pushed and pulled them as they were caught in the undercurrent.

Not know how long it was but the current stopped and he swam as quick as he could until , splash and a huge gasp of air as he broke water surface , it was dark but he could see slightly like it was a dim light around but he knew that was just the way he saw in the dark ever since he turned twelve .

Vin-nis saw a shore but he also started feeling the weight of his comrades but using what was left of his strength he brought them to shore and after un wrapping them he brought them individually towards the light and wind.

He placed them on there sides then examined his own wounds which were healing, started Wondering why his blood was turning purple, after thinking for a bit he started completely examining the wounds of his group.

Vin-nis looked for what ever he could to help them he used some metal that he had with him made a little fire and melted the wounds shut the puncture wound was difficult to deal with they needed medical supplies he took a quick break.

After he felt like his abilities were working again he thought about how to get the medical supplies, Vin-nis went to the front of the cave and noticed they were down wind from the crash if he can run at his top speed he'd make it back here by the time the sun was gone.

Four hours later

' fuck, fuck ,fuck ,God damn bullshit!' Vin-nis thought as he was running away with a back pack as he dodge and zipped through trees with the sounds of gunshots and vehicles revving.

He slide as a beam flash right over his head, from the slide he rolled back to his feet and grabbed a branch from a tree to lift him off the ground he swing up landing on the branch in a crouched position.

Jumping from the tree as he dodge another shot as soon as he felt he was close to the ground he rolled into some bushes , then he slid down a hill as he heard shouting.

"Where'd that little shit go , find him and break his legs , imma be the one to deal with him after" a voice yelled with mischievous laugh that was borderline maniacal as well as perverted.

Vin-nis shivered as he heard the voice it was rough deep and gruffy he remembered the this voice belonged to the guy whose hand he broke just to get the supplies.

Vin-nis saw the water and threw a big rock well big enough to make a big splash into the water , then ran the opposite way his speed came back.

After a couple of turns he ended up back at the cave it was night now and he was somewhat tired he continued in the cave as he came upon his comrades he started working once down he sat on a rock as metal shells were being pushed out of his body while it was healing as fast as the naked eye could see.

Two and a half hours passed as he was taking care of his three crew mates the first to wake up was Bolya she was struggling and in pain , one by one they woke up .

But after waking up and looking around they noticed they were not in the ship but a cave on the planet they looked and saw Vin-nis with his eyes slightly closed and breathing heavily.

" Vin" as soon as Bolya started Vin-nis was in front of her with his hand over her mouth as he whispered

" We crashed, not alone here , enemies keep quiet, Peir dead on landing, I've ran us all the way here shh" once he stated all that they could hear footsteps in the woods along with the sounds of clanking metal.

Bolya nodded as she felt pain on her side she took a look then looked at Vin-nis with a grateful smile " alright we grab those two and get out of here by going deeper in" Bolya whispered to Vin-nis.

Vin-nis looked at her with a slight nod he shook his head " any more movement could cause further problem, not for them but for you, the wound is deep and if your wounds open back up that will leave a blood trail on top of shortening your life, if I had a little more time I could pick them up and we could go" as soon as Vin-nis said go they heard an ughh as they looked over to see a confused Brav.

They approached him after giving each other a nod as soon as Brav opened his mouth a hand was covering it his eyes showed fear as his head was aching and foggy.

"Brav get it together we need to leave." The words were quick turning " Vin-nis can you carry her" Bolya added as she looked at Delia Vin-nis gave a nod as he

Moved to pick her up they could hear the footsteps and clanking echo a little as the group of people entered the cave.

Not wasting anymore time the four of them went further in as quitely and quickly as possible with Vin-nis in the front carrying Delia with Bolya and Brav walking side by side right behind him.

He led them past an open area where a pool of water was located on the side of the walk way he felt a tug on his shoulder and noticed that both Brav and Bolya we're having a hard time keeping up that was when he remembered that they were still wounded and with how dark it was.

Brav looked out and all he could see was a milky black he could somewhat make out the outlining of the edge if he was further away from the two of them he probably wouldn't be able to see them.

