
Maximus power

Maximus Power the power to enhance your strength is a powerful skill, but is it strong enough to beat a monster of shadow

Maximus_Blick · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Nice to meet you me

It can't be he died at least a century ago how am I then Maximus, who was still confused to see his grandfather Solomon,stopped possessing his thought and asked the ghost like figure "am I dead" Maximus finally asked snapping out of his shock. then the man started to chuckle at what he said "no your not dead but meditating, looks like Mr J is very good at helping you boys out a lot."Solomon answered in a relaxed tone "I am your past life and when I died you came into this world, so it continued down the family, thankfully. Maximus still confused from what was going on asked "wait hold on if that's true doesn't that mean you know what's going on this world do you know.. if.." he stuttered as if he knew the answer "if my mom is alright" Solomon then said "she's alive." Solomon was cut off by Maximus yelling

"wait...what! but I thought the darkness took hold of my home".Solomon answered in a calm and wise manner "there is a small rebellion in Osleath, they're getting their supplies and food from the Universe Milky way, from planet Earth but the Red Sun found out where their suppliers from and is on his way their, you need to go to that place and take him down." Maximus responded with relief in his tone"tell me how to get home first, then I'll tell Master J that me and Charles will have to leave." Solomon responded "very well just relax and you will be back sitting on Master J rocking chair, oh and please ask Master J to come with you dont worry about what he'll say I'll deal with him, then say OhReash-Ah when you are ready and you'll be able to get to Earth in my old war air craft" "ok ask J, OhReash-Ah got it" Maximus responded he then relaxed himself and then he heard a voice "Wake up, Wake up" he then felt a firm hand hit his leg Maximus then opened his eyes and he saw Master J staring at him dead in the eye "we have one Rule and that is never sit in my chair." Master J stood up straight "wait hold up I had a seriously weird dream, I saw my Grandfather Solomon, but I didn't and I felt like a ghost" Maximus responded shivering when he said like a ghost. Master J froze when he heard what his student said "Master Solomon said we all need to go to Earth an..."he was cut off by his master "Maximus I already knew of this your grandfather and I had a chat and he said I must follow you so I will, but we agreed that if you were to go you will have to go to the place of University to learn of Earth" Maximus looked at Charles to know what his master said "University is a place to learn things like business and English, which you will need to learn to even do anything, oh and maybe Spanish or French I'll let you decide" Charles answered his bewildered brother "wait your coming with me bro"Maximus answered in a angry tone "Maximus go and prepare for it's going to be a long journey to Earth" Master J responded "yes master but wait how are we going to get everything packed up" Maximus asked Master J chuckled at the boy's question "like this boy" Master J then lifted his right hands "Ro Ter" and in a flash everything turned into a small box and it landed in Master J's hand Maximus was stunned to see his Master be able to do that in the matter of minutes "Now let's go outside and I'll help you with that trick Solomon showed you" then Master J walked of ignoring his

star struck student behind. Outside Maximus, Charles and Master J stood waiting for Maximus to use his ability to send them to Earth."OhRealshah, no, no, no, uh.. oh Oh shear rah no oh I can't remember it it was Oh something Ah what is it " Maximus was hitting himself on the head,trying to remember the words to somen the aircraft "did you try resh, raesh oh I know Reash try that" Charles responded "heh couldn't hurt to try" he took a deep breath and said "OhReash-Ah" then a big white flash appeared and then right in front of them lay the huge, hitech, royal blue aircraft it was their grandfathers old plane A-3 "your grandfather had the best gear for the job, now come, Charles do you think you can make this thing fly again" Master J asked "I probably can and make it turn invisible on command to protect us from the planet's inhabitants" Charles answered in a smug tone "good then you will fly the ship to Earth" Master J responded "can you open this door please Charles" Master J asked "ok, let's se what we got here ah here's a button to open it at the left." Charles opened the door and low and behold their was a place to store luggage, two beds and two chairs and a big flat screen and all the way at the back lay the cockpit "well this is our new home till we get to Earth, so get comfortable were staying in here far at least a day or two" Master J said walking in and immediately sitting down on the chair

"I'll be in the cockpit if you need me" Charles responded heading to the cockpit to get ready for take off Maximus staring at the bed then limped his way to his be still tired from his hunt and from using up all his energy then fell on the soft bed and slept in what felt like months "finally some sleep that's all I really needed" he thought to himself and then he drifted to sleep not bothered of what is in store for him.

guys I'm making a competition

comment a place for a new base doesn't have to be real,the one with the most like on their comment wins.

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