
Chapter Seven


"It's like she doesn't even want to acknowledge my existence and I've tried almost everything to make her like me. I've even shown even feigned interest in most of her hobbies...Martin! Are you even listening to me?".

I drag my eyes from the menu I'm perusing to look at my irritated girlfriend sitting across from me. Don't get me wrong it's not that I don't like spending time with Camilla, but spending the whole time listening to my girlfriend complain about my mum is not how I imagined this date going. We are dining at the very exclusive Meraki restaurant, which I had to reserve weeks in advance. The least she can do is try to enjoy the food and give her issues with my mum a rest for a moment.

"Of course, Cam, I heard every word you said. It's just that you've brought up this issue many times before and like I told you before, my mum doesn't have a problem with you personally, she just has really high expectations for who she expects me to eventually settle down with." Camilla raises her eyebrows at this and I know that she's gearing up for an argument.

"And I suppose that I don't live up to those expectations? Is it because I don't come from a wealthy and powerful family? I may not come from money, Martin but I've worked hard to reach where I am today, why can't she see that?," Camilla says getting angry now.

I close my eyes for a second and decide that I can still salvage this evening, if I can say the right words to placate her.

"Let's not talk about that right now, we could talk about you instead you look lovely in that dress by the way." She then looks down at her dress and smiles. She's wearing a grey a grey formfitting, long sleeved dress that reaches just above her kne.

" Do you like it? I bought it just for today," she says shyly, but her expression quickly darkens again and she glares at me.

" Don't think you can distract with compliments and change the subject. I want to know exactly why your mum has a problem with me." I sigh and look into her eyes that are giving me no easy way out.

"Listen Cam, it doesn't matter if my mother likes you or not. I'm an adult who can make my own decisions and not even my mum or dad can stop us from being together, I'm the one who knows the real you. I know that you are a beautiful person both inside and out, so who cares what everyone else thinks?".

She smiles cheerfully at my words and leans forward on the table to give me a quick peck on my cheeks.

" Thanks babe, you always know just the right words to say," she says with tears in her eyes, " I hope you know that you mean the world to me."

" You're my whole world too," I say.

Seeing that Camilla is now in a better mood, I signal for the waiter to come and take our orders.

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