

A couple of months into training Vin-nis sat at a table in the library of the training center holding a book in his hand while leaning back in the chair, a couple of days earlier he was trying to figure out how he had all the knowledge he had when he's never learned half of it this was how he ended up in the library today.

The book in his hand was on surgical procedures and the reason he picked it up was because his hand just lightly tapped a book and information just flowed into his mind this was the eighth book he's tapped and he had a general understanding of how his ability worked.

The reason he decided to just hold on the book was to show off a little, he held the book lazily in his hand as if the information in it wasn't worth his time, his eyes were half closed as he leaned back in the chair.

" Vin-nis Tezin Ma-nim, that was your name right?" A person walked up while talking. Vin-nis looked at him, the man looked about 16 his height was about five foot eight with dark brown hair and blue eyes and his skin was a light pink with a well built frame.

The legs of the chair touched the ground as Vin-nis feet's touched the ground and he placed the book in front of him "yeah that's me, who are you? I don't believe we've met" Vin-nis replied somewhat lazily it's not that he is lazy but he was bored the training didn't amount to much in his opinion he had mastery at his fingertips .

" Brav kiltumin" the guys said as he offered his hand Vin-nis looked at the hand and had a quick thought 'does my ability work on humanoid creatures , or creatures in general' the thought flashed by as he took brav's hand and shook it, his ability did not actived so he checked that off his list, this was just another test for him he found that objects, items, and books were the only things his ability worked on.

Vin-nis tried the same thing with the grass and trees but the only thing he got out of it was a conversation with the tree and grass which took up a lot of his free time that event happened yesterday.

After the handshake brave sat down as they started talking. " You and I, Vin-nis we are two of the youngest ones here , the other three are also around our age , the youngest squad" brav said with a smile and excitement could be seen in his eyes as he sighed then continued "I have been trying to get us all to meet, so Delia and the others agreed to meet at a certain location so we can get to know each other" brav finished while sliding a piece of paper over to Vin-nis.

Looking at the paper and then at the happy face of brav. Vin-nis inwardly sighed then shook his head just a bit as he picked up the paper and read the location " this place is" Vin-nis said as he was cut off by a shushing sound coming from brav.

" Yes it is , we all know what we're doing so Peir figured we should take a ride out side" brav whispered right next to Vin-nis's ear. Realization dawned on Vin-nis mixed with a little excitement flashing through his eyes as he started calming down "I'll be there" Vin-nis replied while holding back his excitement.

After talking for awhile longer brav left as Vin-nis stood up went in between two book cases and let the happiness overwhelm him as his fingertips touched the side of the bookcase and an assult of pain went through his mind as he fell forward and kneeled on the ground even though his head hurt there was excitement and clearity in his eyes with a small smile on his face he stood up the pain went away.

Standing in the spot Vin-nis was lost in thought his abilities weren't under his control and he understood a couple of things as soon as he hit purpity these abilities started to manifest. As he realized this he understood that gaining control was going to be difficult he had until they're day off which was in a week if he couldn't control his abilities he might accidentally end up killing someone again.

The week passed and Vin-nis's abilities were somewhat under his control but he was dealing with something new he felt an itchiness coming from inside his body and heat inside his chest, there was no pain just an annoying itchiness he also felt like there was a string connecting his mind and body which made the itchiness like a tingle in his mind and this started two days ago.

Pushing the irritation away from his mind Vin-nis walked out of his room, today was the day off he wore loose fitting clothes , his shirt was gray with a blue design of the three suns on the sleeves and back, his pants matched his shirt gray with blue designs on the legs, he also had on combat boots he liked the look of them so he wore those instead of shoes.

Vin-nis walked down the hallway out the door passed a fountain and out the gate, they would meet at a secure location in the city, this location was an abandoned hanger where bounty hunters use to park but after awhile the city changed the location and this place hasn't been used or even talked about except in rumors amongst the military academy even then it was only whispers.

Now it was considered fiction the place just didn't exist but some students put together the most likely of places this hanger would be.

Upon reaching the location all Vin-nis saw was emptiness some grass a little concrete he sighed deeply feeling like he's been lied to there was no one there just empty land.

Vin-nis heard his name shouted from somewhere , he turned to look off to the side he saw brav standing with three other individuals as the space behind them seemed to fluctuate and a vessel appeared. His eyes grew a little bit bigger as he thought back to the paper brav gave him.

'wanna go in to space?' Vin-nis thought as he remembered the note the only thing was no questions about where the ship came from but apparently Bolya was going to bring one.

Vin-nis walked up towards the group none was in uniform just dressed for fun. Brav introduced everyone the oldest of our group Bolya she stood at about 5'9 had black hair, brown eyes and tusks she was also nineteen she was wearing a sleeveless pink shirt and black pants with running shoes on.

