
where am I ?

Vin-nis watched the sky from the shore as clouds circled overhead, he looked around and at himself he was completely nude entering the atmosphere burned his skin and suit off as his body rapidly healed itself.

"Where am I?" Vin-nis asked out loud as he rested on the sand he was tired and his body felt weak and heavy, he rolled to his side and pushed himself up off the ground.

As Vin-nis walked he heard engines of some sort of vehicle he listened attently trying to make out any other sound.

Vin-nis was walking towards an area that looked like it could be road. " Private property!" A man came out of a shed like structure " what're you doing here at this time a night!" The man shouted as he shined a light on Vin-nis.

" Ain't ya a little young to be skinny dipping, what we're ya dared to, listen boy this here is private property, come on I'll escort you out, where's your clothes kids." The man spoke fast as he walked up to Vin-nis.

Vin-nis shook his head and decided that it'll be best to lay low "they were taken, where am I again?" Vin-nis asked as he watched the man .

" Boy are you kidding me?"the man said looking at Vin-nis as if he was stupid.

Vin-nis shook his head "I don't remember where I am it was a long drop that's all I remember." Vin-nis said as he looked at the man.

"I'll call an ambulance we'll get you checked out." The man said as he lead the way into the building.

He tossed Vin-nis some clothes.

" They'll be big on you but they'll do, they belong to the day shift guy he won't mind." The man stated as he started calling the hospital and police.

Vin-nis took the close to another room and got dressed they were blue jeans and a black shirt. The shirt fell loosely on his chest as the pants needed to be held up. Vin-nis looked around the room and found a metal clothes hanger as he fixed it to hold up the pants he listened to what the man was saying.

As he listened he looked at the books and magazines around , he started tapping on every book he saw and then he spotted a map. They're were roads and towns but not the planets name but he was glad the residents were friendly.

His thoughts went to his friends and his home he felt lost but determined ' if you can't go back then go forward until you can't go anymore' Vin-nis thought to himself as he ran out of the building.

'He may be nice but he called some people saying I was lost or possibly kidnapped, I can't have people looking into me I just fell from the sky, keep your guard up and stay cautious Vin' he thought as he ran the route on the map he saw.

He heard sirens in the distance and felt he was right to leave anything that makes noise like that lead him to trouble.

Vin-nis ran until he saw a lot of buildings and vehicles were riding passed him as he stopped just before it could hit him.

He watched as people walked the street talking or sitting in a restaurant. Vin-nis followed the crowd and found out he was in a place called New Mexico but that didn't give him the name of the planet.

A man was walking passed on a cell phone "this is bullshit you owe me and I swear I'll sue your ass if you don't pay up." The man said as he nearly bumped into Vin-nis.

" Watch it kid!" He shouted in anger as he kept walking

Vin-nis looked at the man's back as he walked away.

Vin-nis walked the streets for awhile until he came to a building with it's lights off as he peered in he noticed books lots of books 'must be a library the books are different compared to what I'm use to but I saw a few at the last place' thinking this he started looking around the building to find a way in.

Vin-nis walked to the side door and say a pad attached to it, Vin-nis placed his hand on the pad as he started communicating with it. The door clicked as he opened it the alarms were cut off.

He went through row after row, from one case to the next from bottom to top as his head was hurting he finally finished all floors he sat his head pounding.

" Earth, Terra, Gaia... I see so that's where I am, it explains the smell in the air." Vin-nis said aloud as he came to a realization.

His eyes started to water " I'm fucked, so screwed." He said feeling defeated "no way there's no way back, damn that thing, dragging me here." He stated as he stood up and threw some books in anger.

The sun was slowly rising as he looked out to the sky he shook his head and got his thoughts together he needed somethings and from what he's read it would take some time to procure due to his age.

Leaving the library Vin-nis walked down the street he needed money, a place and an identity for this planet. As he slowed his steps he was lost in thought as to going about getting these things.

Earlier he saw the day circled on a calendar and realized while he was fighting for his life his birthday passed Vin-nis debated.

it would take a long while until he could get the tools to build an intergalactic vessel. Durning this time he didn't need to fight.

The Terrans weren't as dangerous as certain planets peoples but he still needed to be cautious because the books said they take people like him to labs and dissect .

A day passed as he wandered the streets. Today he heard a lot of things and one such thing was about an immovable object that just popped up over night. His thoughts went back to what dragged him to this place.

" Excuse me sir, you said an object that can't be moved , then how'd it get there?" Vin-nis asked which sounded like curiousity.

" Don't know kid, but it's true saw it with my own eyes." The man said as he looked at Vin-nis.

