
Chapter Eight


No more love sickness Shaylin, you can get over him.

I've had to repeat this new mantra to myself over the weekend, hoping that saying it over and over again will help me get over this silly infatuation I seem to have with Martin. The goal is to be able to look him in the eye and be in his presence without losing my cool.

I repeat to myself as I make my way into the lobby of the office building and immediately spot Lucy already sitting behind the desk as usual.

"Good morning miss Shaylin," she says with her usual bright smile in place as I make my way towards her. I envy people like Lucy who can be so cheerful even so early in the morning, I on the other hand need at least two hours and a cup of coffee before I can feel like my normal self.

"Good morning Lucy, how are you this morning?," I ask her as I stop at her desk and slightly lean against it.

"I'm very well, thanks."

I linger by her a bit debating of I should her if Martin has already arrived for work after promising myself that I wouldn't pine for him anymore, Lucy seems to sense my internal struggle and gives me an uncertain smile.

"Is there anything I can help you with miss Shaylin?." She ask me, I decide to just ask her the question. It's not like asking a question can do any harm.

"Yes, Lucy. Has Martin already reported for work today?"

A thoughtful look crosses her face as she processes the question

" Yes, I believe Mr Martin reported for work ten to fifteen minutes ago."

I try to school my features into a mask of interest so as not to show how this answer pleases.

"Thanks Lucy," I say as I make my way past her desk and to my office. "I'll be in my office."

"You're welcome, miss Shaylin ". She says going back to work on her computer.

I make my way into the office and sigh loudly when as usual I find a mountain load of work waiting for me on my table.

Sometimes I hate my job

Settling I'm reminded of the encounter I had with the strange red haired woman in my room. I wonder why she would not want Miguel to become the crown prince. She also seems to have done her homework for her to have known about the fact that I hate Miguel for always showing me up. Whatever the case might be being on her bad side would not be nice because she seems like a dangerous person.

Choosing to set aside the disturbing situation I seem to have found myself in for later, I completely immerse myself in my work and for the next few hours thoughts of getting revenge and unrequited love don't even cross my mind.

I hear a knock on my door and I absentmindedly say, " Come in", without looking up from my work. I hear the door open finally look up to see Martin enter my office. My heart skips a beat and I work very hard to keep a smile from my face. He on the other hand maintains a picture of indifference.

"Good morning, miss Shaylin."

"Morning, Mr Martin," I reply in a tone I hope comes off as polite but professional. " How can I help you?", I ask.

" I was hoping that you could sign off on some of these projects", he says placing some documents on my desk. I notice that he is being unusually professional and aloof with me again today and can't help but feel hurt.

"No problem I say", scanning the documents. "I'll get on these right away."

"Thank you", he says, that cool mask still in place. He gives me a polite smile and then leaves.

I don't know why his coldness is bothering me so much. It's not like he's shown a particular interest in me, so I tell myself that maybe it's for the best that he's choosing to keep our relationship formal. Also he already has a girlfriend so it's not like I have a chance anyway.

I decide to bury myself in work for the rest of the day and by the time the work day is over I've gotten a lot of stuff done. I decide that I should probably put my plan of destroying Miguel into action after I leave the office. I can go to his house and offer an olive branch so that he can feel free to let his guard down around me. I'll then strike when he least expects it.

Please with the plan I've come up with, I make my way out of the office building and drive straight to Miguel's house. I'm immediately let in after getting unidentified by the guards at the gate. I drive into his spacious driveway and his amazing house comes into view. I park my car, walk to the door and bring the doorbell. The door is opened by a dark haired, heavy set woman with an olive skin tone, wearing a severe expression on her face.

"Hai, my name is Shaylin and I'm here to see Miguel," I tell her. She holds the door open wider and motions for me to come through.

" Unfortunately, Mr. Miguel is not home at the moment, but you're welcome to wait for him until he comes back. He should be back soon."

" Thank you, I'll wait for him", I say following her into the house. She introduces herself as Anna and says that she is Miguel's housekeeper.

"You can wait for him in here", she says pointing me towards a chair in the living room. " Can I get you anything?"

"No, thank you," I tell her. She nods and then leaves me alone.

I decide to take in Miguel's living room décor then. It's modest but sophisticated, not overly flashy or gaudy. Even though he is the crown prince, he seems to have modest taste.

"What do you think?," says a deep voice right beside me startling me. I turn my head and see Miguel standing beside me. I had been so engrossed in checking out his house that I didn't even notice him come in. He's staring right at me and I remember that he asked me a question. I frown signaling my confusion.

"I mean the what do you think of the house?." He clarifies.

" I like it", I tell him honestly, " it's flashy or gaudy so I like it." I say.

He smiles at this seemingly pleased with my answer.

" I'm surprised that you're here to see me, seeing that the last time we met you told me that you hate me," he says as he goes over to sit on the chair directly across from mine.

"I'm really sorry for the way I behaved the last time we met, I was just lashing out cause I felt like as time went by you abandoned me more and more for your royal responsibilities," I say putting as much sincerity as I can into my voice, while looking at the floor. " I hope we can still be friends", I say finally looking at him and find that his eyes are already on me.

His eyes soften then and he smiles at me. He looks so happy that for a moment I almost feel bad that I'm about to trick him, but then I remember all the heartache he's caused me over the years.

"Of course we can still be friends," he finally says. " let's both agree to leave the past in the past."

" Thank you so much, Miguel," I tell him in and flash him an overly bright smile.

This is going to be so much easier than I thought.

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