

  "Information just reaching me says that professor Handel and his wife would be staying at the same house they were the last time. I've already stationed some security men around the house, we're just waiting for them to do something unusual", Jack said.

  Brian paced about in the living room of his mansion. Serah didn't know anything that was going on and he wanted to keep it that way, informing her could be disastrous and that was something he desperately wanted to avoid.

  "Okay, keep it under wraps. Make sure no one knows about this until we know the next line of action to take", Brian said.

  "I will boss", Jack said before cutting the call.

  "Keep what under wraps?", Serah yawned.

  She walked towards Brian still in her nightgown and Brian had never seen one human who looked so beautiful.

  "Hi baby", Brian smiled.