

  "Meeting's all set up for tomorrow by ten a.m sharp", Killian said.

  "Alright man, thank you", Brian said.

  He was glad that the Governor had given him audience when he wasn't expecting him to. This just showed that the threat Wilfred had made was something that kept everyone on the edge.

  "Still on the inventory. I should get the total number before the end of the day", he said.

  "How is your mate. I hope she's okay?", Brian asked.

  When they were at work, Brian noticed that Jack hardly ever talked about her. He didn't know how their relationship was but one thing he was sure about is that he loved her.

  "She's fine, the baby is almost here any moment from now so we're putting the final touches for their arrival", Jack smiled.

  "They?", Brian asked.

  "Yes boss, Jack is expecting twins. He's going to be a father of two bouncing cubs", Killian hollered.

  "Oh my, that's so amazing. Serah would be really happy", Brian smiled.