
Maximus power

Maximus Power the power to enhance your strength is a powerful skill, but is it strong enough to beat a monster of shadow

Maximus_Blick · Fantasy
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27 Chs

The A.D.

As Maximus was entering the cockpit, Charles looked at him thinking he was told off "So... what's your punishment dude?"Charles asked trying to hold back the snigering. Maximus answered in a smug tone "oh ha ha I'll tell you this, I had no Punishment." Charles looked at him surprised "wait how come, didn't you at least get told to do some push ups or read a book?" Charles asked. Maximus thought for a second, remembering his promise to Master J "nope nothing but he said I should meditate to heal it, so I'll be in my bed to sleep."Maximus said as he stood up and yawned, but as he was leaving the cockpit, Charles yelled out to him "Wait, I think I have a way to help you heal it faster and for you to talk to one of your ancestor!" Maximus in a tired expression said "sure, I do want to talk to someone important." "great follow, me and I'll help you get in and help you to talk to this guy."Charles responded as he stood up.

3 altla later

"finished!"Charles yelled startling Maximus "oh sorry, but it's finished all you need to do is go in and lie-down, this will do the rest I'll call it the uh.. A.D."Charles explained.

The A.D. looked very high-tech it had a screen and had a butterfly needle."what's with the needle dude" Maximus asked "to keep your blood stable... but it is a little old, so its going to give you side effects like vomiting, losing your original ability and your eyes will go white if u don't get out on the time." Charles looked at his brother, bracing for a yelling of his life."fine let's do this, so how do we do this." Maximus asked with excitement. Charles looked at his brother but then smirked realizing who he was speaking to. "All you have to do is sit and rest and I'll do the rest."Charles said as he started to prepare for Maximus to get in. As Maximus layed on the A.D. he felt a little pinch as if someone punched him on the arm then Maximus eye lids started to close.

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