
Maximus power

Maximus Power the power to enhance your strength is a powerful skill, but is it strong enough to beat a monster of shadow

Maximus_Blick · Fantasy
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27 Chs

New Beginning

10 years later:

31-Solenti-23:40 in Earth time

"Hey Max can you help me finish this" Charles yelled out "yeah coming Bro I got Nector for me and Master J". Maximus answered back,he wore a black jumper and blue jeans, his hair was more scruffy and untidy and had now grew a little beard,but now had a scar on his left cheek he held the dragon blade his father gave him and on the other a wooden shield that looked like it was about to break at any moment "took me all day to kill the Oleas just to get two" Maximus then looked at their home they've been living in for 9 years an old and very dirty cave and you could see a little glow of light then Maximus entered but the inside was completely different from outside it was very cozy having three beds, training dummy, small library, dining table and a rocking chair Charles "hey Charles how that body holding up" Maximus asked. sitting on the old rocking chair was Charles trying to fix some wires on his arm"yeah I'm good just trying to make my left arm work again, hey can I ask a question please its important"

Charles asked while finishing up his left arm "yeah fire away" Maximus responded "My memory proseres are a bit glitchy,I just need a relapse of what happened in the past 10 years please" Charles asked "oh that's it, well okay then but I have to make a bit short because I need some sleep, ok when we first lifted off our destination was originally Altever, but it we were set off course because the Red Sun was able to just hit us thankfully we were set to a planet but we crashed landed I was fine for some reason but..." Maximus stopped looking at his Brother he was made out of metallic skin and wore mountain gear but he looked like his Brother just with out the scar and instead of brown hair he had blonde hair like Oneal."your body were destroyed but Master J came along and made you a robot suit and put your remains in their, then we stayed with Master J for 9 years now he trained us in martial arts, taught us how to survive in different environments and we got to live with him in his cave." Maximus answered standing up ready to go to bed

" thanks this should help me get up to speed with you now" Charles responded "any time bro now time for some.." but he was cut off by a loud voice coming from the other cave "Antiro Eval Du" a old man yelled he wore black robes and had a white pony tail hair and a small toupea "it's time to train boys,Charles training dummy, Maximus Library for Une,Vernon(30 min), now Omear"Master J answered in a commanding voice then both of the boys went to do their orders. 12 minutes later,Charles was using new techniques he learned from Master J but Maximus started to fall asleep on the rocking chair, then he close his eyes and all he could see was darkness, then Maximus woke up all of a sudden and all he could see was a white fog "hey is anyone here anyone" then he heard a familiar voice of a man "I'm here what is it you seek young one"

"sir where am I who are you " Maximus called out then the figure started to appear in front of Maximus "no... its impossible" the figure was now easier to see " hello Maximus" the figure said "GRANDFATHER Solomon ".

guys I just wanted you to know that Ill make it longer than 200 but it will take me a bit of time since of school thank you for being the patient with me guys

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