

When he was a kid he made a wish the wish was to be in the MCU with certain abilities which was communication manipulation , library of heavens path maxed out meaning he can touch a book case and books of the same kind would combine perfectly and it would be instantly learned for example martial arts would combine perfectly together and he would instantly master which was and his last wish was to have no weaknesses and always appear hidden meaning his DNA would always look like the spieces looking at the DNA.

He even wished he would have a body that could naturally adapt even if he had to give up his memories of this life he was living.

Time moved forward and the wishes forgotten as he laid in a hospital bed, today he turned eighty he lived a long life had a family, struggled, and found happiness as he closed his eyes in peace.


Reading through paperwork a being was stamping the decisions that were made , reincarnation, heaven, hell, so on and so forth as he picked up a paper and sat it down he scoffed as he was going through it wishes weren't granted as he started to ease and replace it with the usual no memories and reincarnate back into society his desk shook.

Looking up from his desk and the paper he watched as a good friend of his was sitting on a chair in front of him shaking and twitching, as he was about to speak his friend stood up and slammed his hands on the desk " you've been promoted , why are you still here , haven't you received the message" his friend asked as the papers were scattered they both looked at the mess " forget that" his friend said as he patted his chest " I got it go, if you're late then they'll definitely give it to someone else" his friend stated as he was picking up the papers, he placed the stack into the out bin as he rushed the being out of his seat and out the door.

The paper that he was on ended up in the outbox along with many others that normally wouldn't get through, which is why there are so many reincarnation stories out there. As he left the room his friend went through the paperwork for him, the beings friend just stamped all the outbox with a green stamp meaning good to go, he stamped the ones without a mark on it and carried on with the "just in" pile this event happened as the man from before just arrived at the hospital.


Planet Xandar

Pain unbelievable and unbearable pain assaulted a kid as red,blue and purple liquid was forced fully being injected into him and a bright light assaulted him he was strapped down and in some sort of container as the pain became more the kid passed out.

Third POV

The kid was screaming in anguish as we were told to crank the voltage we've lost a lot of children and money on this experiment the last of those unknown bottles we stole from shield and the things from the war.

Staring at the kid with no emotion on his face he turned to the other person in the room " this kids vitals are dropping he's a failure too."

After saying that he looked through the notes on and then at the tubes " it's wasted ruin this was the last of it and we placed it in this kid getting into that lab took effor, why the kid " he asked his anger rising.

The person in the room looked at him shook his head then spoke " the kid so we don't die as for why we're doing this is because those people would kill us if we don't, they told me a little bit, and apparently those tubes are different types of blood , one is from a man that was once in the army with extreme senses and healing abilities he died recently , one from a kree, that one" he said as he pointed " is the lastest research into soilder modification it's an unknown they haven't gave it a name before it was brought to us, and the last one is an unknown blood from a secret facility found in a void. He's the only one to get that blood and it's the only vial" The man said as he looked over the machines and pulled out a brief case, after hearing the sound of the last subject go off he pulled a gun from the bifecase and shot the man in front of him.

" Get rid of the bodies, those people are going to be here soon and we need to run" as soon as he said those words some people moved, pulling the boy from the machine and taking him out the back as an explosion came from the building. The man dropped the body of the boy and ran. Half an hour later the nova corp and ambulance arrived on the scene, one emt touched the neck of the boy on the ground " he still has a heartbeat it's slow but it's still there, hurry!" The emt said as they rushed the boy to the ambulance.

April 5th 2002

A four year old boy open his eyes a chill went down his spine as he moved as fast as he could to pull out the needle in his arm as he fell from the bed to the ground and scurried to a corner of the room the sounds went off as a nurse came in she saw the empty bed and then saw the boy in a corner of the room with his head down covered in a blanket.

She had a sad looked on her face as she turned off the machines and looked at the boy and slowly approached " it's okay, you're alright this is the hospital, I'm a nurse here my name is Claire "

The boy stuck his head out and looked at her with fear in his eyes as he shivered she gave him a friendly smile "you're alright" she reaffirmed as she got closer " can you tell me your name" she asked as she was on a knee to be eye level with the boy.

Instead of speaking the boy jumped into her arms with tears going down his face she patted his back and held him.

The door opened and in came a doctor

" How is he Claire" she asked as she saw Claire holding the boy

" He's scared what happened to him" claire asked as she stood up to talk with the doctor holding him in her arms. The doctor motioned for her to talk about that outside the room but before leaving out the room Claire placed him back on the bed and introduced the doctor as Palmer.

After a quick conversation outside the room they came in with sad looks on they're faces doctor palmer asked some questions but the boy didn't speak after saying somethings to Claire she left the room.

Claire approached the boy , he was skinny his hair was black with a streak of silver on both sides of his head , his eyes were sunken as if he hasn't slept in months his hazel green eyes had a little gray to it and they seemed empty as if happy has never been apart of his life his skin tone was a light copper brown you could tell that it wasn't originally that color his original color was a Caramel brown.

" Can you tell me your name?" Claire asked as she sat beside him he looked extremely fragile she rubbed his head. The boy nodded and spoke is a whispered tone " Vin-nis Tezin" he turned away from Claire and wrapped himself in the covers of the bed. Claire sat there with him.

A week has past as Vin-nis was in the hospital he was sitting on the bed waiting for Claire to show up it was morning and she's been the one taking care of him at night and would show up every once in awhile during the day.

Today was the day he would be leaving the hospital Claire told him that he would be placed in a good home she even told him a name he played with it in his mind when she told him Sole ma-nim.

It came to the attention that he was a missing kid his parents dead and no known family was found when Claire heard that she argued with her mother and this was what was figured out because Vin-nis didn't want to leave Claire.

Two weeks after moving in with Sole ma-nim, Vin-nis was reading a book in his room after they had a talk about his start of school next month for now he would go to her work with her and get books from the library he also started going to a martial dojo while reading books and watching holographic videos dance fighting while also practicing to blend different martial arts while watching the videos.

His parents killed in front of him and being weak and unable to protect them is what drove him to learn to fight he wanted to protect himself and his new family.

Four years has past since then as Vin-nis was sitting at the table thinking.

"What's wrong little one ?" Sole ask as she walked into the kitchen looking at him

"I don't know what I wanna be when i get older" vin-nis replied still in thought

Sole sat down beside him "listen son you can be anything you want to be and you can do whatever you want to do I will still be your mother and you're a good boy whatever you be I know you will do what's right, but vin you just stay true to yourself, be sure you know what you want and think it through because it's what you do that define who you are in this world I'll always protect you, you're my son, just be yourself you have a lot of time to figure it out" Sole said with a smile as she gave him a kiss on his forehead and stood up to make dinner.

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