
four years later

May 31st 2010

Waking up doing the usual morning routine, stretches sit-ups, push-ups, shower,etc after being done with all of that victor went downstairs hearing his mom talking he noticed that she was on the phone and cooking instead of bothering her, he started setting the table.

"Vin-nis I won't be able to go with you tonight, but I have a friend said she'll bring you, have fun at the corp with the instructor , it'll be a late night, today is.." Sole started mumbling as she went back to cooking

" Ok mom, that's fine you shouldn't stress yourself the day just started it'll get better"Vin replied as the food was being brought to the table they talked .

Har-lim middle school like any other middle school as Vin-nis was sitting at his desk he felt sick his head was hurting and it smelled his vision was like a camera and was zooming in and out and it was too noise the light was hurting his eyes. Shaking his head trying to get rid of the problems he grabbed the corner of his desk as hard as he could his head felt like it was going to explode.

He felt a tap on his shoulder as he spun his head to look at the person time seemed to slow down for a sec as he felt like he was going to throw up, feeling a little groggy he stood up and pushed the person away from him as he ran out of the classroom, the kid who tapped on him fell back into another desk knocking a couple down..

Vin-nis ran until he was outside as soon as the air hit him, he fell to a knee as his hands went to his ears as he tried to block out the noises as he closed his eyes he was on his knees and couldn't help but scream.

The scream was loud and sounded like a wounded animal full of anguish and confusion as the scream fade so did the noise and pain he felt a wave within his head like he connected to something for a brief moment of relief, victor planted as people were looking at him on his knees hunched up and panting and as he looked up a wave of pain that felt like molten lava coursed through his head as he lost conscious.

Waking up Vin-nis saw a ceiling and noticed he was in the nurses office as he took a look around. As he looked he noticed that he knew exactly what everything was and how they work , there was information that he doesn't remember ever reading about, it was like a library of information entered his mind he lifted his hand in confusion, he felt perfecly fine he was just confused, getting up from the bed his feet touched the ground.

He could hear voices but there was no one around

He heard his mom talking to the nurse but he knew his mom was busy they talked about it this morning victor sighed as he heard his mom say she was on her way to the school, then it clicked vin-nis opened the curtain and saw the the nurse was not in the office he turned to look out the glass and saw that she wasn't even in the hall. He focused on what he could hear , teachers in classes, the scribbling of writing he could even hear the heart beats of everyone in school.

Vin-nis took a deep breath and the sounds faded he started to understand as he tried doing the same with the smells and the light , Vin-nis understood he somehow gained super senses, walking to the phone in the office he called his mom to let her know he was alright and that he would just rest at home. His mom told him she'll be there soon.

A little while later Vin-nis was in his room training his new ability until he got bored, he started playing games on his computer as soon as it turned on he felt the loading was taking a long time he shook the computer tower while saying move faster at that moment it was as if the computer heard him he felt like there was a voice in his head as he touched the keys he was speaking to the computer and it was talking back but his lips weren't moving.

Today was the day he could join a nova corps training squad for awhile it was a sort of test that sole sat up for him after he begged for months sole pulled some strings to get him this chance, he would go in with the recruits and those picked will join a squad and from there it'll be military training normally a twelve year old wouldn't get the chance to be apart of this.

As midday hit he was ready to go with his powers under control, as he was picked up setting in the vehicle the instructor asked him many questions like his name, age and if he had combat experience, the reason why he wanted to join and so on.

As they pulled up to massive building , this was the training center the building was tall and wide with glass he couldn't see through there were guards standing at the front of the building and at the doors he went through three check points before he was in a large room with fifty to sixty people ranging by age and looks, some sixteen some in they're thirty's.

The instructor walked to the front of the group as four other guards walked to each side of him.

"I am Kiz-mas the instructor of this testing, we will be testing you on knowledge, physical, and combat skills. You see the containers if front of you, you will enter and your test will begin." After saying his peace he walked down from the platform and stood watching from the side.

Vin walked to one of the machines and opened it with the badge they gave him before the start, once he laid down in the container he placed a helmet on his head and his eyes closed.

Five hours passed as the test was coming to an end Vin-nis was the fourth person to come out of the container as he walked over and stood on line next to the other three another hour passed as the last person came out.

The instructor walked up the platform and called out names they were then put to the left or the right Vin-nis was placed on the left the people who weren't called were escorted out of the building.

The next phase of testing was about to begin a spar the ones who win will go on to the third phase which is also the last phase, Vin-nis was called to the mat and his opponent was a twenty-five year old giant standing at six foot three inches, Vin-nis was only five foot one.

Getting into stance Vin-nis focus his attention on his opponent it was like waves were coming off of the man as soon as the words "being" was heard the man ran towards vin-nis but to Vin-nis the man was moving slow and it was a feint turning to the right Vin-nis blocked a kick the man looked confused as he used a little strength behind the kick and he felt as tho he was moving faster than he usually does. After blocking the kick with his arm he quickly grabbed the man's leg and pulled while punching with his left. The man lifted his arms to block but once the fist and arms connected there was a loud cracking sound followed by the man coughing up blood as his body flew back from the center off the room to the wall and breaking through the wall stopping just in front of the second wall, the man laid there moving.

While it took a long time to say all that it happened in a matter of seconds from a third person view it would look like thean ran forward vanished reappear in front of Vin-nis only to fly back just as quick.

This left everyone dumbfounded as the guards checked on the man and the instructor put the test on hold.

Vin-nis was utterly confused first the man ran at him slowly, then told him what he was planning so he used all of his strength thinking that the guys could handle it , Vin-nis stood in spot stunned and it was visibly stunned.

Looking at him from a third person point of view you'd see a kid that's about five foot one inches mildly tone but of average build one would consider looks weak standing in one spot with a confused look on his face as he looked at his fist and then to where the man fell.

Vin-nis listened in on what the guards and the instructor was saying from where he stood.

"Sir this man is dead, his chest caved in and crushed his heart and puncture his lungs and there's a slight fist shape on his chest, this man was dead the moment he was hit" the guard looked at the instructor as he reported.

"We will take care of it the kid obviously doesn't know his own strength." As the instructor said that he thumbed back at where Vin-nis was "move Vin-nis Tezin Ma-nim into the third phase, we will give this man a proper funeral and explanation to his family, if Mr. Ma-nim passes the third phase will have him train with an advance unit. We are still at war with the Kree and we can use someone like him out there." The instructor stated as he turned and walked back into the training room.

A guard came and brought Vin-nis to a separate room as the spars continued, Vin-nis was brought in front of a door as the guard was talking to him and trying to make sure the kid didn't puke it also pointing out the fact that he would have to get use to it if he joined the corps.

Holding back from braking down as he just killed a man the realization dawned on him as he entered into the door in front of him once the door closed the gravity changed as robots came out of the walls , a battle in a spaceship on of the tests after beating the robots a ship came up from the ground.

Vin-nis sat in the ship and from what he could tell it was a simulation for space battles, he has never flown or been in such a spaceship before but that didn't stop him from giving his all.

At the end of the tests only twelve people were left the scores were said in front of everyone Vin-nis placed fifth out of the twelve but in hand to hand he was called an ace due to raw power. In a week Vin-nis will be moved into the dormitories of the nova corps training squad building.

The instructor said he was strong but he's seen stronger and that they were going to give him a special trainer. This trainer will be his teacher not just hand to hand but would replace his school only five people here ended up with personal teachers but you can also learn and train on your own they got access to the military library except for the forbidden area which was in a separate place.