Vin-nis's hair was neck length black with two silver streaks his hair was braided in micro braids, his eyes were hazel with a golden rim around his ireses his puplis we're gray , his eye brows were sharp , he was wearing a black baggy shirt and blue jeans that didn't fight him, his skin was a milky caramel chocolate color.

Vin-nis looked at the man as he could tell his thought he looked like a homeless punk thats the words that went through the mans mind.

Vin-nis shrugged it off " can you tell me where it is I'd like to have a look." After the man gave him directions Vin-nis walked the streets until he saw someone get pushed into an alley.

Following Vin-nis made quick work of the would be theif as he got compensation in the form of paper currency, shoes and a belt, he also took the guy' s hoodie.

After tying the shoes he took off jogging he felt he had time to see what brought him here, he wasn't in a rush and he didn't want attention. The pants stayed up so he was happier.

Vin-nis stopped at a sign and thought about how far away it was and thought about if he should run the rest of the way or if he should try to find another way he was a town away.

Vin-nis made a decision as he walked towards a group of people putting a grill in their truck along with others he heard from far back that they were going to check it out.

" Hey" Vin-nis said as he was jogging up " can I go with you?" He asked as they looked at him

" Sure hop in." One of the people said as Vin-nis jumped into the truck bed they drove off.

About an half hour later the truck stopped as he jumped off Vin-nis helped to get the stuff off the truck as he slowly walk towards a small crater in the ground.

Looking from a far as one person after another went to lift it once he got a clear view of it his eyes went big as he realized what brought him to this place , he looked left and right and saw no one so he inches backwards away from the crater.

'That's a hammer, I'm pretty sure that, that is a hammer but not just any hammer, it belongs to Thor Odinson the Asgardian prince.

My mom told me he carried one back when she met him but he is also a protector of terra and I am a wanted fugitive within the Galaxy, did he find us is that why, But we never messed with an Asgardian and they'd have no reason to come after us. But then why'd Vin-nis's thoughts were fast but he was confused.

Yes he was considered a criminal but Thor wasn't a bounty hunter and he wasn't causing problems on top of Asgard and Svartalfheim were enemies.

Shaking his head he made another assumption ' maybe he lost it during a fight and I was caught in the crossfire. This just means I need to be hyper aware but when you barley get sleep how are you suppose to do that.' with his thoughts finished he looked around.

As black cars drove up and and a man got out of the car in a black suit. Vin-nis listened from where he was. The guy was from the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division he said he was agent Coulson.

As he listened to what was being said Vin-nis shook his head 'You guys have no idea of what you're messing with.' he thought as he started walking away with the crowd.

Finding his way to a car headed in the opposite direction of where he came from he got a lift.

'good thing I was cautious, they have agent investigating stuff like this, like me.' Vin-nis thought as he was sitting and leaning towards the window.

The car he was in parked as they all got out the car " thanks for the ride." Vin-nis said with a wave as he walked towards a small restaurant.

'now I just need a place to sleep and to keep laying low.' he thought with a sigh as he followed them in.

The first thing he heard was the sound of something breaking and then a voice "Another!"

Vin-nis face heard the voice and chuckled this place was interesting as much as he read he didn't realize this was a custom here.

Vin-nis stopped for a moment as the smells entered his nose causing his water to melt it's been a long time sinces he's actually ate if it wasn't for his abilities he would've been super skinny like his friends.

He shook distracting thoughts from his head as he dug in his pocket to see how much money he had , as he sat down he could hear a certain conversation which made him feel a little confused.

A long haired, tall man stood up and walked over to a person he followed in and started asking questions..

Vin-nis looked at the man and listened to his mannerisms and the accent after taking everything into account he had a guess that this guy was Thor.

'Not my business, going to Asgard is the same as placing myself in the kyln, good relations.' Vin-nis thought as he watched Thor leave as his food came to him along with a drink.

"Thank you ma'am." Vin-nis said before he started eating. After this meal he'll be broke and he needed a place to rest.

'Am I still wanted? It's been a long while and with those battles they might just consider me and them dead.' Vin-nis thought as he felt stifled as water started welling up in his eyes.

He shook his head hard to get rid of the negative thoughts and sorrow that was building inside of him.

He finally had time to rest without the threat of death as everything all his suppressed emotions

was hitting him one by one he was extremely sad and he was alone truly alone.

Tears slowly dropped down his face as he hung his head down and placed the hood on leaving money on the counter Vin-nis left the diner.

Vin-nis walked with his head down and hood on he walked until he found a place to sit down it was dusk by the time he sat down.