Bolya looked over at Brav and she could barley see his light pink skin and it was only getting darker the further they go in.

Vin-nis looked at the two in confusion he could they're facial movements and he could hear they're thoughts at this moment and then he thought about it he can see but they couldn't, they had persuers who most likely can't see .

Vin-nis thought for a bit in the end he shook his head at the thought of an ambush even if he could mount a one man assult that is on the assumption that they don't have night vision.

Vin-nis recalled his run through the forest and they just might have something that can see in the dark.

He grabbed the two hands " I can see perfectly fine just hold on to my shoulder" before he could finish he noticed Brav taking his shirt off.

"That would be better" Vin-nis grabbed the shirt and tore it he held half in both hands as they continued deeper in they ended up at a cliff as Vin-nis stopped they bumped into him.

Vin-nis had a grim smile on his face as he looked around he noticed the wall would be able to climb to the hole in the cliff side but he could make it but he didn't know if Bolya or Brav could and he still had to figure out how to climb up with an unconscious person on his back.

With these thoughts on his head he looked down and it looked extremely far."huh"Vin-nis could only say that one word as the person on his back moved with a push this action caused Vin-nis to fall forward as he gripped harder unintentionally onto the shirt as the group was falling from the cliff.

" Huh, what the ahhh!" Brav and Bolya said at the exact same time with Delia adding in with the screaming.

" It came from that way!" One of the following group said as he was stopped from moving forward by an arm. " That way is the cliff of death my friend lost his life from that fall" the person who stopped him said " that brat's dead let's head back" he added on.

As they were falling Vin-nis took in the sights with a sad sigh that's when he noticed a ledge out of the cliff it was a one shot thing as they were approaching.

" Grab hands now!" Vin-nis yelled while grabbing Delia's hand as she instinctively listened and grabbed a hold of Brav's hand and he did the same by grabbing Bolya's hand.

" Whatever happens don't let go no matter what" Vin-nis said as he held out his other hand as soon as his hand touched the ledge he felt the force breaking bones in his hand as he forced his fingers into the rock.

Then the weight of the others stretched his other arm out he felt like his arm was going to rip off he couldn't speak for the others as he held on while holding in his scream of pain.

As they swung slightly the group felt the pain within they're arms the strain they had pulling on them Bolya regained her senses and realized that it'll be difficult but they can do it.

" I'm moving up, be prepared" she shouted up and got some answers. After she climbed up next was Brav as she held his hand to help them Delia the three of them helped Vin-nis up as they noticed his demolished hand and his arm was streached out to where he was bleeding and you could see his bone in his shoulder as it shimmered silver slightly.

They were close enough to see this and also see his wounds close up at a rapid pace the shock and surprise on they're faces made Vin-nis chuckle a little but he was still in pain and he wasn't the only one bleeding.

Bolya check her wound with a frown on her face as she whinced in pain. Vin-nis looked around and noticed there was a tunnel they would have to crawl to get out but the problem was what made this tunnel and where did it go.

While Vin-nis was lost in thought he heard an uhum " I'm sorry guys it's my fault we fell" Delia apologized with sadness in her voice.

"It's fine we wouldn't have been in this position and Peir wouldn't have died if it wasn't for me" Bolya said as she rewrapped her wound her voice regretful.

"Shut up this isn't anyone's fault it's just bad luck, let's see if we have good luck from now on and make a bet on a tunnel." Vin-nis said annoyed with the blaming and pity party his mom would've snapped way before this with the vibes they were giving off .

'mom would've said enough with the bullshit what's done is done all you can do is move forward and just keep going.' Vin-nis thought as he was finally fully healed up he moved his fingers and felt that they were quicker and stronger than before same with his arms as he rotated both shoulder and arms.

Once Vin-nis was done he crawled towards the tunnel not caring about how they're mood was or what they thought " y'all coming or not" Vin-nis said as he was in front of the tunnel.

The trio followed behind Vin-nis as they squeezed through he followed until he felt that they should move up towards the surface.

