
Maximus power

Maximus Power the power to enhance your strength is a powerful skill, but is it strong enough to beat a monster of shadow

Maximus_Blick · Fantasy
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27 Chs

A bloody goodbye

During the dark blue sky stood a man and 2 children both at the age of 15 the man wearing a lab coat and his children wearing silk clothes but not like the clothes we wear now no these clothes were more advanced more beautiful and elegant. One of the boys spoke with a hyper active voice "father what are we doing here where's mom?"

Then the other child spoke up "dad when am are we going to get our weapons and train you said we can do it again, yesterday you said it to me and Charles I remember it, right Charles"

Charles also in a hyper tone spoke "yeah, you did say we would have new weapons."

the father started to chuckle at the children excitement "Charles,Maximus please calm yourselves like I'd forget something like that, please for the life of me stop, you've been annoying the living the daylights out of me because your friends have a weapon and powers of their own, but to be honest I don't see the what's so exciting about that, but I do the weapons for the both of you, for Maximus the dragon sword and gun, and for Charles the dragon reaper scythe." As the boys the boys snatched their new dazzling weapons off his hands laughing and cheering Maximus his new sword that looked like a massive bone from a finger and at the bottom coated with gold as well as his gun that looked like a tactical shotgun and Charles new scythe, the bottom made of some dark black wood and the top looking like a mammoth sized teeth as the boys were trying out their new weapon

the doctor with tears streaming down his face spoke up"uh... boys their's another thing I need to give you, just follow me downstairs." but as the father started to walk away Charles spoke up "What's wrong dad?"

As the father stopped he started to chuckle "so nothing goes over you two huh." as he said that the father looks at his watch and says in a worried but also serious tone he whispered "5 minutes, to get you boys out of here" as he said that he pulled both of the boys arm and dragged them to the doors and down the long flights of stairs,

"Dad what's going on you can tell us?" Maximus said looking in to his fathers eyes to look for his answer to no avail, with a sigh knowing that they were going to know anyway answered "Fine, you want to know here's what happening you two are being hunted down by The Red Sun and he's going to take this whole planet with him till he has the both of you"

"Wait, who is the Red sun dad, where are we going to go, is mum coming with us" Maximus asked, the father sighed he was running out of patients answered back "No, your mum's pride wouldn't let her, instead she decided to stay back, she's going to sign up to protect the city from the Red Sun, now hurry up" Charles and Maximus both looked at each other looking very confused and bewildered why their father was acting so differently, while trying to keep up with their dad.

"Wait dad what do you mean she's not coming, she has to come with us, we can't leave her behind!" Maximus yelled hitting his father in the face leaving him with a small bruise.

"Stop Brother, she must have a reason not to come with us, please stop." Charles said holding Maximus by the arms.

"Hit me all you want, the women refuses to come till she knows you two are safe, so get your thick head straight!" the father yelled back."Now please follow me or else it will be a waste of your mums effort!" he continued as he turned dragging the two again.

"Wait, dad how are we supposed to get out of the city, I haven't unlocked my teleportation powers yet"asked Charles "Don't worry I made a plane for the both of you boys, I wanted to give you it when you were 18 but I guess 15 isn't a bad age to learn to fly." said the father

then all of a sudden Crash a black thick steamy piece of fog crashed through the doors and heading for the family "k-90,4 engaged," the father yelled then the floor started to go up, then with a face filled with fear Maximus asked his father "dad what's going on?"

As the floor started to elevate so did the darkness hunting its prey then in the thick thog formed red bloody eyes and sharp vicious teeth "Kids get in now K-90,4 set co-ordinates to Olraer island," the father yelled with fear in his eyes, like he knew something was going to happen, but then their was a bone chilling voice in the air "give up Oneal give me your children and mabye I won't destroy the planet!" "Never I know what they are and I know with time you and all of the Redstarien's will be abolished" then with a scream of thousands of dying men,woman and children the Smoke dovein for Oneal but every attack he threw at him he dodged wrecking the harry carrier airport apron, but just as he was about to enter the plane, slash blood started to trickle from Oneals mouth.

"no" the boys yelled with disbelief of what they saw. A black mist had went straight through Oneals back and with Oneals dying voice he coughed out "one dote...a three." then with that single command, the plane started to elevate off the ground as the boys started to scream and cry for their father not to die, but it was hopeless the father stopped breathing and was now on the floor lifeless the only thing left on him was a smile and as the beaten up plane flew out of the quiet lab the dark mist in a last ditch effort cut a bit of the wing but not enough to stop themand as the Night sky became day break the plane entered orbit with 2 kids and 1 empty seat.