" Hey kid , you're parents let you out like that?" A voice of a man came from next to him. Vin-nis turned and looked at the man he felt no hostility or anything just curiousity and a little pity.

"My mom wouldn't allow for me to be in such a state but she is no longer with me and hasn't been for a while, does your parents allow for you to talk to people like that?" Vin-nis replied while wiping his already dried eyes with the back of the sleeve his eyes red and slightly puffy.

The man had a thoughtful look and took out his wallet " take it kid. Get a room and some food I would like to do more but I have things to do." The man said handing Vin-nis some money.

Vin-nis looked at the money and then the man " My name is Vin-nis, who are you mister, I'll pay you back." Vin-nis said his face serious.

The man chuckled shaking his head " no need to pay me back, just call me Clint." He said as he walked to a motorcycle and got on.

" Maybe we'll meet again Vinice." Clint said with a wave of his hand as he drove off.

Vin-nis looked at the money in his hand as he imprinted this moment in his mind.

" It's Vin-nis." He muttered under his breath as he went towards an inn as soon as he walked in the attendant looked at him with a wry smile.

Vin-nis walked to the counter and placed the money on it " I know the price and I'll know if you gyp me, I'll have to call my friend, you saw him riding away." He stated looking into the attendant's eyes not know his abilities were actually forcing the woman's thoughts.

Going into his room the first thing he did was showered after his shower he sat on the bed and turned on the TV he felt somewhat refreshed as he finally saw how he looked in a mirror he was handsome once he was clean.

After the grimy filth and smell was gone Vin-nis felt like he could sleep for days and since he had this room for the night that's exactly what he decided to do after counting the remaining money.


As Vin-nis slept the world moved on with Thor going to get Mjölnir and failing to lift it, while Clint aka Hawkeye had an arrow aimed at Thor.

Vin-nis awoke to the sounds of screaming and the smell of fear while feeling panic around him shaking his head he got out of bed and walked to the window looking outside he saw nothing but the sounds were loud.

'I don't want to die.' Vin-nis hearts this more than once as the sounds and smells grew he grabbed his head and fell to his knees with his eyes closed, it wasn't the first time he's experienced this but it was getting to be too much.

Vin-nis started taking deep breaths as he focused on the sound of the TV.

" In other news something major has happened at the Stark Expo last night" Vin-nis ignored the rest of the words as it reminded him that he was on Terra and his friends were who knows where.

As everything became peaceful he exhaled deeply , standing up you could see sweat on his forehead and a haze in his eyes, Vin-nis felt light headed as he sat back on the bed and changed the channel.

" What is that!?" Vin-nis spoke aloud as he saw a giant green monster tearing apart tanks on TV tossing the remote control on the bed he stood up " fuck this shit I need off this planet, crazy things like that" he spoke aloud shaking his head as he went to the bathroom.

" The metal man, an Asgardian and now a crazed big green creature, well that's what you get from the garbage dump of this star system." Talking out loud helped him cope with his current situation.

" Wanna hide something" he chuckled as he started the water " throw it on Terra it'll be fine it's a protected planet." He started laughing harder as he took his shower thinking about how everything gets placed on this planet or others like it.

Laughing" the Terrans can deal with it." He scoffed at the thought that he had 'Terrans deal with that and yet survive, how resilient are they, I'll have to adapt for the time being, how long will it take to build what I need.' he sighed as he began thinking about the path ahead.

After his shower he recounted the money he had with a serious look on his face, then his eyes went to the clothes he had with a breath he came to a decision, on getting clothes from a trift shop.

'With my looks and kind attitude I can probably convince them to drop the price down a bit' he thought as he rubbed his cheek then held his chin he nodded making a plan in his mind.

By the time he made it to a store, the store was empty he heard voices in the distance, looking around Vin-nis smiled as he placed his hood up 'theres a customer yet no one in. I'll pay them later on' he thought as he made sure his face was covered then went shopping.

"So take mine and end this"

The voice was familiar to Vin-nis as he heard the owner of it speak before, taking his bag of clothes he left the store as he listened to the fight going on, he heard the sound of something coming which caused him to pause his steps and look up.

" You gotta be fuckin with me right." Vin-nis said as he started to run as he got further away he heard the sound of electricity and saw clouds circling as it form a tunnel at this moment Vin-nis decided to just keep running until he couldn't anymore ' fuck Terra, the Terrans and Asgardian, and fuck this New Mexico, I'm leaving now.' Vin-nis shouted in his head as his feet kept going he brought the bag close to his chest and ran.