Vin-nis's fist came up through the ground as he pushed to widen the hole and then pulled himself up he turn and reached in to pull them up.

They looked up and saw the sku and as Vin-nis looked at the shining dim lights in the sky he realized where they were and instantly knew that they were definitely not safe.

Vin-nis smelled the air taking in as much as he could while they weren't on the run. The group was resting as they had a break.

"What were they saying?" Brav asked once he caught his breath.

" I believe they were speaking

Shiväisith Brav, I have a pretty good idea as to where we crashed" Bolya replied as she sat up holding her side.

Vin-nis was lost in thought as to what they would do in such a place until Delia got his attention

" Vin-nis you seem to know something" Delia said as she rose to her feet.

" Judging by the dim lit stars the atmosphere and the fact that they were speaking another language I agree with Bolya that we need to leave as soon as possible this place is most likely Svartalfheim.

The home of the dark elves and they will most likely want us dead but I have heard of a portal.

It could get us out of here but that's only a rumor that I heard from my mom when she was talking about the nine realms. The good thing is we don't have to run from any Asgardians" Vin-nis said as he was trying to make the situation sound better.

Bolya looked at Vin-nis and thought for a bit " you said it's a rumor and even if they do have one it's not like they'll let us use it freely, the best bet would be to scrounge up anything we need and fix the ship" Bolya said as she weighed the pros and cons.

"You mean build a ship under the nose of this hostile race and while wounded" Brav spat out as the idea just sounded like suicide to him.

" Either way we will be up against them, and stealing would be easier for us. Once you guys are recovered as for building we need tools and I have some designs in my mind.

We can figure it out, but it'll take awhile and I can't guarantee a set date of completion or if it'll last long enough for us to survive in space or if we will even survive the take off. But hey if we can get back to the ship and move it, we'll have a better chance. I just need time." Vin-nis said as he started walking away.

Delia started following him " we can't stay out in the open" she said as she walked up to Brav and the two helped Bolya up from the ground and helped her to walk through the woods.

Vin-nis senses were at they're peak as he lead the group through the woods, he realized that while here he can train his abilities to be completely under control that was his only bright side he could see.

As they walked they talked in hush tones until they found a place that Vin-nis thought would be safe they sat down. Vin-nis started going through his mind trying to figure out the best way to understand and control his abilities.

"We should rest here for now" Brav said while sitting and massaging his legs.

Delia was helping Bolya with her bandages. They were in the worst possible place for them to be.

" Vin-nis are we safe here" Bolya asked as she looked at Vin-nis who was pacing back and forth mumbling

" For now we're fine, but I believe we should head back to that cave it'll give us a chance to looked around the crash site and I can make a quick list of the things we need, just trust me with the list and repairs but first we get to the cave and you guys rest." Vin-nis replied as he stopped in one spot.

As they thought it through they nodded as Bolya stood up "ok I trust you, but once we're done resting and all healed up we'll start grabbing from the list" Bolya said as she took slow steps.

"No, Boyla you'll rest with Delia at the cave and when we have enough light me and Vin-nis will head out to grab somethings, that way you'll heal and once you're back to full shape we can work together to get whatevers left" Brav stated as he helped Bolya walk.

Delia nodded and Bolya knew she wouldn't win against them even if she voiced a complaint, Vin-nis took the lead as brav helped Bolya to Delia and then took his place at the back they kept a tight formation but the three of them were tired.

Vin-nis was starting to feel his stamina dropping he was tired it's been one battle and run after the next his energy was wearing and he knew that if he closed his eyes the probability of them dying would raise ever so slightly and in this place that meant death.

"Let's all make it out of here alive" Delia said in a soft tone as the were close by each other.

It was quite and no one knew how to respond so they only nodded as Vin-nis saw the site "they didn't leave any guards and from what I can see they left the ship pretty much intact, Brav follow this path and get to the water then take them go half way down the water turn to the right and a quarter way up the hill off to the left is the cave, I'll catch up." Vin-nis said as he left.

His speed was fast that they couldn't see him leave. Brav ran to the front and started leading them he could see somewhat in the dimly lit environment as they made they're way.