Peir had yellow skin and bright green eyes he stood about 5'7 he had a curious look in his eyes as he looked a Vin-nis. Peir was eighteen and was wearing a grayish green jacket and blue pants and he was wearing combat boots.

Delia had black hair and bright blue eyes, she stood at about 5'3 with light pink skin and her last name was the same as brav and just like brav she wore a blue shirt and gray pants with regular shoes.

After the introductions the group headed inside the ship and started talking about the reasons why they joined and what placement they wanted to work in they were soon to be a squad in the nova corps meaning they would have to trust each other with their lives, there was a war still going on with the Kree.


"A vessel has been spotted leaving location 33c, the ship has been flagged as a crminal vessel" a soilder said to the acting command

"Send a unit and take them in and if you can't shoot them down" the acting command leader gave his order.


"Who's that" Brav asked pointing out the window as a ship was coming towards them.

"Contact them they're going to crash into us" Delia stated with a little panick.

Bolya went to the comms when trying to connect she noticed some important items were missing

" Peir, what did you do?" Bolya asked her face paling a little.

Peir scratch his cheek looked around at everyone " I did what you asked, I made sure we wouldn't be tracked or bothered" he stated with slight burst of anger.

" Prepare for incoming, at least our radars working!" Vin-nis yelled at he watched the screen showing an incoming missile.

As he strapped himself down.

They group scrambled to find spots as the ship was hit, and alarms started to go off.

"Uh oh, hey I know we shouldn't ask but umm Boyla where'd you get the ship." Vin-nis asked as he stared at the screen as he watched more vessel appear as the one that fired at them took off.

"Why does it matter" as soon as Bolya said those words they heard an incoming message

" This is nova corps leader of unit seven ,Talon we ask that you voice your surrender or we will be forced to open fire"

Inside the ship Vin-nis and the group looked at Peir

" I can't fix it I left most of the stuff on Xandar, we'll just have to find another way to communicate back." Peir stated looking a little guilty.

As the group tried figuring out how they should reply

" Incoming!" Vin-nis shouted as they were hit once again the same as before a warning shot.

Bolya sat in the pilot chair with her eyes closed " I say we land they'll know it was a misunderstanding" Peir spoke from his position by the navigation system.

"We of the nova corps would prefer to" Talon was cut off and a commanding voice were heard " I said shoot them down" then the radio went static.

The group looked at each other and panick was starting to set in.

Vin-nis started thinking as he looked around at his squad and the words of his mom came into his mind

' I get it , what I do will define me it's an outlook on how we're precived' this flashed passed Vin-nis's mind.

As he stood up catching the attention of the rest

"We should run, once away check fuel and the systems we left from a location that shouldn't exist and if we don't leave we're dead and even if we don't die we'll be considered traitors and criminals. We either fight or run." Vin-nis stated as loud as he could which had each one of them thinking.

Delia looked at Vin-nis then behind him at the radar system, she saw what he was talking about if they don't run and fight back they will die here and be branded as traitors some of the nova corps are cruel mean individuals.

Delia looked at Vin-nis for a second " I agree we run and fight back, as far as I know Talon works under Hirol and he hates Ms. Ma-nim with a passion."

"I agree with those two it's the only idea that'll keep us alive"Brav stated his thoughts.

Bolya looked at the group then turned back to the controls "check for the closest warp gate that'll be our only shot" she stated as she started flying the ship.

" We need someone on weapons I'll look for a gate" Peir said as he turned to the machine that's now in front of him.

Delia walked up to Vin-nis " I can handle the radar I'm not very good at shooting" she said with a embarrassed smile.

Brav and Vin-nis took the left and right seats they were the gunners seat. As they evaded and fired back Peir finally found the warp gate as the group made it to the gate the boosters were clipped, the ship went into the gate at a slight curve.


A room on Xandar

Hirol was looking at a feed of the group entering the spacecraft and a smile came creeping on his lips as he listened to the reports coming in, after getting through to Talon on the vessel he decided that the only way for Sole to drop from above him was to take out her child and label him as a criminal and threat the best way to do that would be to kill him while in a criminal spaceship.

He thought back when he found that ship and when he allowed and old friend to hide and sale it as parts but he had no idea that he would have this chance to rid himself of competition afterwards he would end the Kree.


Space distorted as the ship came out spinning as the group of students started to calm down with the realization that they have officially become fugitives the mood on the ship was depressing and even though they wanted to mope they couldn't.

The alarms were going off there was smoke coming from areas they haven't seen and none of them actually took engineering.

