
Chapter Six


"Are you sure that he was talking to his girlfriend though?, asks Asha placing her hands on her hips, today she's wearing a pink, flowery summer dress that reaches just past her knees with some cute gladiator sandals. " I mean maybe he was just making dinner plans with one of his friends".

"No, he was definitely talking to his girlfriend, " I say finally looking up from painting my toenails. I'm still wearing my pajamas and immediately Asha and Melissa came by to visit me and saw the state I was in they asked me what was wrong. I then recounted to them everything that happened on Martin's first day of work, including how he seemed to be cold and then me discovering that he had a girlfriend.

"I don't think he calls his friends 'love', Asha and you should have heard the tone of voice he used when talking to her, I'm sure he was talking to his girlfriend".

"I for one think that you shouldn't be even entertaining the idea of having any sort of relationship with your employee, that kind of behavior is not appropriate for the workplace," says Melissa without even looking up from her phone. She's wearing a red halter top with black jeans, her ginger hair pulled up in a neat bun. " Maybe you discovering that he's got a girlfriend is the wake up call you need to realize that a relationship between you two just cannot happen," she says, crushing my hope even further. Asha notices my sad expression and immediately comes to sit next me ,placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Don't listen to her Shaylin", she says, " if you feel that strongly for this guy then you should be patient and wait for a bit. Who knows maybe in time he'll break up with his girlfriend. " Melissa rolls her eyes from her position on the other side of the bed. I put back the lid on the nail polish, having finished painting my toenails.

"It's not just the fact that he's dating that's weighing on my mind, it's the fact that even though I know that he's dating my feelings for him are still the same and I can't seem to move in", I say in a frustrated voice. Melissa and Asha exchange a look and some kind of silent communication seems to pass between them.

"Okay, Shay", says Melissa grabbing her purse from the bed, " Ash and I will leave now ,so that you can have some time alone to sort through your emotions".

"Thanks guys, I really appreciate you coming here to keep me company," I say grateful to have time to myself again.

"No problem Shay, call me if you need anything," says Asha giving me a quick hug and leaving right behind Melissa. I lean back on my bed finally glad to be alone again so that I can mope in peace ,but a few minutes later I feel a heavy presence in my room. I sit up, trying to see if either Asha or Melissa came back, but I freeze when I see a red haired woman dressed in a long black dress standing in the middle of my room. She looks at me with a sardonic look on her face and smiles at me without any real happiness in her expression, I get up from my bed trying to run to my door.

" Don't be afraid my dear, I'm Mira a wizard" she says that chilling smile still fixed on her face, " I'm not going to hurt you ,I actually have a proposition for you that I think you might like to hear."

"What kind of proposition would that be?", I ask, still refusing to be seated in her presence. There's just something about her that I find unnerving and strange. " who are you and how did you even get into my house?," I ask somewhat braver now that I know she won't hurt me.

"You'll learn all these things in due time my dear", she says chuckling through her red lips. "To answer your first question, what I want from you is too develop a new identity, disguise yourself and get close to the crown prince Miguel so that that you may discover all his secrets and weaknesses, which you will report back to me. I know that working together we can prevent Miguel from becoming the next king and destroy the Constancio royal family."

Disguise myself and get close to Miguel? Is this woman serious?, I have no real problem with the Constancio family, my problem has always been with Miguel. I don't think I could ever work with someone like her to bring down the royal family.

" I refuse to take part in your plan, Mr Constancio has been a good friend to my father for many years now and I don't think I can betray him like that.

But what about Miguel?," asks the woman, "Don't you finally want revenge for the way he's always overshadowed you all these years? For always being second best him?. Don't you want him to pay him for making you feel like no matter how hard you try you'll still never be as good as him?."

I think over what she just said, she's making a good argument and I would really like to make Miguel pay for all the hurt that he's caused in my life. I decide then that I don't really care about anything else except making Miguel pay, no matter the cost. Even if it's making a deal with this woman I don't even know or trust.

"Fine", I say finally looking at the woman again, " I'll do as you ask if you promise me revenge against Miguel Constancio". She then smiles at me

"We have a deal my dear," she says and then vanishes into thin air. I'm left standing in my bedroom and wondering what the hell I've gotten myself into.

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