Vin-nis made his way as fast as possible to the ship he ran inside and looked around he picked up the broken objects and grabbed two broken jagged piece of metal and placed it in his belt behind his back.

Vin-nis then went outside as he looked around he tried to lift the ship and it was moving even though it was slowly he was somewhat struggling he could feel pain in his arms as he placed the somewhat rising ship back down.

'In time I'll be able to lift and move it's Vin-nis thought to himself as he heard noise, he pulled out the two pieces of metal and held them in his hands one with a reverse grip, the cloth wrapped in it felt comfortable in his hands.

' I'll have to come back for Peir's body, they most likely knew I'd be coming back here or at least some of them knew.' Vin-nis thoughts went by fast as he heard the footsteps and heart beats

turning around he saw four dark elves walking up with weapons on their sides.

He rushed out as he made his way to one of them his jagged metal quickly entering into the side of the dark elf throat as the blood flowed into his had it vanished as it touched his skin.

Moving from that one pulling the blade out with a twist he turned on his heels and threw the other jagged metal at his new target which deflected the attack with a weapon.

Seeing this Vin-nis took the blade from the dead elf

' I have to be precise and then after killing these three I have to run, no wasting time only killing blows' this was the thought that went through Vin-ni's mind as he was preparing to engage.

As the fight started he noticed it was like he was reading they're every move and he would get this feeling every time there was danger coming from behind him or on the side .

Vin-nis didn't know what was going on but he was enjoying the feeling as it felt like he was dancing his blade tore through them as he was getting drenched in their blood but every little drop that touched skin vanished as if his body was absorbing it..the battle came to an end as he started running through the woods to get to the makeshift base .

He heard more approaching as his speed was increasing he was getting the hang of the speed and the perception his brain and reflexes had to be at a constant with the speed by the time he made it outside the cave his was tired and in pain his body aches his eyes hurt and he was mentally drained.

Vin-nis stumbled into the cave opening as Brav swung a tree branch as hard as he could Vin-nis rolled to the ground while turning and the blade cut through the branch causing Brav to stumble backwards and fall.

The two stared at each other for a moment Vin-nis put the blade down as he relaxed, Brav got up from the ground "Vin-nis what did you do, are you ok?" Brav asked as he approached Vin-nis

Brav noticed Vin-nis nodded and then his eyes closed as he passed out. Brav moved to his side and felt him breathing 'he must've been extremely tired, I keep forgetting he's only twelve' Brav thought with a sigh as he went to lift Vin-nis.

He was struggling Vin-nis weighted more than he looked, " what are you doing?" Vin-nis asked causing Brav to jump back " I thought you were sleep, I was gonna move you to the other two." Brav said the first part in shock the latter he waved his hands in front of his chest with outstretched arms.

Vin-nis got off the ground slowly as he ached all over and his head felt like it was on fire and his eyes felt like needles were being pushed in.

Vin-nis walked slowly in with Brav close behind as they made it to the others Vin-nis made a hmm sound as he laid on the ground.

" I killed a couple of dark elves and they haven't touched the ship, so we have a shot. But we should bury Peir when we get the chance." Vin-nis stated they were going to reply as they heard snoring coming from Vin-nis.

"Rest up I'll take first watch." Brav said as he picked up the blade Vin-nis brought with him. " I'll take second ,Brav stay close and keep your ears open." Delia said as she helped Bolya to lay on the ground.

" Don't worry sis I got this." Brav replied as he patted his chest and walked a little away and sat on a rock.

They knew starting a fire was the last thing they should do even though it was cold. They still needed sleep Delia kept and eye on Bolya.

Bolya breathing was rough and uneven due to her injury, Delia sat beside her and closed her eyes to rest as she listened to the two sleeping and making sure Bolya was still breathing after a couple of moments Delia was asleep in a seated position.

' What a great day, we can all survive this, but I do wonder what exactly is Vin-nis as far as I know sole ma-nim didn't have abilities like that.' Brav thought as he shook his head " doesn't matter he's a friend." Brav said as he exhaled and stretched.