Vin-nis stood up his stomach a little worse for wear as this was his first time in space or even using a jump gate. He shook his head as he looked around.

" They'll come for us and there's no going back , check the fuel and life support systems, we also need to know where we are , find out the quadrant. We need to be prepared to move" Vin-nis stated as he stabilized himself.

After moments of arguments they got to work as fast as they can , once everything was back to operating some what functional the saw seven space crafts with the nova corps symbol on it appear.

A verbal gulp could be heard coming from Brav and the scared sweat was dripping down Peir face as Bolya

Face became expressionless, with a deep breath in and out Delia looked at the amount of ships that came through the seven became ten as she felt cold in her chest in her mind she knew they were doom but with shivering lips and a shaking voice she still asked " what do we do?" It was somewhat hollow and with the sound of defeat but her eyes focused on Vin-nis as he stood looking out the front window of the vessel his eyes stern as the gray in them started moving towards his pupil and a faint gold could be seen around his irises.

Vin-nis stood there for a few seconds as he thought of every possiblity he could think of

"Delia keep Bolya informed of every incoming attack, Bolya evade as much as possible the shields will hold out for awhile, Brav and Peir shoot down as many attacks as possible try not to hit the ships as much as possible, for now we might not be wanted but once we kill we most definitely will be." Vin-nis stated as he walked to where Peir originally was.

" And what are you going to do or glorious leader " Peir said with a hint of sarcasm

"I'm going to do something stupid and dangerous and everyone will be coming along with me, but I need time." Vin-nis said as he was checking the system for warp points he took a deep breath.

Durning this time they were evading and firing as Vin-nis was searching and then it happened and explosion they could see it from where they sat

" I'm sorry!" Brav's voice sounded really tiny almost inaudible.

" Well fuck it, shoot them down" Bolya stated as she evaded and the shot grazed the wing " Vin-nis if you have a plan I'm all for it!"Bolya yelled.


A week later just after getting out of battle with bounty hunters they ran into a kree vessel the group was flying and evading while trying to fight back they were low on ammo as their enemies drew closer Vin-nis one saw one option left for them.

After typing for a while Vin-nis looked at the four of them " our life support will drop to 30% and our fuel will be at 5% at the end of the day our engines will be shot but that can be fixed, when I tell you head 33.6 degrees to the left, 45 degrees up and then hit the turbo drive I'll take care of the rest." Vin-nis stated as he opened a hatch under the navigation system .

Three hits on the ship Vin-nis got from under the system and yelled now. As soon as Bolya hit the turbo, Vin-nis pressed a button. The ship entered a state of hyperdrive as they passed through gate after gate.

The ship finally came to a stop as they exited the 40th gate the ship was hissing parts were broken alarms were going off and everyone felt sick to their stomachs that was everyone except Vin-nis even he didn't know why.

After they were all stable Peir grabbed Vin-nis shirt by the collar" what the fuck was that and what the hell is wrong with you!" He yelled as the rest grabbed him off of Vin-nis.

Vin-nis dusted his collar and straighten out his shirt

" That was me saving our lives , you can thank me though it won't matter much since we now have no navigation low fuel and oxygen and as far as I can see no planet to land." Vin-nis paused and looked around then at the group " and as far as I know or we all know I'm the only engineering major here , so quit with your whining bullshit and let me fix the ship so we can at least find a plane. We also need suits just in case and check our rations there's lots to do and arguing with you is unimportant and useless." Vin-nis stated as he went to work on the wires of the navigation system.

They found piece that they could spare and handed them to Vin-nis as he placed the suit on

" It's to big for you Vin-nis, let me go you be on comms" brav said as he watched Vin-nis sink into the suit.

" Good Idea, except our friend Peir got rid of our comms" Delia stated in a huff as she looked at Peir

" Stop with the nonsense I'll go It'll be easier since I know a little." Bolya stated as she walked up to the group.

Vin-nis looked at the helmet and an idea came to his mind as he grabbed the helmet and some parts he walked off " I'll try to repair the comms but it's going to take some time just prepare for my news" his voice fading as he got distance away from the group.

While they talked Vin-nis was working when he finished life support was at 15% . Vin-nis brought the helmet to brav who was already ready to go out into space

"Now there's no video feed so you have to tell me what you see and I'll walk you through the repairs, now I don't know how extensive the damage is but I do know that either way we will only have one chance at fixing it." Vin-nis voice fell and they knew it was serious arguing wasn't going to help. orginally Bolya would've been the leader being the oldest but she froze durning the incident which ment someone had to stand up.

They looked at the 12 year old who came up with the plans and they could see the sorrow and triedness in his eyes, it may seem like they ran for just one day but it was a week that has passed.

