

  "Man, hurry up. We don't want to be late for this meeting", Jack said.

  "I'll be at the club soon, I'm driving", Brian said.

  He was some minutes late which was caused by him trying to force Serah's secret out of her but as the stubborn woman she was, she refused to spill it.

  Brian got to the club soon and together, they left for the government house. Oddly enough, he was relaxed for the meeting and he knew it would go well. He was assured that the Governor would see the reasons behind they're plans.

  Deep down, Brian had vowed within himself to evacuate the people with or without the Governor's approval. He couldn't sit back and watch innocent people get killed by the tht bloody starving demons.

  "We're here", Jack said.

  They drove slowly past the security gates heading towards the house where the governor and his family resided. The trio climbed out of the vehicle soon but were stopped for some security checks.

  "We're clean", Brian said.