
Maximus power

Maximus Power the power to enhance your strength is a powerful skill, but is it strong enough to beat a monster of shadow

Maximus_Blick · Fantasy
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27 Chs


15-altle- later 15 minutes in Earth time

Maximus opened his eyes, he stared at the cold turquoise ceiling but then it started to spin. How long have I been sleeping for? three, four, five minutes.Maximus using all his strength sat up from his bed and stood up his head was spinning, like he has spun fifty times."Bro how long until were at Earth" Maximus yelled out "Fivr alter bro, but dude you know you only slept for fifteen alter right?" Charles yelled back. Maximus ,who was confused and annoyed for knowing he slept for only 15 minutes, walked to Master J room "uhh... my head feels like it's being hit by a hovenal" Maximus said in pain, as he went up to Master J. Master J went over to his pupil in concern "Boy what have you done to your self?" "Nothing...!" Maximus yelled but went quiet when Master J stared at him in the eyes, as if he was piercing him with knives "I... uh...I mean it just started to hurt" Maximus stuttered. Master J huffed and said "maybe you should train your mind, it might help, I'll go get some of our spare Nector it'll speed up your recovery" Master J went into his room it was very cramped, it was filled with book shelves, a training dummy and an old photo. Maximus noticed the dusty photo on the wall and asked "Master who are those two kids with my grandfather." Master J looked up and chuckled to himself."The kid are me and your grandfather and the one wearing it is his father, Nick Thealt" Master J went to the picture and picked it up from the wall."wait so you and grandfather are the same age?" Maximus asked "we...were..brothers, twin brothers." Master J stuttered. Maximus almost tripped over hearing what his Master said "wait...hold on how's that possible,me and Charles have been taught of our family tree Deat-ten ago."Maximus asked sitting down on Master J's bed to try and recover from the shock "I was cut out because my power was destruction, not creation, but Maximus tell me this, why do you think you were Crashed here" Master J asked "because the Red Sun set us off our destination w..."Maximus was cut off by Master J "Wrong! yes you were hit by him, but he only destroyed the landing gear, not your destination, your father wanted me to take you so he talked to me. I was to meet him and you two in a place west from the island,but because of...you know, I had to meet you East."Master J let a huge huff "Maximus, please don't tell your brother this I don't think he will be able to take all of this yet." Maximus nodded, knowing that his brother wouldn't be able to hold it together.

"If I do you must promise me, you will tell him I'm not doing your work Master." Master J nodded. "alright I'm going to see what my brother."Maximus said as he left the room in

pure confusion.