Every stop they made was encountered by nova forces they even ran into the Kree that was right before he initiallized the forced hyper drive.

They heard the news apparently the people aboard this ship killed five students of the nova empire and destroyed 20 vessels it was exaggerated but the person who placed the bounty was Hirol saying that they stole the looks of the students with some sort of device.

There was no way back, they were lost due to his hyperdrive with a somewhat clipped wing , they were fugitives not just on the run but on the run and lost, if they can't find a place to land they will most likely die in lost and framed as villains.

Vin-nis glanced at the group and then went to fix the navigation system they haven't had any sleep since this began and as he was getting sleepy his abilities started going out of his control he could hear what they where thinking it was an ability that just awoken he could also hear the machines talking. If he could just touch the engine he would know what was wrong and how exactly it should be fixed . One of the bookcases he touched had engineering and theories with theoretical designs on engines.

As for the navigation and communication he was just using his ability and besides learning he was also talking with the machines and the whole ship.

Which leads to the fact that the others thought he had space madness or he was just sad and tired and this was his way of coping. They lost their home and he was they're hope of survival with the wired way his brain worked.

'He's only twelve we can't put this much pressure on him' Delia thoughts as she watched Vin-nis as he was working.

'He's a good kid I'll take some of the burden off of his shoulders that's what friends do' brav thought as he put the helmet on.

'young, attractive, smart, this kid is kinda awesome but I really shouldn't be using him to get us out of this shit, I'm the leader and this is all my fault I will definitely make you my second in command' Boyla thought as she left to see what rations they had.

'Damn it, I just wanted us to have a peaceful day , and this brat got us stuck in the middle of know where and made us criminals." Peir thought as he looked around

" Let's get one thing clear who is the leader of our little band of criminals" Peir said with some attitude.

" Bolya is ! That's my choice" Vin-nis yelled not leaving from underneath with a smirk on his face.

Brav and Delia agreed with him as Bolya had a soft smile on her face with a tear coming from her eyes she honestly felt like she didn't deserve to be captain.

Bolya nodded her thanks as Peir scratched his cheek he was having a hard time taking orders from someone younger than him.

Half an hour later navigations was on and Brav was back in the ship, while Vin-nis was working on fixing the navigation he was also talking Brav through some minor repairs.

" It'll get us to the planet" Vin-nis said after him and Brav exchanged a glance Vin-nis pointed to the screen " I don't know this planet, but I do know that it'll be a rough landing since we had to scrap some of the landing gear." Vin-nis finishing what he was saying as he looked at Bolya " what do we do captain? According to my calculations we have this planet, I'll look for others" Vin-nis added as he sat down.

"Everyone get ready we're landing " Bolya stated as she walked back to her seat Peir walked to the left gunner chair as brav went to the right one which was closer to Vin-nis as Delia sat across from them.

Once they broke through the atmosphere they started getting speed the ship was shaking the base of the ship cut down trees , bounced off of the ground and slid into some water. The ship alarm was blearing,

Vin-nis was the first one to look around Bolya was bleeding from her forehead , Peir was thrown to the ground with some debris pinning him to the ground.

Brav was knocked unconscious right behind Vin-nis and Delia right next to him on the ground she wasn't bleeding externally as he could see but she was unconscious just like everyone else , as Vin-nis looked around he noticed the seatbelts that would've held the two were broken due to the force of the landing.

Vin-nis felt his head was wet he touched and felt a gash on his head but it was closing at a rapid pace he could feel it closing as he turned to look in the screen, he watched the wound close at a slow steady pace that started to increase until it was closing at a visible rate within a few seconds the wound was closed but he was still pinned

He pushed until he had wiggle room then he fell from his seat to the ground and started checking on Delia her heart was still beating and from the looks of it she had bruising on her side and looking closer he noticed her rib on her left side might be broken.

After checking on Delia he woke Brav who was bleeding from the side of his head where he most likely hit checking the wound on Brav head and realizong he couldn't wake him but brav was breathing.

He heard everyone's heartbeat except for Peir, Vin-nis knew Peir was dead which was why he was checking on everyone else with his knowledge on Anatomy

He knew he had to do something.

Two and a half hours passed as he was taking care of his three crew mates the first to wake up was Bolya she was struggling and in pain , one by one they woke up .

But after waking up and looking around they noticed they were not in the ship but a cave on the planet they looked and saw Vin-nis with his eyes slightly closed and breathing heavily.

" Vin" as soon as Bolya started Vin-nis was in front of her with his hand over her mouth as he whispered

" We crashed, not alone here , enemies keep quiet, Peir dead on landing, I've ran is all the way here shh" once he stated all that they could hear footsteps in the woods along with the sounds of clanking metal.